NetKernel Change History

NetKernel manages updates with it's package manager Apposite. Apposite changes are found in the apposite repository which is periodically updated with new packages. Packages contain one or more modules to deploy into a NetKernel instance.

Each block in this page represents a release of a set of updated packages into the repository. Each package is listed along with the version that has been released and the change notes associated with it.

In addition to packages, occasionally a new NetKernel distribution is released this will contain all cumulative updates from the previous release along with new updates. When using a new distribution, it's repository may not contain older package versions. Distributions come in two flavours, Enterprise and the community Standard Edition.

Thu, Jul 30, 2020
lets-encrypt 1.4.1 ► fix to update fulcrums with changed config to support latest Jetty
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 3.5.1 ► update fulcrum with changed config to support HTTPS on latest Jetty
Wed, Jul 1, 2020
http-server 3.18.1 ► Fixed mustBeSSL in RESTOverlay
kernel 1.41.1 ► Multi-threaded request kill to speed up shutdown when many requests are pending
nkse-dev-tools 1.87.1 ► Handle extended exceptions that inject additional nested stack such as NKPException
Fri, Apr 3, 2020
module-standard 1.82.1 ► fix broken previous build
nkee-architecture 1.21.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.43.1 ► No description available
nkp2 2.14.1 ► added NKP_REMOTE_INFO header on requests issued from server
► fixed Netty tunnel shutdown issue - sometimes it locked up
► added NKP_REMOTE_INFO header on requests issued from server
► fixed Netty tunnel shutdown issue - sometimes it locked up
Mon, Mar 30, 2020
cache-ee 1.13.1 ► Fixed leak on unresolved keys
database-relational 1.22.1 ► handle byte[] types
http-server 3.17.1 ► added error handling around missing keystrokes to support LetsEncrypt late setup
kernel 1.40.1 ► Added methods for introspecting thread pool size
layer0 1.126.1 ► Fix to that async root requests are issued correctly
► add ability to set timeout on async request listener
nkee-architecture 1.20.1 ► Fix virtual host endpoint to pass correct request verb through
nkee-dev-tools 0.42.1 ► Added unresolved key size to cache viewer
nkee-layer0 1.7.1 ► groundwork for future visualizer
nkp2 2.13.1 ► NKP_CORRELATION header allows tracking of requests between client and server
► client request callbacks from server now issued as root requests
► improvements to startup stability when running client and server on same instance (for development)
► NKP_CORRELATION header allows tracking of requests between client and server
► client request callbacks from server now issued as root requests
► improvements to startup stability when running client and server on same instance (for development)
nkse-dev-tools 1.86.1 ► layer0 fix again!
► added thread pool and JVM thread charts
► added thread pool and JVM thread charts
nkse-visualizer 1.29.1 ► groundwork for new visualiser features
system-core 0.51.1 ► detect space circularities and log warnings
► added thread count monitoring to system statistics monitor
Fri, Nov 8, 2019
module-standard 1.81.1 ► fix to allow endpoints to report more than one initialisation problem.
nkse-dev-tools 1.83.1 ► fixed browse module files to work with modules with no public spaces
system-core 0.50.1 ► fixed browse module files to work with modules with no public spaces
Fri, Sep 27, 2019
hds-g2 1.13.1 ► (NK-12) Allow setting a ClassLoader to use when deserialising HDS, and pass that through from RequestBuilder.
lang-groovy 1.22.1 ► Fix typo in docs
layer0 1.124.1 ► (NK-5) innerLoadClass in DynamicURLClassLoader now attempts to load inner classes via the outer class.
► (NK-8) Allow specifying representation class for arguments in active grammar. Required passing ISpace through to grammar parsers.
► (NK-12) Allow setting a ClassLoader to use when deserialising HDS, and pass that through from RequestBuilder.
► fixed declareExpiryDependency() for INKFResolutionContext to stop resolutions going into cache
module-standard 1.80.1 ► (NK-8) Allow specifying representation class for arguments in active grammar. Required passing ISpace through to grammar parsers.
nkse-control-panel 1.52.1 ► (NK-9) Use CSS3 word-break: break-all rather than extra spans in the visualizer.
nkse-dev-tools 1.81.1 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 1.28.1 ► (NK-9) Use CSS3 'word-break: break-all' rather than extra <span>s in the visualizer.
nkse-xunit 1.20.1 ► (NK-22) Extract /results from the XUnit results before transrepting to HDS (so we don't need to transrept what is not necessary)
Tue, Aug 13, 2019
http-client 2.28.1 ► Fix NullPointerException
Sat, Jul 27, 2019
http-server 3.16.1 ► Updated to Jetty 9.4.19
nkee-http-fulcrum-backend 3.3.1 ► update HTTPServerConfig.xml to support Jetty 9.4.19
nkp2 2.10.1 ► NKP2 HTTP Websocket transport updated to support Jetty 9.4.19
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 3.3.1 ► update HTTPServerConfig.xml to support Jetty 9.4.19
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 3.4.1 ► update HTTPServerConfig.xml to support Jetty 9.4.19
Thu, Jul 18, 2019
http-client 2.27.1 ► Client accessor was reading the content encoding off RBStream which is generally UTF-8 and then the client was always setting "Content-Encoding: UTF-8". Which is of course correct but in fact the only permitted values are for compression! Google being pedantic failed with 415 Unknown content type.
Tue, Jul 9, 2019
nkse-xunit 1.19.1 ► added /test/view/xml/all path for automated discovery
Thu, Jun 27, 2019
hds-g2 1.12.1 ► corrected documentation for HDT. Default value for create-path/@use-existing=true
json-core 1.17.1 ► Added special case into JSONToHDS with HDS2 to support arrays with primitive values inside
kernel 1.39.1 ► added StackOverflow exception with detail debug of stack trace (in case of circularity)
layer0 1.123.1 ► fixed conflict between abbreviated decl request and typo on regular request to give clearer error message
system-core 0.49.1 ► added support for multiple tags on same endpoint in Local Meta Aggregator prototype
Fri, Jun 14, 2019
json-core 1.16.1 ► added legacyMode tag to operator
Thu, Jun 13, 2019
json-core 1.15.1 ► fixed corner case in JSONFromHDS where HDS2 root was marked as array
layer0 1.122.1 ► added support for HDS2 literal type in declarative requests
module-standard 1.79.1 ► Removed over-zealous circularity checking on imports that could cause startup errors
nkse-doc-content 1.63.1 ► documented new HDS2 literal type
web-framework 1.4.1 ► added x-y scatter charts
Sat, May 18, 2019
lets-encrypt 1.3.1 ► Added system health check for valid deployment
► Added additional transport check to show certificate is deployed
nkee-dev-tools 0.41.1 ► added health check to REST introspection API
nkse-control-panel 1.51.1 ► update embedded xmlverbatim in line with changes to HTML serialisation
► updated jQuery and bootstrap to later versions without XSS vulnerabilities
nkse-dev-tools 1.80.1 ► small updates to correct for updated jQuery version
wiki-core 1.22.1 ► update embedded xmlverbatim in line with changes to HTML serialisation
xml-core 2.10.1 ► Revert fix to HTML serialisation to cause text elements to be properly escaped to stop potential XSS attacks
Sat, May 11, 2019
lets-encrypt 1.2.1 ► Initial release
Sun, Apr 7, 2019
hds-g2 1.11.1 ► Additional operations and features
Fri, Apr 5, 2019
hds-g2 1.10.1 ► concurrency optimisations
► added HDT accessor - hierarchical data transformations
nkee-apposite 1.55.1 ► added concurrency throttle to make thread safe to multiple update and synchronisation request through unattended api
Wed, Mar 27, 2019
web-framework 1.3.1 ► added support for segmented lines and non-display of line for null values
Thu, Mar 21, 2019
web-framework 1.2.1 ► back ported additional functionality from polestar charts
Thu, Mar 14, 2019
restassured 1.3.1 ► Updated to REST Assured 3.3.0
Tue, Mar 12, 2019
system-core 0.48.1 ► added localMetaAggregator to get contextually specific meta data - i.e. from local endpoints in instantiated space
Fri, Mar 1, 2019
http-server 3.15.1 ► documentation fixes
lang-scxml 1.4.1 ► added tolerant flag to determine if errors in sub-requests are propagated by state machine
► added varargs to allow additional argument to be passed through to sub-requests
► added support for nCoDE
module-standard 1.78.1 ► More tolerant behaviour in dealing with whitespace in representation declarations
nkse-dev-tools 1.79.1 ► fix to visualizer button on request trace tool
Mon, Feb 18, 2019
maven-server 1.5.1 ► No description available
Fri, Jan 25, 2019
http-client 2.26.1 ► Updated to Apache HttpClient 4.5.7 and Apache HttpAsyncClient 4.1.4
Wed, Jan 2, 2019
mod-mqtt 1.0.1 ► No description available
Wed, Dec 26, 2018
lang-groovy 1.21.1 ► export groovy script representation from class loader
nkse-dev-tools 1.78.1 ► fix to NPE in space explorer diagrams
► enhancement to upload tool to stop double uploads if page is refreshed
► fix to NPE in space explorer diagrams
► enhancement to upload tool to stop double uploads if page is refreshed
Sat, Dec 15, 2018
soap-ws 1.9.1 ► Fix to logical endpoint identifier generation for zones so that they are globally unique
Tue, Oct 9, 2018
http-server 3.14.1 ► Updated to Jetty 9.3.25
nkee-architecture 1.19.1 ► fix to virtual host endpoint to support multiple hosts with same target
Fri, Aug 17, 2018
nkee-layer0 1.6.1 ► Fixed memory leak in External Request Profiler
nkse-control-panel 1.50.1 ► Fix to exception formatting to better distinguish implicit transrept resolution failures (rather than showing causing request)
nkse-dev-tools 1.77.1 ► Added link to directly execute a save scripting playpen script
Thu, Jul 26, 2018
cache-se 1.10.1 ► improved thread safety in resolution cache
http-server 3.13.1 ► added support for maxQueueLength parameter to limit unbounded queue for requests
kernel 1.38.1 ► Release representations earlier for GC by nulling references in SynchronousRequestee. This should lower memory footprint for complex or long running requests.
module-standard 1.77.1 ► Fix to import so that imported empty spaces still appear in space diagrams
nkee-dev-tools 0.40.1 ► added sorting to hash collision view on advanced tab in cache viewer
nkse-dev-tools 1.76.1 ► Fix so that right fields show on both SE and EE
► added activeRootRequests statistic to requests chart
► Remove SE cache settings from EE configuration panel
system-core 0.47.1 ► fix to request rate statistics as used on status graphs and rest introspection API
► added activeRootRequests statistics to show number of concurrent root requests
Tue, Jul 3, 2018
lang-python 1.8.1 ► Fixed issue where context was not updated for current execution - as reported by Gary Windham
Tue, Jun 19, 2018
module-standard 1.76.1 ► added mapper failures to initialisation problems space in explorer as well as log
nkse-dev-tools 1.74.1 ► Added support for creating and deleting files on browse module files mini IDE
nkse-doc-content 1.62.1 ► Various improvements and corrections
nkse-doc-patterns 1.8.1 ► Added missing blank page
nkse-xunit 1.18.1 ► Documented that regex assert will perform .toString() on input
► Meaningful error when no request in test
Mon, Jun 4, 2018
pds-core 1.14.1 ► Added support for delete all - deleting all state in whole zone.
Mon, May 28, 2018
http-server 3.12.1 ► removed call to logging isDebug on each request to improve performance. Support issue for Aurena!
nkp2 2.9.1 ► documentation fixes
Sat, May 26, 2018
cache-se 1.9.1 ► Improved thread-safety
layer0 1.121.1 ► removed synchronised method on SpaceClassLoader to stop potential deadlock caused by external libraries synchronising class loaders themselves
► stop NPE when netkernel.poll=0
► added rescope method to both INKFKernelContext and INKFRequest to allow dynamic scope injection based on resolution of another request
module-standard 1.75.1 ► fix JDK version checking code to support new JDK9 variant of java.version system property
Mon, Apr 23, 2018
system-core 0.46.1 ► fix to logging so that XML log files can be read on JDK9
Wed, Apr 18, 2018
bootloader 1.27.1 ► fixed jdk9 version checking in bootloader
layer0 1.120.1 ► Stop NPE at startup when netkernel.poll=0
nkee-dev-tools 0.39.1 ► update access control tool to use new style icons
► fix login to redirect to BEF correctly when no redirect specified
► added correct serialization of IHDSNode fields in endpoints
► added Introspection REST API and root request profiler
nkee-doc-content 1.7.1 ► added documentation for introspection rest API
nkse-cron 1.19.1 ► stop exception at startup is netkernel.poll=0
► stop exception at startup is netkernel.poll=0
nkse-doc-content 1.61.1 ► clarified dev mode flag
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
bootloader 1.26.1 ► Fixed missing defaults
► Updated to support Java 9
module-standard 1.74.1 ► made version check java9 compatible
nkee-architecture 1.18.1 ► added exponential back-off
► added documentation
► added trip listener
► added circuit breaker
nkee-dev-tools 0.38.1 ► fix bug in root request profiler for some bad requests (websockets?)
nkse-control-panel 1.49.1 ► fix comment escaping
► Fix to xmlverbatim after fix to html serialisation so that closing tag is escaped properly
wiki-core 1.21.1 ► Fixed race condition with incremental macro.
► Fixed race in boot.js
► fix comment escaping
► fix escaping after xml core update
Fri, Jan 26, 2018
1060-NetKernel-EE 6.2.1
Enterprise Distribution

NetKernel 6.2.1 requires Java 8 as the minimum JVM version but is now compatible with Java 9. Cumulative updates rolled up from repositories.

More information available here: wink/wiki/NetKernel/News/9/1/January_26th_2018

Fri, Jan 26, 2018
1060-NetKernel-SE 6.2.1
Community Distribution

NetKernel 6.2.1 requires Java 8 as the minimum JVM version but is now compatible with Java 9. Cumulative updates rolled up from repositories.

More information available here: wink/wiki/NetKernel/News/9/1/January_26th_2018

Thu, Dec 7, 2017
nkee-dev-tools 0.37.1 ► added root request profiler
nkee-layer0 1.5.1 ► added data capture for root request profiler
system-core 0.45.1 ► fix to ensure logical endpoints are resolved to origin correctly
Wed, Nov 22, 2017
json-core 1.14.1 ► fix to JSONFromHDS to serialize primitives in arrays
nkp2 2.8.1 ► fix to ensure filesystem buffered representations are deleted ASAP
Fri, Nov 17, 2017
layer0 1.119.1 ► added rescope method to both INKFKernelContext and INKFRequest to allow dynamic scope injection based on resolution of another request
module-standard 1.73.1 ► Fix to stop resolution failures from being cached
nkp2-loadbalancer 1.6.1 ► added exponential falloff of connect retry
► improved connect performance when loadbalancer starts before any nodes
► fix docs
Fri, Nov 10, 2017
nkp2 2.7.1 ► added remote hosts list to metadata exposed by NKP server
► made expiry functions tolerant to tunnel failure
web-framework 1.1.1 ► fixes for embedded chart
► bugger
► latest updates
► latest updates
► first commit
xml-core 2.9.1 ► fixed so that CDATA is not escaped when serialized
Wed, Nov 8, 2017
bootloader 1.25.1 ► Fixed bootloader version check to work with Java9
nkee-layer0 1.4.1 ► added kernel property to start visualizer to capture boot requests (post commission)
► performance fix so less contention on high core counts
nkp2 2.5.1 ► fixed configuration validation error on <connectionRetry>
► stop nullpointer in space explorer when config was invalid
nkp2-loadbalancer 1.5.1 ► added NKP messages to loadbalancer messages as lb instantiates nkp clients
nkse-cron 1.18.1 ► refinement to cron documentation
nkse-doc-content 1.60.1 ► added kernel property to start visualizer to capture boot requests (post commission)
Wed, Oct 11, 2017
layer0 1.118.1 ► added kernel property to start visualizer to capture boot requests (post commission)
module-standard 1.72.1 ► added optional tag for imports
► added optional tag for imports
soap-ws 1.8.1 ► Fixed mimetype for SOAP 1.1
Thu, Jun 15, 2017
module-standard 1.71.1 ► fix to private filter so that space metadata updates correctly after erros
Thu, May 25, 2017
cache-ee 1.12.1 ► fixes and enhancements to EE cache after TSP work
► - stop NKE getting stats under heavy load
► - add a time between stats number to help calculations
coremeta 1.12.1 ► Tweaked RNG schema to add <meta/> to endpoints and <simple> to grammar
hds-g2 1.9.1 ► fix? to HDS hashcode
► added toStringEquals() custom function
► added toStringEquals() custom function
mod-dgt 1.4.1 ► made 2 phase cut-notify more reliable
► support for additional pass-through overlays on remote servers and also dependency extraction from expiry metadata
► cleaning up
► server maintains coherent dependency state
► refactored messages into generalized format
► factored state for dependencies into DGTBase and added instanceId into config for support of multiple instances
► fixed NPE when no instance of overlay exists
► added basic support for dependency queries.
► limitations:
► - not distributed
► - no cleanup LRU or whatever
► - only one instance per JVM (has statics)
nkee-architecture 1.17.1 ► stop NPE if there is a space race condition on startup and metadata not available yet
nkse-dev-tools 1.73.1 ► increased history to 20, also fixed but in request response when unrecognised representation type
► fix error that stopped requests with verb other than SOURCE from entering history
Sun, Mar 12, 2017
mod-dgt 1.3.1 ► added control panel tool to list DGT instances
► improved documentation
► added logging to server
► two phase cut then notify
► added extra metadata on listeners
► added support for <private/> tag
► made DGT more robust by:
► 1) exposing more metadata about connection
► 2) removing listeners from decommissioned spaces
► 3) thread to keep client connected
► thread safety improvements to DGT
module-standard 1.70.1 ► Added arg:requestIssued to the postProcess - so that it can match up outer and inner requests if needed for things like Sticky header exchange.
nkp2 2.4.1 ► added support for specifying host inet address on netty server
► added socket timeouts
► Doc rootspace has uri
► removed dynamic tag
► removed check for pass by value representations to be never expired
► stopped connect taking longer than wait period specified
► changed default expiry poll to 500ms
► improvements to error reporting
nkp2-loadbalancer 1.4.1 ► changed header to say "exceptions" rather than "errors"
► Fixed documentation bugs in loadbalance config
► added robustness to loadbalancer config polling to help when config is remote
► remove dynamic tag
► add ability to support configuration not being available
nkse-control-panel 1.48.1 ► added golden thread icon
nkse-dev-tools 1.72.1 ► added documentation
► added visualizer option to request trace
► a few final touches, display null response data, update module/space link buttons
► added documentation
► a few fixes!
► Added new generation request trace with
► 1) history
► 2) bootstrap look and feel
► 3) exception handling
► 4) unified request buttons
► 5) declarative and identifier modes cleanly separated
system-core 0.44.1 ► added failFast mode for moduleList
► stopped errors in commissioning make space explorer break
Fri, Feb 17, 2017
nkp2-loadbalancer 1.3.1 ► added ability to have zero hosts in config
Wed, Feb 15, 2017
nkp2-loadbalancer 1.2.1 ► Incremented version for encrypted release to prod
Sat, Feb 11, 2017
nkse-control-panel 1.47.1 ► Enhanced contextMenu on Explorer/Visualizer - Shift-Click now detected and passed to target function.
nkse-dev-tools 1.71.1 ► Increment query version on contextmenu to force browser flush
► Enhanced contextMenu on Explorer/Visualizer - Shift-Click now opens the target in a new tab. Strongly requested by the DB team in training.
► fix lack of re-execution which clicking button
► fix lack of re-execution which clicking button
Sat, Feb 4, 2017
lang-trl 1.9.1 ► Added current working URI as the template argument.
► Added preserveComments to disable the default comment stripping.
Thu, Feb 2, 2017
coremeta 1.11.1 ► added deprecated message to ALL hds1 documentation
layer1 1.55.1 ► Fixed typos in docs.
► Refactored Docs into seperate Doc space as is now best practice.
nkse-control-panel 1.46.1 ► added layer1 import to stop possible resolution failures on transrept of stylesheet
nkse-dev-tools 1.69.1 ► Improved request trace tool to show Exec -> Representation as an IFrame.
► Fixed grammar kitchen style
nkse-doc-content 1.59.1 ► Fixed broken link
► Fixed errata on <doc> on standard endpoint element.
nkse-docs 1.28.1 ► Optimised dynamic reference book gen by switching to active:xsltc
► 10x speedup generating reference documents by using Meunchian method to key unique docs
► Improved sorting of lists. Added deduplication.
nkse-xunit 1.17.1 ► fixed execution of single test to relay metadata
system-core 0.43.1 ► Added os-properties
wiki-core 1.20.1 ► Added delay to innerBoot.js to allow Bespoke to load before attempting to
► initiate slides.
► Moved under main svn control from the previous
► Initial import.
Wed, Jan 18, 2017
coremeta 1.10.1 ► typo
http-server 3.11.1 ► fix to not leak classloader
layer0 1.117.1 ► fixed NPE
► fix to request builder so that argument passed are used in [[arg:x]] substitutions
layer1 1.54.1 ► fix to not leak classloader
mod-dgt 1.2.1 ► Changed version number to enable a rebuild for prod release
► Changed version number to enable a rebuild for prod release
► Moved from mod:dgt to nkp2:dgt to support licensing
► Renamed to support NKP global stem license
► migrated to NKP2
► finalized implementation of cut listener
► Fixed docs.
► Normalized accessor endpoint ids to DGTBaseEndpoint
► first commit
module-standard 1.69.1 ► fix to not leak classloader
nkse-doc-content 1.57.1 ► typo
Mon, Dec 12, 2016
email-core 1.7.1 ► Fixed another potential NPE
Mon, Dec 5, 2016
email-core 1.6.1 ► Added NPE testing to config transreptor to deal with empty user/password
Fri, Dec 2, 2016
email-core 1.5.1 ► fix to export classpath from module for SMTPServerTransport
Thu, Nov 17, 2016
lang-groovy 1.20.1 ► Cache generated classes to avoid class loader leak
► Possible fix for class generation leak.
wiki-core 1.19.1 ► No description available
Thu, Nov 3, 2016
cache-ee 1.11.1 ► added method to force stats update on cache
lang-groovy 1.19.1 ► InvokeDynamic = false
► InvokeDynamic = false
lang-javascript-nashorn 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
► Initial import.
Wed, Nov 2, 2016
bootloader 1.24.1 ► added jdk1.8 check
► Fixed jvmsettings to use modern server and GC on Java 8
► Fixed jvmsettings to use modern server and GC on Java 8
cache-ee 1.10.1 ► various performance tweaks
cache-se 1.8.1 ► No description available
demo-golden-thread 1.5.1 ► CLeand up.
http-client 2.25.1 ► Fixed User Agent version number
lang-groovy 1.17.1 ► Explicitly tell GroovyClassloader to compile using InvokeDynamic JVM bytecode (optimization)
module-standard 1.68.1 ► allow whitespace in declarations of prototype or representation
nkee-dev-tools 0.36.1 ► Fixed exception in control panel if not able to get to News feed.
nkse-doc-content 1.56.1 ► Added clustering docs.
► Added clustering docs.
Tue, Oct 25, 2016
open-jdbc-drivers 0.2.1 ► No description available
Tue, Oct 18, 2016
apposite 1.37.1 ► restyled SE installer
► Fix Groovy BigInteger type change
► restyled SE installer
bootloader 1.23.1 ► Ensured ee cache are same as internal defaults
► Added missing configuration to prevent boot warnings.
demo-golden-thread 1.4.1 ► Fixed docs
► Refactored to two mapper imports. Added new recalc golden thread demo with interface here:
► http://localhost:8080/demo/gtRecalc/
hds-g2 1.8.1 ► No description available
maven-server 1.4.1 ► Fixed 404 on POMs so that build tools then attempt to resolve with other repositories if we don't have the requested library.
nkee-apposite 1.54.1 ► Fix license version locking so that repo migration can happen.
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.9.1 ► refresh deadlock icons
nkee-dev-tools 0.35.1 ► fixes to support new data tables version
► remove dynamic tag
nkee-installer 1.12.1 ► restyled EE installer
nkperf 1.6.1 ► style updates
nkse-control-panel 1.45.1 ► /favicon.ico exposed
► remove dynamic tag
► Favicon version to flush cache
► use transparent favicons
► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
nkse-cron 1.17.1 ► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
nkse-dev-tools 1.68.1 ► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
► remove dynamic tag
► fix colors on form
► remove dynamic tag
► support for referencing files within module
► fix menu on IDE to work with style updates
► fix so control panel is exported
► added font-awesome icons
► added tree view to files and error detection for enterprise modules
► first commit
nkse-doc-content 1.55.1 ► fix borked book icons
► Image tweaks
► Differentiated gradle plugin book icon
► Added Gradle Plugin Book
nkse-docs 1.27.1 ► remove dynamic tag
► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
► Added blended 6.1.1 headers
► stop ee layer0 from showing in javadoc
► added bootstrap and cleaner styling to javadoc index
► Fixed docSource to ensure mimetype of file is preserved - so can serve SVGs from inside docs.
► Differentiated gradle plugin book icon
► Fixed mimetype of SVG icons
► Added Gradle Plugin Book
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 3.3.1 ► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
nkse-license 1.9.1 ► Fixed support and license panels.
nkse-visualizer 1.27.1 ► fix font-awesome font glitch
nkse-xunit 1.16.1 ► Added ?v=6.1.1 to all styles and scripts references to ensure cache flush on migration
Mon, Oct 17, 2016
nkse-control-panel 1.43.1 ► Added svgInject - might be useful. Added class to icons so that SVG icons can inherit currentColor.
nkse-dev-tools 1.67.1 ► Introduced HTML5 form types
Fri, Oct 14, 2016
apposite 1.36.1 ► Removed trailing slash as it seems to not be needed.
► Changed netkernel.layer0.expandDir to be relative lib/expanded/ for portability.
► Removed packager
► new icon
bootloader 1.22.1 ► Automatically discover install path to make NK path relocatable just by moving it.
cache-ee 1.9.1 ► made cache cull thread daemon
database-h2 1.3.1 ► No description available
database-relational 1.21.1 ► added support for returning HDS2 representations
► Fixed synchronisation of pool when using blocking acquisition.
hds-g2 1.7.1 ► performance improvements
► Fix so that if root node of mutator is replaced then mutator correctly references new node
► added documentation for schema stuff
► HDS Schema
► added comment about explored non-compatibility exposed by unit tests
html5-frameworks 1.5.1 ► Updated to Fontawsome 4.5.0 and Bootstrap 3.3.6
► Merged pull of Brian Github contribs
http-client 2.24.1 ► No description available
http-server 3.10.1 ► Added HTTP/2 documentation
► Cleaned up imports
► Updated to Jetty 9.3.12 - Requires Java 8
► fixes to stability and thread safety of HTTP
► added websocket client for use by NKP2 HTTP tunnel
► fix to websocket so that delete verb is requested on close
► removed system out
► fix from Christian Planer for better stability
image-barcode 1.2.1 ► No description available
json-core 1.13.1 ► performance improvements
► added extra configuration options to JSONToHDS accessor
kernel 1.37.1 ► added inbuilt thread starvation test
► allow new public spaces to be added dynamically
lang-groovy 1.16.1 ► Updated groovy to 2.4.7 and now using Java7/8 dynamicinvoke version
lang-javascript 1.8.1 ► Updated to Rhino
lang-ncode 1.13.1 ► Image opitmisations and junk removal
► style updates
lang-python 1.7.1 ► Updated module versions
► Updated to Jython 2.7.0
► Updated to Jython 2.5.3
lang-python-lib 2.7.1 ► Updated module versions
► Updated to Jython 2.7.0
► Updated to Python 2.5.3 libraries
lang-trl 1.8.1 ► removed image reference for broken module image
layer0 1.116.1 ► Attempt to fix boot from Jar NPE
► Added svg to file association mimetypes
► messages for thread starvation
► fix to thread safety issue when calling setListener on INKFAsyncRequestHandle
► don't replace modules in module manager (workaround fact that modules.xml re-registers stem modules)
► Fixed PBV name collision
► improved caching of PBV by adding hash onto PBV resource identifiers
layer1 1.53.1 ► Fixed docs
► made add/remove thread safe
► Fixed thread safety of Recalc Golden Thread by using Synchronous lock on attach and recalcCut. Can be made more efficient by having a lock for every golden thread.
► Added Recalculating Golden Thread
mod-ldap 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-apposite 1.52.1 ► Fixed icons - removed packager (deprecated)
► Fixed fa icons
► new icon
nkee-architecture 1.16.1 ► Fixed dependency pass-through of returned response to queued piggybacks.
nkee-dev-tools 0.32.1 ► use BootPersistence
► added healthcheck webhook
► added healthcheck webhook
► Styling tweaks
► style updates
► style updates
nkee-doc-content 1.6.1 ► Image opitmisations and junk removal
► added healthcheck webhook
► Styling tweaks
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.17.1 ► Root pattern matching on the license set.
► Removed incompatible ZKM obfuscation instruction
► Added stem productId comparison to allow for NKP family of licenses etc.
nkee-installer 1.11.1 ► Removed trailing slash as it seems to not be needed.
► Changed netkernel.layer0.expandDir to be relative lib/expanded/ for portability.
► new icon
nkee-license-manager 1.14.1 ► Styling tweaks
► style updates
nkee-style 1.7.1 ► new splash
nkp 1.17.1 ► NKP NIO first commit
nkp2 2.3.1 ► docs
► documentation
► added publish throttling
► remove comments
► commit with synchronous client
► some minor error handling improvements
► added RemoteChunkingOutputStream buffer pooling
► docs
► improvements to reporting of state
► correlation token?
► improved error handling and reporting when requests and clients can't connect
► added synchronous expiry when poll=0
► added multiple timeout configurations and renamed some configuration properties
► removed hds namespace from tunnel configuration
► implemented support for dynamic polling of server metadata (so spaces can change remotely)
► Fix to stop LZ4 compressed messages being larger than original and causing packets to be too large
► added LZ4 compression
► support for sticky headers
► 3x speed improvement using FastArchiveTM rather than Zip streams
► 3x speed improvement using FastArchiveTM rather than Zip streams
► async remote expiry functions
► Non Java specific encoding of header primitives - for future cross platform ability
► few fixes so that tests pass
► fix error messages
► cleanup state after meta request completes
► Fix to ensure client connections are constructed with a cloned context so that we get good error messages
► Fix to stability issue
► made local pipe more robust
► local caching of modules list on server
► changed getConnections method to use java.lang.Collection
► Added superstack classloader for loading tunnel with cache for factory.
► Also added nkp2 log
► added server config polling and enabled checking
► added and tested network failure, connection drops are handled cleanly
► cleanup requests and responses due to network errors
► cleanup work so that request states are cleaned up in all situations (atleast as covered by tests!)
► support out of order messages
► localpipe supports delayed and lost messages
► got full streaming to disk working
► fixing messages
► implemented authentication
► tightened up delivery failure messages and client connect state machine
► added nkp client mount endpoint
► added nkp client mount endpoint
► support null responses and resolution failure at remote
► got client callback requests working
► relay exception
► unmarshal all request fields
► correct chunk size
► logging messages
► First working end to end request-response
► docs
► first commit
► docs + lower latency
► fixed robustness issues with 0MQ
► documentation
► remove comments
► First commit
► docs
► documentation
► first commit of nkp.netty
► test commit
nkp2-loadbalancer 1.1.1 ► style updates
► take isMutable() out of state to stop startup lockup
► load balancer for nkp2
► load balancer for nkp2
► load balancer for nkp2
► load balancer for nkp2
nkp-loadbalancer 1.2.1 ► remove duplicate control panel icon
nkse-control-panel 1.42.1 ► Image opitmisations and junk removal
► Help context disappears after 3 views and persists.
► fixed bug in control panel wrapper that modified incoming representation by deleting content bound for heading
► search icons
► style updates
► Tweaked usability of doc css. Notably h3.
► added highlight color customization
► defaults
► added customizable header colours in nkse style
► icon decoration support
► icon decoration support
► Flat favicon and query param on reference trick to force browsers to use new version
► style updates
► style updates
► new splash
► Tweak to icon spacing suggested by Matt
► Updated datatables. Optimized render performance of cp-template.xml
► Optimized page render by moving scripts below the fold and marking defer / async
► Fixed rendering speed of control panel.
► Made default icon a vector
► Styling tweaks
► new bootstrap
► style updates
► exception trace styling
► style updates
► style updates
nkse-cron 1.16.1 ► style updates
► Fixed doc icon
► style updates
nkse-dev-tools 1.66.1 ► added highlight color customization
► edit theme colors in configure tool
► Updated Grammars Kitchen
► new splash
► Now report errors and indicated non-save if errors.
► Fix for offline news.
► Styling tweaks
► log viewer styling
► fix fa icons
► fix fa icons
► style updates
► styling fix
► Improved error handling and creation of modules.d directory if needed
► added highlight color customization
► Datatables use deferRender for speed.
► Styling tweaks
► fix font awesome buttons on space structure diagram
► documented explorer navbar accessor
► search icons
► style updates
nkse-doc-content 1.53.1 ► Image opitmisations and junk removal
► Added section on book icons
► Added Markdown link
► port software process content into sys admin book
► book icons
► Qualified use of APIs to avoid confusion with REST APIs
► new splash
► added updated info on specifying control panel wrapping
► Styling tweaks
► Added to gradle docs.
► Removed redundant module packaging videos. Now replaced with Gradle
nkse-doc-patterns 1.7.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.25.1 ► style updates
► book icons
► Fixed docentry to book link in endpoint view.
► Removed legacy book template.
► Fixed icons
► Use new icon tech.
► Fixed book view to use new icon tech.
► Styling tweaks
► fix fa icons in documentation
► style updates
► style updates
nkse-search 1.26.1 ► Fixed icons
► support for extended icons including font-awesome
nkse-visualizer 1.26.1 ► Cleaned layout - moved upload beneath data table.
► Icon and Javascript optimisation
► Fixed icons
► Optimized DataTables to defer load with large tables.
► Styling tweaks
► style updates
► Important fix to visualizer save trace functionality so that saved trace responses are correlated correctly
nkse-xunit 1.15.1 ► Usability tweaks and icons
► Usability tweaks and icons
► Usability tweaks and icons
► Styling tweaks
► style updates
► Fixed styling
► Refreshed to make XUnit a transport and issue all test requests as root requets into target space.
pds-core 1.13.1 ► No description available
rdf-jena 1.13.1 ► Reviewed version of Context loading Query.
► Fixed context resource loading with reentrant query.
► This works but I don't think its correct. We shouldn't override get/set and need to implement initial value.
► RDFDataMgr now sources IRepJenaModel to cache parsed model loading!
► Updated docs. Tweaked ThreadLocal to access via a method.
► Figured out how to load Query referenced resources through the ROC domain. Oh Jena woe is me if only resource loading were properly abstracted.
► Updated to Jena 3.1.0 - now requires Java 8. Pending a few enhancements. Checked in to test Java 8 build.
rdf-rdfa 1.6.1 ► No description available
rest-api-raml 1.2.1 ► No description available
restoverlay-test 1.3.1 ► Updated for revised RESTOverlay
► Tests updated for new initialisation error handling
► Added tests for 405 verb not valid Allow header response.
► added optional <id> tag and enhanced 406 error messages
► conflicting grammar VERB mapping paradox testcase
► Added tests for multiple <produces> and NO @withTransform
► Tests for combined param/xxx
► Added tests to verify...
► Changed firstparam to anyparam
► Added support for side-effect free collection
► Added tests for httpRequest:/firstparam/xxx
► Revised tests for modified interface
► Added tests for several enhancements to httpRequest:/ inspired by Ron Hitchens.
► Added matrix URI test for Brian
security-core 1.6.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.42.1 ► messages for thread starvation
wiki-core 1.18.1 ► No description available
xml-core 2.8.1 ► No description available
Fri, Oct 14, 2016
1060-NetKernel-EE 6.1.1
Enterprise Distribution

6.1.1 highlights include:

  • Cumulative updates rolled up from repositories
  • Hierarchical Data Structure (HDS) schemas
  • Piggyback throttle
  • NetKernel Protocol 2 with tunnels
  • Updated language runtimes
  • Internal optimisations
  • New flat look and feel

More information available here: wink/wiki/NetKernel/News/7/5/November_4th_2016

Fri, Oct 14, 2016
1060-NetKernel-SE 6.1.1
Community Distribution

6.1.1 highlights include:

  • Cumulative updates rolled up from repositories
  • Hierarchical Data Structure (HDS) schemas
  • Updated language runtimes
  • Internal optimisations
  • New flat look and feel

More information available here: wink/wiki/NetKernel/News/7/5/November_4th_2016

Thu, Jul 14, 2016
demo-golden-thread 1.3.1 ► Fixed cut triggered update of iframe by replacing the dom element completely.
► Refreshed UI - uses HTML5 frameworks
Thu, Jun 16, 2016
http-server 3.9.1 ► Allow clean shutdown by not issuing close requests when being shutdown
► added enhanced close with reason and also removed stray debug output for upgrading to websockets
json-core 1.12.1 ► JSONObject now uses LinkedHashMap so that item order is preserved with parse/serialize roundtrip.
► Deals with the case of asking for DeterminateJSON if you are requesting something that already produces a JSON or JSONArray
layer1 1.52.1 ► Fix throttle to pass request headers through
nkse-dev-tools 1.65.1 ► updated default libraries to include HDS and JSON
► fixed explorer library settings
► made left margin on charts slightly large to account for Gb sized heaps in memory chart
nkse-visualizer 1.25.1 ► Visualizer now shows sticky status of headers in detailed view
Thu, Mar 24, 2016
bootloader 1.21.1 ► added STEM declaration to modules declared in stem config
coremeta 1.9.1 ► deprecated note on HDS
http-server 3.8.1 ► fix to http session cull so that oldest sessions are culled first
layer0 1.114.1 ► Enhancements to module manager to support knowledge of where modules are declared
nkse-cron 1.15.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.64.1 ► Enhancements to support knowledge of where modules are declared
► added unjar module feature to module upload
► improved error handling if system cannot be updated for some reason
► remove debug
► module upload icon
► added module upload and module remove tools
► updated new module wizard to add module to modules.d
► module upload tool
nkse-doc-content 1.51.1 ► documentation updates
► reference to embedding images into docs
► move modules over to registering in modules.d/
► added details about registering modules
► Fix references to video tutorials that rsk moved
► Fixed NKFException typos - reported by Tim Darby at
nkse-doc-patterns 1.6.1 ► added missing documents
nkse-search 1.25.1 ► No description available
pds-core 1.12.1 ► Fixed docs
► Added log when using default zone if no config found.
system-core 0.41.1 ► Enhancements to support knowledge of where modules are declared
Thu, Feb 25, 2016
database-relational 1.20.1 ► removed dynamic tag
► updates to PSBatch based on input from Stefan
► added sqlPSBatch accessor
http-server 3.7.1 ► removed debug messages
► buffer large uploads via file rather than in memory
► Update to Jetty 9.2.12 - updates to WebSocket to deal with security handshake.
► Mime Etag encoding final check in
► Improved Etag handling if inner Etag header is provided.
► Optimised logic for efficiency and clarity.
► Added workaround for HTTP PATCH If-Match mimetype specification problem. ETag now encodes mimetype if PATCH supported.
► Added workaround for HTTP PATCH If-Match mimetype specification problem. ETag now encodes mimetype if PATCH supported.
json-schema 1.1.1 ► Removed JVM system limit
► Changed to Compiled concurrent Schema representation.
► Added XUnit assert library
► Temp disable JVM version enforcement until StandardModule updates are released
► Tweaked docs
► Added docs
► Added HDS response mode
► Initial import.
layer1 1.51.1 ► No description available
wiki-core 1.17.1 ► No description available
Mon, Jan 25, 2016
module-standard 1.67.1 ► Added system/jvm version enforcement
wiki-core 1.16.1 ► No description available
Fri, Jan 15, 2016
http-server 3.6.1 ► Fixed ambiguous resolution error handling - detection of ambiguity is now done at commission time and space is invalidated if targets are invalid.
wiki-core 1.15.1 ► No description available
Thu, Dec 3, 2015
http-server 3.5.1 ► added optional <id> tag and enhanced 406 error messages
nkse-dev-tools 1.63.1 ► Fixed Java8 Memory graphs where Metaspace has a zero max
Mon, Nov 30, 2015
json-core 1.11.1 ► Fixed println chatter
Thu, Nov 26, 2015
http-server 3.4.1 ► No description available
json-core 1.10.1 ► Fixed roundtrip issue
► Declared DeterminateJSON representation
► Updated org.json. to latest release.
► Added DeterminateJSON plus transeptions.
► fix to json array conversion
► added support for removing root on JSONFromHDS and also consistent behaviour between HDS1 and HDS2
json-extra 1.1.1 ► Moved from scratch.
lang-javascript 1.7.1 ► Updated to Rhino 1.7.7 released June 2015
module-standard 1.66.1 ► fix to trim whitespace from class tag on prototypes
Fri, Oct 9, 2015
http-server 3.3.1 ► Tweaked docs
► Changed name of "RESTOverlay-Accept" argument to "requiredMime"
► Updated the RESTOverlay to support:
► Multiple <produces> tags
► To apply Vary: Accept header as appropriate for cache control.
► Fixed strict mode's 406 reporting to distinguish between ambiguous versus not found target endpoint.
► Fixed AcceptHeaderParser to detect "null" as a header value and so prevents a false header parse.
layer0 1.113.1 ► sort lib/*.jar in classloader in alphabetical order
rest-api-raml 1.1.1 ► Fixed raml-meta to give proper title and base-uri
► Fixed parser to use InputStream builder rather than deprecated String form.
► Added docs
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
rest-api-swagger 1.1.1 ► Added docs
► Updated to use swagger 1.0.10 and minimal runtime dependency libs
► Refactored from scratch/
Fri, Sep 25, 2015
database-relational 1.19.1 ► Improved equality for ConnectionPools so that pool cache serves unique connection even if everything is the same except for user/password on connection.
http-client 2.23.1 ► updated to http client 4.4.1 to fix SSL timeout bug
http-server 3.2.1 ► fixed thread safety issue with reap
► Updated docs for Jetty 9 config example
layer0 1.112.1 ► delete log lock files on startup in case previous instance crashed badly
► Added getResources method to SpaceClassLoader to make it get full resource list from all imports
nkee-http-fulcrum-backend 3.2.1 ► Changed to Jetty's HandlerCollection to ensure Log handler always gets called if it is enabled.
nkse-doc-content 1.50.1 ► added gradle landing page into distro docs
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 3.2.1 ► Readded HandlerList so that WebSocket is not killed by Chaining together the two NK handlers. If the WebSocketHandler handles the request the NKHandler must not get it.
► Changed to Jetty's HandlerCollection to ensure Log handler always gets called if it is enabled.
system-core 0.40.1 ► Added active:moduelStats to provide module, space and endpoints statistics
Tue, Sep 22, 2015
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 3.2.1 ► Readded HandlerList so that WebSocket is not killed by Chaining together the two NK handlers. If the WebSocketHandler handles the request the NKHandler must not get it.
► Changed to Jetty's HandlerCollection to ensure Log handler always gets called if it is enabled.
Thu, Aug 13, 2015
intray-transport 1.6.1 ► Added regex/rewrite matching on the filenames.
Thu, May 28, 2015
hds-g2 1.6.1 ► Updated module version to get up to 1.1.1 for Maven repo linking compatibility
kernel 1.36.1 ► Updated for Java 8 Thread kill
layer0 1.111.1 ► Updated for Java 8 Thread kill
nkee-architecture 1.15.1 ► fixes to virtual host endpoint to be threadsafe and pass requested representation
Wed, Apr 15, 2015
wink 1.24.1 ► Added dynamic language attribute to html
► Added support for user supplied metadata fields for SEO
Thu, Mar 26, 2015
http-client 2.22.1 ► Security Enhancement - changed default HTTP connection factory to use TLSv1.2 even with Java 7 which defaults to 1.0.
Thu, Mar 19, 2015
database-relational 1.18.1 ► Chris Cormack contribution to support generated-keys on SQLPSUpdate
► Fix to connection pool to support blocking mode
Wed, Feb 18, 2015
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.15.1 ► Fixes to licensing:
► Disable hostname checking
► Check all possible licenses in directory
► on use grace period on boot when meter client installed
► remove whitespace and to lower on company name fields
Wed, Feb 11, 2015
nkee-sshd 1.9.1 ► Fixed AIOB error in NKShellFactory
► Improved parsing/matching of ssh authorized_keys entry.
► fix docs
wink 1.22.1 ► Fixes for HTML mimetype in admin tools
► Template now uses RDFa DTD
Fri, Feb 6, 2015
cache-ee 1.8.1 ► fixed bug in comparator for hit%
demo-websockets 1.3.1 ► Updated to use Jetty 9.2.x standard websockets
http-client 2.21.1 ► Reverted version change - wrong module!
► Updated version to 4.1.1
► Fixed HTTPClientAccessorBase so that connect timeout is applied properly
http-server 3.1.1 ► Updated to Jetty 9.2.x
► Merge of branch/jetty-9.2.x
► Moves to Jetty 9.2.x
► Updates Websockets stack.
► Now requires Java 7!
► Changed space equals comparison to use the HDS collection for compare.
json-core 1.8.1 ► added support for HDS2 with high performance streaming conversion
nkee-architecture 1.14.1 ► Changed async requests to be delegated asynchronously to prevent potential deadlock in async processes.
nkee-http-fulcrum-backend 3.1.1 ► Updated to Jetty 9
nkee-http-server 3.1.1 ► Updated to Jetty 9
nkse-control-panel 1.40.1 ► Removed HDS2 import as causes dependency problem in Apposite at the moment.
► Added HDS2 as import to make it available in future
► added patent numbers
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 3.1.1 ► Updated to Jetty 9
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 3.1.1 ► Updated to Jetty 9.2.x
Tue, Dec 2, 2014
layer0 1.110.1 ► Added @devmode to modules.d/xxx.xml files - so that any modification (or timestamp change) causes the complete set of modules to be loaded/reloaded.
► Required for gradle/eclipse development where build product is always a jar file for continuous deployment - oh thy monolithic tools why art thow so fickle?
Thu, Nov 27, 2014
hds-g2 1.5.1 ► fixed thread safety of lazy initialise of keys
Thu, Nov 20, 2014
hds-g2 1.4.1 ► added HDS fragmentor
mod-ldap 1.2.1 ► Fixed broken import
► Sorted doc broken link
Thu, Nov 6, 2014
layer0 1.109.1 ► fix to FastXPath to stop matching on bad expressions
mod-ldap 1.1.1 ► Final port
► First check in before NK3 -> NK5 conversion.
► Initial import.
Tue, Oct 28, 2014
evernote 1.3.1 ► support getting account name
► Pass through en-* tags
Sat, Oct 18, 2014
layer0 1.108.1 ► fix to stop NPE in legacy HDS equals method
maven-server 1.3.1 ► Removed lastModified data as it caused Maven builds to barf
Tue, Sep 30, 2014
maven-server 1.2.1 ► Added detection of parallel *.pom file to override autogeneration.
► Needed to serve the gradle.plugin artifact.
Fri, Sep 19, 2014
apposite 1.35.1 ► Fixed private declaration for groovy 2.3.6
► Fixed private declaration for groovy 2.3.6
► Fixed private declaration for groovy 2.3.6
database-relational 1.17.1 ► Debugged version of java 6/7 reflection workaround for Driver API change.
► Added java 6/7 reflection workaround for Driver API change.
► Added missing logger method to DriverShim
evernote 1.1.1 ► Polished docs some more.
► Added docs
► Started adding docs
► Implemented support for tags
► Implemented support for attachments (Note Resources)
► Added proper error handling to ENML validator
► Tidied up chaff output
► Added XHTMLtoENML conversion
► Added ENML validation
► ENClientRep now has mutually exclusive access and must be released after use.
► Allowed accessors to be concurrent meaning more than one different account can be accessed concurrently.
► Added OAuth access token control panel tool.
► Fixed EXISTS
► Added Search
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
http-client 2.20.1 ► Fixed bugs in SINK, DELETE of HTTPState
intray-transport 1.5.1 ► Fixed configuration bug of not accepting wildcard file extension if @ext was missing on the config.
lang-groovy 1.15.1 ► Debugged version of java 6/7 reflection workaround for Driver API change.
► Added java 6/7 reflection workaround for Driver API change.
► Updated to use Groovy 2.3.6
lang-trl 1.7.1 ► Added abbreviated syntax support to Declarative Request
lang-xrl 1.14.1 ► Added abbreviated syntax support to Declarative Request
layer0 1.107.1 ► Fixed uri decoding of abbreviated decl request
► Added URL decoding to Decl Request
► Added String constructor for imperative builder style use.
► Removed debug chaff
► Added abbreviated syntax support to Declarative Request
nkee-apposite 1.51.1 ► Fixed private declaration for groovy 2.3.6
► Fixed private declaration for groovy 2.3.6
nkse-doc-content 1.49.1 ► Added abbreviated request docs
Wed, Aug 6, 2014
layer0 1.106.1 ► Implemented first stages of Abbreviated declarative request syntax
nkse-control-panel 1.38.1 ► Improved legibility of resolution exceptions
► Improved legibility of resolution exceptions
system-core 0.39.1 ► Improved serialization of resolution exceptions with additional URI decoded identifier etc
Mon, Jul 28, 2014
http-client 2.19.1 ► Added toString to show details of the state in visualizer
Thu, Jul 24, 2014
wink-slinki 3.1.1 ► Updated to IO2012
Thu, Jul 17, 2014
http-server 2.26.1 ► Final enhancements - httpRequest:/param/xxx now combines any possible param including matrix.
► Added specific access to httpRequest:/queryparam/xxxx
► Aliased httpRequest:/postparam/
► Changed firstparam to anyparam
► Added support for side-effect free collection
► Updated docs.
► Revised Ron's interfaces a little
► Added httpRequest:/firstparam/xxx
► Added docs for the new endpoints.
► Added several enhancements to httpRequest:/ inspired by Ron Hitchens.
► Fixed bug in consumes matching if Content-Type has encoding specified.
► Added some extra documentation on error handling.
module-standard 1.65.1 ► Added support of EXISTS
restassured 1.2.1 ► Pulled Ron's commits from svn.
► Initial import.
► Updates to docs from Ron
Fri, Jul 11, 2014
hds-g2 1.3.1 ► fix to HDS to roundtrip nulls vs empty strings via binarystream
► better error reporting on xpathnotfound and prepend method on mutator
kernel 1.35.1 ► added isAsync support
lang-xrl 1.13.1 ► added children attribute
layer0 1.105.1 ► Added new Async detecting DelegateRequestInto methods to prevent deadlock with sync/async mismatch
► added isAsync request
layer1 1.50.1 ► Changed async requests to be delegated asynchronously to prevent potential deadlock in async processes.
module-standard 1.64.1 ► Removed debug chaff
► Changed mapper and private filter to detect async requests and to delegate asynchronously to prevent potential deadlock in async processes.
restassured 1.1.1 ► Updated libraries to RESTAssured 2.3.2
► Ron has added docs and config
► Ron has added docs and config
► Merged Ron's contributions from github.
► Updated to use RESTAssured 2.3.1 and dependencies.
► Added docs
► Added support for varargs
► First cut - basic tests working so far.
► Initial import.
xml-saxon 1.12.1 ► No description available
Fri, Jun 20, 2014
nkp 1.16.1 ► Fixed potential NPE if endpoint has no metadata and we're looking for private filter meta.
Fri, Jun 13, 2014
demo-nkp-notary 1.1.1 ► Added docs
► Refactored to tidy up space diagram
► Added reference to notary - can comment out to make notarization optional
► Fully working with NKP 3-party.
► Implemented trust boundaries
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Cleaned up
► Refactored to tidy up space diagram
► Added reference to notary - can comment out to make notarization optional
► Fully working with NKP 3-party.
► Implemented trust boundaries
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Cleaned up
► Refactored to tidy up space diagram
► Added reference to notary - can comment out to make notarization optional
► Fully working with NKP 3-party.
► Implemented trust boundaries
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
hds-g2 1.2.1 ► fix to stop NPE when comparing documents with null values
html5-frameworks 1.4.1 ► Added prism framework (
► added Leaflet for map rendering
► update 2014/05/21 and included Pure (css framework)
nkp 1.15.1 ► Added link to config in docs
► Added NKPResolvableFilter.
nkse-dev-tools 1.62.1 ► Improved space description in trace tool dropdown list.
pds-core 1.11.1 ► fix to PDS in memory exists returns true
rdf-jena 1.12.1 ► update jena
xml-core 2.7.1 ► Fix to use JDK TransformerFactory by default if available
Thu, May 29, 2014
hds-g2 1.1.1 ► fix to clone documents that are imported
► a few bug fixes
► added appendChildren() method to IHDSMutator
► documentation
► rename toHDS() to toDocument()
► added hashCode and equals onto HDS representation
► added hashCode and equals onto HDS representation
► added hashCode and equals onto HDS representation
► added optimised HDS serialisation direct to binary stream or string
► namespace support
► Fixed Java 7 creep.
► added support for attributes
► added support for key()
► added transreptors and hash and equality methods
► refactor
► Fixed Java 7 syntax compile error on 6.
► added IHDSContext.resetCursor() method
► finally found reason why relative iterators were returning duplicate nodes
► workaround problem with iterator returning multiple duplicate nodes (getNodes() and setCursor())
► added getRootXPath, getCursorXPath, getFirstValueOrNull, getFirstNodeOrNull methods.
► added createIfNotExists()
► fixed HDS export
nkee-architecture 1.13.1 ► Clean up
► Added check that space is a ValueSpace.
► Added docs for onewaytrapdoor
► Added OneWayTrapdoor Overlay
Mon, May 19, 2014
nkse-xunit 1.14.1 ► Fixed index error on exec if imported tests are used.
Thu, May 15, 2014
http-client 2.18.1 ► Merged in branch/async-work
► Updated to use Apache 4.3 client
► Added Asynchronous client support
► Added HttpClientResponseRepresentation
► Added Options support
Wed, May 14, 2014
lang-dpml 1.25.1 ► Fixed English
► Fixed errors in docs
► added useCWU argument to DPML runtime to control use of CWU to resolve URIs
layer0 1.104.1 ► fix to allow response to be modified in INKFResponseListener
nkse-xunit 1.13.1 ► Fixed docs for importing groups of tests.
► Fixed styling to find imported tests.
Mon, May 12, 2014
nkee-dev-tools 0.31.1 ► Fixed broken redirect after login if original URL had query parameters.
Thu, May 1, 2014
nkse-dev-tools 1.61.1 ► added explore link back to All Modules
► added non-HTML error when accept header doesn't want HTML
Fri, Apr 4, 2014
twitter 1.6.1 ► Removed debug
► Fixed up all compatibility bugs to track changes of JQuery and Twitter
Fri, Mar 21, 2014
cache-ee 1.7.1 ► added enum debug to setHeapHeadroom method to better understand dynamic size changing
► fixed to allow cull threshold to fall to zero in extreme situations
demo-addressbook 1.2.1 ► Prettier
► Added font-awesome and tweaked template
► Updated to use bootstrap 3
html5-frameworks 1.3.1 ► removed dynamic
► Update Bootstrap 3.0.0
► Added CanJS
► Added Respond
► update foundation demo september 2013
► update documentation september 2013
► update september 2013
layer0 1.103.1 ► fix to stop NPE on HDSNode.equals
module-standard 1.63.1 ► fixed mapper import tag to be tolerant of whitespace
nkperf 1.5.1 ► removed jquery refererence which is now in template
Fri, Mar 7, 2014
rdf-jena 1.11.1 ► tg - RDFFormat.RDFXML_PLAIN instead of RDFLanguages.RDFXML in order to maintain backwards compatibility. On next revision of this module we need to look into that.
Thu, Feb 27, 2014
layer0 1.102.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.37.1 ► Fixed search to post to the original REST search API
nkse-search 1.24.1 ► Fixed broken REST API so that links to query param searches work.
► Fixed lost lucky search redirecting
Wed, Feb 19, 2014
http-server 2.25.1 ► Added docs for withTransform
► Added multiple produces support / withTransform
module-standard 1.62.1 ► added private support to <literal> tag - use private="true" attribute
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.8.1 ► removed exception printout to log when module is not licensed
nkee-license-manager 1.13.1 ► improved styling of license page with license details shown again
► improved styling of license page with license details shown again
► added smart expiry function to invalid license message so that it appears instantly
► added smart expiry function to invalid license message so that it appears instantly
nkse-control-panel 1.36.1 ► fix widgets to output empty span on error
nkse-dev-tools 1.60.1 ► fixed update button on log view
rdf-jena 1.10.1 ► Fixed TRIG support by adding IRepJenaDataset representation and parsing into a Dataset collection - so that named graphs are not ignored.
► Fixed mimetype of trig
► Updated to Jena 2.11.
► Added support for JSON-LD and TRIG
restoverlay-test 1.2.1 ► Added tests for multiple produces support / withTransform
► Added test for POST body mimetype as SINK with response in verb translation
► Added verbTranslate tests
Thu, Jan 23, 2014
layer0 1.101.1 ► two bug fixes:
► 1) async nkf request handler now allows handling of java.lang.Error
► 2) NKFEndpointImpl and NKFCombindEndpointSpaceImpl don't allow resolution failure exceptions to be cached
module-standard 1.61.1 ► fix to branch merge to provide proper delegation metadata
Fri, Dec 27, 2013
maven-server 1.1.1 ► Tidied up for release
► Added docs
► added maven repo section and dependency on expanded inner jar libs for modules that export a classpath and have lib/ jars
► Added dependency version RELEASE - see:
► Tweaks to make maven happy
► Working with short artifactId. May need to change to long full jar filenames to avoid confusing developers?
► Now supports modules
► Maybe this works? Nearly there. Needs testing
► Working but not Maven complient yet.
► Sort of working path navigation try http://localhost:8080/netkernel-maven/urn/
► Basic path walking and html tree
► Starting to build introspected data structure
► Initial import.
Thu, Dec 19, 2013
nkse-xunit 1.12.1 ► Modified individual test execution so that exceptions propagate out - especially when calling standard unit tests that throw AssertionError throwables.
Tue, Dec 17, 2013
lang-ncode 1.11.1 ► Fixed CSS tab bug and added missing icons
Wed, Dec 11, 2013
nkee-apposite 1.50.1 ► Removed exception logging when looking for update.xml
► Distribution update driven from update.xml is now implemented.
nkee-installer 1.10.1 ► Installer now sets up etc/modules.d/
nkse-docs 1.24.1 ► fix for embedded javadoc in docs
► Fixed up CSS of javadoc to work with Java7 CSS3 layout
nkse-search 1.23.1 ► added legacy resolver interface so embedded javadoc works
system-core 0.38.1 ► fix to resolution debug serializer to stop NPE when physical endpoint can't be found
Wed, Dec 11, 2013
1060-NetKernel-EE 5.2.1
Enterprise Distribution

5.2.1 highlights include:

  • Cumulative updates rolled up from repositories
  • Responsive management console UI
  • Contextual cross referencing of entities in developer tools
  • Wiki documentation support

More information available here: wink/wiki/NetKernel/News/4/26/November_26th_2013

Wed, Dec 11, 2013
1060-NetKernel-SE 5.2.1
Community Distribution

5.2.1 highlights include:

  • Cumulative updates rolled up from repositories
  • Responsive management console UI
  • Contextual cross referencing of entities in developer tools
  • Wiki documentation support

More information available here: wink/wiki/NetKernel/News/4/26/November_26th_2013

Tue, Dec 3, 2013
apposite 1.33.1 ► fixed styling glitch
► stylized apposite widget
► stylized apposite widget
► stylized apposite widget
nkee-apposite 1.49.1 ► fixed styling glitch
► stylized apposite widget
► stylized apposite widget
► stylized apposite widget
► stylized apposite widget
nkee-license-manager 1.12.1 ► added high visibility warning widget when NKEE is unlicensed
nkse-control-panel 1.35.1 ► added legacy jquery for demos
► fix to widget ordering
Wed, Nov 27, 2013
nkee-style 1.6.1 ► enhanced splash
nkse-control-panel 1.34.1 ► enhanced splash
► enhanced splash
nkse-dev-tools 1.59.1 ► enhanced splash
► Fixed dynamic update when module changes
nkse-doc-content 1.48.1 ► Fixed splash
nkse-search 1.22.1 ► Fixed local parseFloat() issue - when floats have commas not points
twitter 1.5.1 ► Fixed search submit for latest jquery
Tue, Nov 26, 2013
apposite 1.31.1 ► More updates from NKEE apposite
► More updates from NKEE apposite
http-server 2.24.1 ► Added handling of Expires if the response is expired and no other cache control has been set by user - this forces IE to behave like other browsers.
nkee-apposite 1.47.1 ► Fixed missing transaction records
► Fix corner case of rolling back kernel / core runlevel zero when they are not in a package but came with the install jar
► Fixed package version display box
nkse-control-panel 1.33.1 ► Fixed infobox to use POST calls so that IE doesn't cache
► fix to infobox isOpen for IE
► Removed IE hack as we're now setting Expires: -1 if the resource is correctly expired.
► Also User-Agent for IE 11 doesn't have MSIE in it anymore anyway!
► fix to infobox isOpen for IE
twitter 1.4.1 ► Fixed broken jquery ref - improved styling
► Updated to responsive bootstrap design
Mon, Nov 25, 2013
apposite 1.29.1 ► Cherry picked from NKEE apposite - update to use bootstrap with UI improvements
► Put installer icon on main home page
► unified search
lang-ncode 1.10.1 ► Moved NKSE CSS location so that existing NK systems can co-exist with updated without a Shift-F5 browser cache flush.
nkee-apposite 1.44.1 ► Fixed up package viewer
► Fixed search index and icon
► Updated with new UI.
nkee-dev-tools 0.30.1 ► Moved NKSE CSS location so that existing NK systems can co-exist with updated without a Shift-F5 browser cache flush.
nkse-control-panel 1.30.1 ► Moved NKSE CSS location so that existing NK systems can co-exist with updated without a Shift-F5 browser cache flush.
► added back old jQuery version 1.4 and 1.4.2
nkse-dev-tools 1.57.1 ► Bootstrapified the new module wizard
► Moved NKSE CSS location so that existing NK systems can co-exist with updated without a Shift-F5 browser cache flush.
► Fixed matrix URI example in G Kitchen
► stop error when no message found in deepest exception
► removed System.out on building searching index
nkse-docs 1.23.1 ► Moved NKSE CSS location so that existing NK systems can co-exist with updated without a Shift-F5 browser cache flush.
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 2.4.1 ► styled exception handling
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 2.4.1 ► Moved NKSE CSS location so that existing NK systems can co-exist with updated without a Shift-F5 browser cache flush.
nkse-license 1.8.1 ► fix styling of license
► fix styling of license
Wed, Nov 20, 2013
database-relational 1.16.1 ► fix to stop image being indexed
http-server 2.23.1 ► fixed HTTPSession so that optionality of config works and updated doc with correct default values.
kernel 1.34.1 ► added entity details into resolution debug
► Removed auto added import that was not used
► Added live copyright date in boot logging
lang-ncode 1.9.1 ► rationalise client libraries
layer0 1.100.1 ► added entity details into resolution debug
► added entity details into resolution debug
► Changed boot copyright log message to use dynamic date
► added static merge function to HDSNodeListImpl
► Added detailed entity capture for resolution trace
layer1 1.49.1 ► stopped Java stack being shown
module-standard 1.60.1 ► fix so that tolerant parameters are preserved when cloned
► stopped Java stack being shown
► added entity details into resolution debug
► better descriptions on spaces
nkee-apposite 1.43.1 ► Added "liveness" header to give 10minutes grace to prevent deadlock detector killing critical processes.
► Added failsafe abort if package is not correctly installed or is broken.
nkee-architecture 1.12.1 ► No description available
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.7.1 ► Added bootstrap styling
nkee-dev-tools 0.29.1 ► improve endpoint profiler styling
► fixed and restyled rep cache view
► Fixed data tables
► set control panel order
► added infobox to login page
► added titles to navbar icons
► responsive manage users panels
► heathcheck and login sorted for new l&f
► moved d3.js into nkse style
nkee-http-fulcrum-backend 1.3.1 ► Changed to use the new exception handler
nkee-installer 1.9.1 ► Put installer icon on main home page
nkee-license-manager 1.11.1 ► Added bootstrap styling
nkee-style 1.5.1 ► removed dynamic
► splash without year
nkse-control-panel 1.29.1 ► support for wide control panels
► remove transition -bs extensions
► homepage navigation
► unified search
► heathcheck and login sorted for new l&f
► responsive control panel
► Added dynamic copyright year
► Fixed TRANSREPT mangling bug - when unit tests ran first could get bad panel for every panel. TRANSREPT was going through the control panel wrapper. Now it doesn't get mangled plus it has the XML transreptors locally in scope anyway.
► fixed heading font to ubuntu
► explorer links on exception and resolution now go to 1060
► Added offset to #hash linked URL so that navbar doesn't obscure content
► fixed ui-widget styling
► fix recursive font size doom on book menus
► removed dodgy unicode character from brand
► styled exception handling
► styled exception handling
► added entity details into resolution debug
► added apposite css
► added jquery UI icons
► Improved style of search block - but still collapses a bit when small
► Tweak lowlight
► Moved to bootstrap style button/link/row highlighting. Strong user input from Ron that high-contrast inversion is epilepsy inducing.
► Added logo icon to NetKernel tab
► Added icons to footer
► Made our cpanel buttons look like bootstrap panels with alpha shadow and lighter look
► support for wide control panels
► locally hosted web fonts
► locally hosted web fonts
► Fixed navbar on chrome
► ported data tables styling across
► css fix
► rationalise client libraries
► rationalise client libraries
► remove transition -bs extensions
► remove transition -bs extensions
► remove transition -bs extensions
► rationalise client libraries
► removed legacy
► removed legacy
► Cleaned up metadata styling of logicl endpoints
► Added enableTextareaTab() to nkse-bs.js
► homepage navigation
► splash without year
► Styled book content
► Sorted menu in docs. Now responsive.
► Added the book-text classes for documentation styling
► new layout of control panels
► responsive docs
► Link entity capture for resolution trace to space explorer
► heathcheck and login sorted for new l&f
► added search to navbar
► added fontawesome
► added fontawesome
► responsive control panel
► responsive control panel
► responsive control panel
► responsive control panel
► Control panel templates now use dynamic copyright
► Improved the green colour value for xunit successes
nkse-cron 1.14.1 ► Fixed path for css
► Switched to NKSE normalized js and css
► Added cross link to space explorer
► Switched to datatables
nkse-dev-tools 1.56.1 ► invalidate explorer search index on space changes
► tweak to icon css
► set control panel order
► fixed context menus on ssd
► fixed SVG on static structure diagram
► Added el-physical-over class to allow us to override dark low light of transports in the allTransports tool
► Used bootstrap style lowlight in breadcrumbs
► Fixed physical endpoint hover low-lighting
► removed legacy
► rationalise client libraries
► Reverted out removal of jquery 1.4 - jquery ui is wrong and seems to need it for the $.browser() method which has been removed. See
► Removed redundant legacy jquery libraries
► Tweaked menu text to make it simpler
► Removed the "All..." from the space explorer control panel entries
► responsive style
► responsive style
► responsive style
► unified search
► Added spaceversion redirector to module
► Removed <dynamic/>
► styling of deployment editor
► Fixed styling in chrome
► Fixed styling in chrome
► styling of SE cache view
► styled exception handling
► Removed chaff debug stdout from trace tool
► Fixed #quickref link
► Restored lost splash screen
► Restored lost splash screen
► set control panel order
► made log view wide
► Improved bootstrap styling of quick reference section
► Improved bootstrap styling of help menus
► rationalise client libraries
► homepage navigation
► Removed unused legacy jquery
► Using enableTextareaTab() from nkse-bs.js
► Using enableTextareaTab() from nkse-bs.js
► extras icon plus homepage navigation
► Tweaked menu text to make it simpler
► Tweaked menu text to make it simpler
► Tweaked menu text to make it simpler
► enhanced charts with legend, better formatting
► Improved help context menu in trace tools.
► Tweaked menu text to make it simpler
► responsive style
► Cleaned up and fixed broken anchor links
► responsive style on logging tools
► responsive design for shutdown reboot
► responsive design for kernel configuration
► responsive design for detailed information
► responsive
► Request Trace now has link into Class Trace tool
► Improved UI for Request Trace tool
► Updated Class trace to integrate with Space Explorer and Bootstrapified.
► Bootstrapified Scripting Playpen
► added new charts
► added new charts
► Bootstrapified Trace tool
► Bootstrapified Trace tool
► Bootstrapified Grammar's Kitchen
► responsive control panel
► responsive control panel
► Added tabs to cookbook examples to add clarity
► Added space explorer contextaul space "Trace Request to".
► Added linking from Request Trace to space explorer
► Tidy up
► Trace now supports declarative requests
nkse-doc-content 1.47.1 ► Text tweaked to install guide
► new installer image
► Updated install doc.
► Added MarkDown wiki reference
► responsive image on getting started
► Removed redundant SVGs
► Optimized SVG size
► Removed redundant legacy Randy graffle image files (huge!).
► Removed redundant legacy Randy graffle image files (huge!).
► Removed redundant legacy Randy svg/graffle image files (huge!).
► Added new help bootstrap button in getting started
► Fixed up visualizer doc - restored some lost documents into the book structure
► Starting to sort out missing documentation - tools like visualizer are now back
► Added discussion of prototype resolution
nkse-docs 1.22.1 ► Fixed book icon layout
► Switched to NKSE normalized js and css
► Deduped book list.
► Moved sorting to the datatable
► Add pages column
► Cleaned up metadata styling of logical endpoints
► Cleaned up metadata styling of logicl endpoints
► Removed unused legacy jquery
► Fixed attribute warning - added final active class to breadcrumbs
► Styled book content
► responsive style
► unified search
► Added dynamic filtering of book list using data table
► fix javadoc styling
► unified search
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 2.3.1 ► modernized frontend fulcrum root page
► modernized frontend fulcrum root page
nkse-search 1.21.1 ► unified search
► unified search
► unified search
► unified search
► unified search
► partial fix to search formatting
► Bootstrapified Search Results
► Bootstrapified Search Results
► dynamic search ignores delete, backspace and arrow key presses
► Added ajax dynamic search on results screen.
nkse-visualizer 1.24.1 ► visualizer widget on all main panels
► fix so that html doesn't break when no widget
► Switched widget to do POST with form
► Added visualizer active widget to the developer control panel
► set control panel order
► Paginated subrequests
► Fixed broken datatables in request detail
► made trace view wide
► Linked response scopes to context menu
► Fixed linking and index keywords
► Fixed context help
► Tweaked menu text to make it simpler
► remove duplicate control panel icon
► Restored filtering to subrequests data table
► Made scope display position consistent - it now appears as list item in request, exec and response views.
► Made expiry view a paginated indented datatable with filtering
► Fixed width of subrequest table.
► Added navigation buttons at top of detailed trace view
► Improved structure and usability of the detailed request trace view - using boostrap panel
► Boostrapified visualizer
nkse-xunit 1.11.1 ► Removed <dynamic/>
► Main test list now has same UI on exec as other pages.
► Fixed test view so that it has same style and deals with back button reload nicely
► stopped Java stack being shown
► Made execute buttons put icon first
► Simplified titles/names
► Fixed table width when showing results
► Added row highlighting to test list view
► Usability enhancements
► Fixed path for css
► Switched to NKSE ormalized js and css
► Removed unused jscript and css
► Fixed jquery 2.x.x checkbox selection using prop("selected", true)
► Tweaked menu text to make it simpler
► Added module icons and cross-links back to space explorer
► responsive style
► Bootstrapified Xunit
► Bootstrapified Xunit
► Added docs for associated a module with a set of tests
► Added filtered module lists.
► Added Space Explorer module discovery and filtering based on test module association or fallsback to filtering on module uri
► Added spinner as page exits
► Added batch testing and filtered execution list
► More tweaks to styling
► Added data-tables filtering to main list view. Improved the run all semantics. Removed "btn"class from all buttons.
system-core 0.37.1 ► Removed <dynamic/>
► added entity details into resolution debug
► fix to bad data output for charts
► Serialize entity capture for resolution trace
wiki-core 1.11.1 ► Updated libs to latest mylyn wikitext 2.0.0 build - added support for experimental markdown syntax
► Updated SVG support to use HTML5 standard
Fri, Nov 1, 2013
http-client 2.17.1 ► document port option in httpCredentials
► tidied up logic to more closely follow rfc
► fix to escape illegal characters in URI
lang-dpml 1.24.1 ► Fix to ensure that nCoDE creates suitably varied pbv values
lang-scxml 1.3.1 ► added mCoDE palette and improved error handling
lang-trl 1.6.1 ► Switched from StringBuffer to StringBuilder for performance - recommended by Earl Nolan at NFL
module-standard 1.59.1 ► fix to ensure late bound prototypes of StandardMonoEndpointImpls without explicit Ids generate a unique one themselves
nkse-dev-tools 1.55.1 ► Removed lang-math - it broke the module. lang math is not part of the core system so cannot be imported statically.
► Fix lack of res:/etc/pdsConfig.xml in scripting playpen
► (also import lang:math)
twitter 1.3.1 ► Fixed to use Twitter 1.1 API
Tue, Oct 22, 2013
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.14.1 ► No description available
Fri, Oct 18, 2013
http-client 2.16.1 ► Enhanced the caching of HTTP responses when Cache-Control header has max-age set.
lang-dpml 1.23.1 ► fixes for Menzo/Andre - comments in tags, also exclude-dependencies didn't work on lazy evaled subrequests
► doc updates - not completed but more pressing issues with BBY
► various fixes for sequences
► fix to if to stop missing then or else creating an expired response
► fixed NPE when referencing unassigned variable in sequence
► fixes to varargs for menzo
nkse-cron 1.13.1 ► fixed docs
nkse-dev-tools 1.53.1 ► Added overflow protection to avoid NaN appearing in SVGs
nkse-doc-content 1.46.1 ► added a physical reference guide doc about representations
► clarify log configuration resolution as reported by menzo
nkse-visualizer 1.23.1 ► fixed NaN displayed in CPU(ms) when number was larger than 1000ms
nkse-xunit 1.10.1 ► added exceptionMessage assert
Wed, Oct 2, 2013
http-client 2.15.1 ► Added wildcard proxy exclusions.
► Changed UA string to NetKernel 5.1.1
lang-scxml 1.2.1 ► tidy code
► fixed state to be identified by GUID rather than just identifier
► added validEvents accessor
► reset statemachine if persistent state is reset
► added history debug
► got persistence working
► first commit
Tue, Sep 24, 2013
http-client 2.14.1 ► Fixed bug: PUT not returning HTTP response headers correctly.
► Revealed the cache capability of active:httpGet and implemented reap in simpleHttpCache using the NKSE scoring algorithm.
Fri, Sep 13, 2013
layer1 1.48.1 ► fix to exists expiry function from Menzo
xml-saxon 1.11.1 ► No description available
Wed, Sep 11, 2013
html5-frameworks 1.2.1 ► start of summer update
► Updated Font-awesome to 3.1.1
Wed, Jul 31, 2013
database-relational 1.15.1 ► fix so that transacted connection implements hashCode()
► Implemented a naive equals on TransactedConnection so that PBV space equality works (apparently this solution is not working yet)
► Fix to SQLQueryBlob to return null when blob is set to null rather than throw NPE
Fri, Jul 26, 2013
layer1 1.47.1 ► Fixed flush semantics for Windows as correctly supplied in Tom's patch
► Fixed random import of Xalan utils!
► Fixed Tom's fix to preserve good features if not on Windows but do a best effort if is windows.
► make file:/ usable for Windows
nkse-search 1.20.1 ► Commit of Tom's fix to always ensure close of IndexWriter in the event of an exception - otherwise lucene leaves locks and prevents further operations happening.
Thu, Jun 20, 2013
lang-dpml 1.22.1 ► fix to EXISTS functionality to propagate exception rather than return false
Tue, Jun 18, 2013
database-relational 1.14.1 ► Catch and ignore close connection exception in the metadata branch of the logic.
► test connection now throws exception after close attempt
► Fixed logic for test connection closing connection or statement
► Added handling of bad test connection result leaving connection open prior to being removed from pool (but left hanging around on the RDBMS).
► Fixed typos where examples should have been addArgumentByValue()
Wed, Jun 12, 2013
kernel 1.33.1 ► try again
► tidied up method naming of asyncresponsejoin
► fix so that it's impossible to accept a second response even if the first was taken synchronously
Tue, Jun 4, 2013
http-client 2.13.1 ► Made HTTP header list more tolerant of different flat list and root noded tree structure.
Fri, May 24, 2013
layer0 1.99.1 ► Made iri regex in BNF case insensitive
► added support for <regex type="iri"/>
nkee-doc-content 1.4.1 ► Added unattended install docs
nkse-dev-tools 1.52.1 ► fixes/enhancements to explorer search as reported by gregoire:
► 1) endpoint id is indexed
► 2) number formatting issue for international users with comma as decimal separator breaks search
► 3) when search text is deleted a zero length string is searched for resulting in error
nkse-doc-content 1.45.1 ► correction of modules.d details
Thu, May 9, 2013
http-server 2.22.1 ► Added Randy's document comment
► Added relaying of logical endpoint user metadata from the wrapped space to the new logical endpoints provided here - allows OAuthOverlay to wrap RESTOverlay or vice versa.
► Fixed consumes testing to detect POST not GET.
Fri, Apr 26, 2013
module-standard 1.58.1 ► fix to stop NPE when calling getProtoSpace() after references are released (caused by visualizer)
Thu, Apr 18, 2013
cache-ee 1.6.1 ► fix to stop race condition causing concurrent modification exception whilst culling
http-server 2.21.1 ► fix to stop NPE when web socket disconnects
► enhancement to stop potential leak in http request space
lang-dpml 1.21.1 ► Support for <varargs/> inside request
layer0 1.97.1 ► fix to decl request so that optional arguments work with methdod="as-string"
► Fix to decl request to allow null representations to be passed
layer1 1.45.1 ► clarified doc for fls based on feedback from Randy
module-standard 1.57.1 ► enhancement to stop leak in dynamic spaces
nkse-control-panel 1.28.1 ► missing jquery UI css added
nkse-docs 1.21.1 ► added ignore-dependencies layer to reduce memory footprint
► make javadoc generation more robust to errors
nkse-search 1.19.1 ► added ignore-dependencies layer to reduce memory footprint
pds-core 1.10.1 ► added in-memory pds reference into docs
► stopped NPE in in-memory delete if resource doesn't exist
Fri, Apr 5, 2013
nkee-architecture 1.11.1 ► first commit of web mapper
► first commit of web mapper
► catch exceptions from subrequests and put into context
► first commit of scxml statemachine
► fixed dynamic space polling to stop NPE when module restarted
► fixed memory leak with polling on dynamic space
► added optional poll parameter
► added optional poll parameter
nkse-dev-tools 1.51.1 ► fixed initial scale not being set in legacy diagrams
xml-core 2.6.1 ► Fix to support preserving doctype when cloning DOMXDA. Fix to stop span elements being coalesed when serializing HTML
► export more of xalan on classpath
Fri, Mar 15, 2013
layer1 1.44.1 ► integers in listaccessor loop
► Reviewed and tweaked Tom's list golden thread endpoint. Added docs.
► provided for limit, offset and filter in active:listGoldenThread
► provided for limit, offset and filter in active:listGoldenThread
► provided for limit, offset and filter in active:listGoldenThread
Thu, Mar 7, 2013
layer1 1.42.1 ► provide active:listGoldenThread
Fri, Mar 1, 2013
html5-frameworks 1.1.1 ► Tweaked docs before shipping
► Updated with Tom's additions
► Initial import.
Tue, Feb 26, 2013
wiki-core 1.10.1 ► No description available
Thu, Feb 14, 2013
layer0 1.96.1 ► made captured traces map thread-safe
nkee-dev-tools 0.28.1 ► fixed defaults
► changed endpoint ids to endpoint names in detail
► updates for caching layers ssd
► updates for caching layers ssd
nkse-dev-tools 1.50.1 ► fixed header when multiple roots shown
► updates for caching layers ssd
► updates for caching layers ssd
system-core 0.36.1 ► added getFulcrums method on space graph
Fri, Feb 1, 2013
rdf-jena 1.9.1 ► Updated to Jena 2.7.4 migrated to Apache
rdf-rdfa 1.5.1 ► Switched to Semargl as the parser
wiki-core 1.9.1 ► Added SliNKi as a core component
Mon, Jan 28, 2013
nkee-mclient 1.6.1 ► delete old persisted licenses that are in error
Thu, Jan 24, 2013
bootloader 1.20.1 ► fix to determine mime types of files in .sjar
► Changed default memory to 196M
► added netkernel.filehandle.optimize to close file handles by default
► added kernel property netkernel.threadsafe.endpoint.default
► Added zero cache cost threshold
cache-ee 1.5.1 ► New Generation 2 Cache
lang-dpml 1.20.1 ► Fix to make arg:primary available inside DPML when request to runtime was issued with a primary argument
lang-ncode 1.8.1 ► put arg:primary on ncode palette
layer0 1.95.1 ► added INDEX_BY_ID_ATTRIBUTE HDSIndexSpecification to factory
module-standard 1.56.1 ► Removed stdout chaff
nkee-architecture 1.10.1 ► removed dynamic space accessor
► fix to stop lost request when executed sychronous request throws exception
► dynamic space endpoint
nkee-dev-tools 0.27.1 ► updates for caching layers ssd
► cut to chase throttle around cache tools
► merged in ee.cache2
nkse-dev-tools 1.49.1 ► removed unused class
► enhancements to ssd to support caching layers view
► changes needed for caching layers view
system-core 0.35.1 ► removed stray system.out
Thu, Jan 10, 2013
kernel 1.32.1 ► Robustify SynchronousRequestee code against obscure failure which caused infinite loop
lang-groovy 1.13.1 ► Changed Groovy Classloader compile phase to be synchronized and to pre-emptively clear the internal GroovyCL cache.
layer0 1.94.1 ► new createAsyncResponseFrom method to handle a special corner case with responding to async requests out of line
layer1 1.41.1 ► Added expiry functions to responses from scratchpad
► fix to ensure metadata and space delegation is taken from endpoints in correct sorted order
► Fixed lack of expiry on active:fls - with polled file expiry function
module-standard 1.55.1 ► Various stdmod boot stability improvements
► support for id attribute on literal endpoints
nkee-architecture 1.9.1 ► Fixed spurious import of the test module.
► added CutToTheChase Throttle
► added CutToTheChase Throttle
► added CutToTheChase Throttle
nkp 1.14.1 ► fix to ensure client connection gets restored after server goes down
nkse-control-panel 1.27.1 ► made infoboxes persist open state
► made infoboxes persist open state
nkse-doc-content 1.44.1 ► support for id attribute on literal endpoints
► added reminder to export classes when using representation/prototype declarations (marcel)
nkse-search 1.18.1 ► fixed broken link to external lucene syntax page
system-core 0.34.1 ► fix to stop sleep calculation failing when too slow
► improved CPU utilisation reporting
Thu, Dec 6, 2012
nkee-l2-cache 1.1.1 ► First release - alpha
Mon, Nov 12, 2012
cache-ee 1.4.1 ► changed int to long to avoid overflow in certain critical calculations
Wed, Nov 7, 2012
image-util 1.3.1 ► set imageIO not to use cache
nkse-visualizer 1.22.1 ► fix to stop truncation of endpoint durations
Fri, Nov 2, 2012
http-server 2.20.1 ► Fix to make Date headers aligned to ensure HTTP spec complience for external caches.
► added ssl guide to http transport module
► Fixed recursive metadata bug - which caused static space diagram to break.
wink 1.21.1 ► No description available
Wed, Oct 31, 2012
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.13.1 ► verification of license before restoring from local cache
nkee-mclient 1.5.1 ► verification of license before restoring from local cache
Fri, Oct 26, 2012
database-relational 1.13.1 ► Fixed Oracle driver prepared statement parameter type metadata issue
► Reverted out Chris' changes - put them on a branch pending finalisation.
► chrisc changes to support case insensitive mode
► fix errors in sqlBatch documentation
Mon, Oct 15, 2012
kernel 1.31.1 ► fix to enable exception responses from accessor to cache
Fri, Oct 12, 2012
lang-groovy 1.12.1 ► made classloader cache threadsafe
nkp 1.13.1 ► Fixed race condition on initialisation of LoadBalanced clients.
Fri, Oct 5, 2012
layer0 1.93.1 ► added string trimming to fix issues reported by Nick Spilman
► added constructor to force thread-safety of endpoints
► Removed @regex from active grammar validation
► Removed @regex matching on active grammar. Too risky to support since it would easily lead to broken pbv: etc. Left an implementation in comments for future consideration if this comes up.
► Provisional commit of @regex support on active URI <argument> - needs review of escaping.
► Fixed SimpleGrammar to support regex's with a \d style - now correctly escapes and doesn't throw outofbounds on substitution. Regex text is now exactly equivalent to <regex> in standard grammar.
nkee-dev-tools 0.26.1 ► fixed login so that admin and service use same pds zone
Fri, Sep 28, 2012
cache-ee 1.3.1 ► added constrain of 8 to number of cache keys that can be attached to one item
► removed unused method in GetKey
kernel 1.30.1 ► Changed state transition so that hit of resolution cache now uses resolved scope to try for hit in representation cache.
layer0 1.92.1 ► Fixed modules.d hashcode check so that first boot doesn't cause an unnecessary false synch
Fri, Sep 21, 2012
apposite 1.28.1 ► removed jquery refererence which is now in template
nkee-layer0 1.3.1 ► fixed non-thread safety of stat update
pds-core 1.9.1 ► Fixed missing GoldenThread so that every sourced item has an associated set golden thread
Thu, Sep 20, 2012
cache-se 1.7.1 ► add verb into resolution cache key
intray-transport 1.4.1 ► Fixed to use correct context in postCommission to prevent transport blocking its request for its param.
nkee-apposite 1.42.1 ► removed jquery refererence which is now in template
nkee-architecture 1.7.1 ► remove appcache
► final commit before refactor into separate module
► refactor db to put expiry column into identifiers to speed cuts
► Removed unused reference to DOMXDA to prevent unneccessary build dependency on xml:core
► updated schema as per pjrs suggestions!
► first commit of application cache overlay
nkse-control-panel 1.26.1 ► infoboxes now persist their close state and are initially all open
► infoboxes now persist their close state and are initially all open
► infoboxes now persist their close state and are initially all open
nkse-cron 1.12.1 ► added support for issueMisfiresOnRestart=false
nkse-dev-tools 1.48.1 ► removed jquery refererence which is now in template
► added kernel property netkernel.threadsafe.endpoint.default
► add verb into resolution cache key
nkse-docs 1.20.1 ► removed the jump-to-conclusion use of the first public space as the import requirement of an accessor
system-core 0.33.1 ► Fixed log formatter string typo EX_GET_SPACE_META_FAILED
xml-saxon 1.10.1 ► No description available
Mon, Sep 17, 2012
http-client 2.12.1 ► Added handling of exception in connection streaming so that connection is aborted and returned to pool. Reported by Steve Banks at BestBuy
layer0 1.91.1 ► fixed non-thread safe update of sub-requests in EndpointMonitor
Wed, Sep 12, 2012
lang-trl 1.5.1 ► Added active:sed tool
layer0 1.90.1 ► added netkernel.filehandle.optimize to close file handles by default
► added kernel property netkernel.threadsafe.endpoint.default
layer1 1.40.1 ► added concurrency and max-queue into state exposed in explorer for throttle
Fri, Sep 7, 2012
kernel 1.29.1 ► detected bad orthogonal scopes and ignore (step 2)
Wed, Sep 5, 2012
kernel 1.28.1 ► detected bad orthogonal scopes and ignore
Fri, Aug 31, 2012
http-client 2.11.1 ► Added configuration properties to the connection manager for max total connections and max connections per host.
layer1 1.39.1 ► don't sort if no priorities set
► implementation of priority on simple dynamic import hook
► implementation of priority on simple dynamic import hook
nkse-control-panel 1.25.1 ► added standard blank docmap icon
nkse-doc-content 1.43.1 ► updated IDE setup tutorials
► remove software process book
► refactor of standard module details
► refactor of standard module details
► document request header literals
► structure of process book
► structure of process book
► fixed doc typo from rsk
nkse-doc-patterns 1.5.1 ► added structure
nkse-docs 1.19.1 ► No description available
nkse-search 1.17.1 ► fix typo on directory lock name
► added log message at end of indexing
nkse-visualizer 1.21.1 ► made saving more robust of async requests that don't have responses
pds-core 1.8.1 ► Fixed invalidation of internal Expiry Golden Thread onDelete
Fri, Jul 27, 2012
layer0 1.89.1 ► Detect files modified in future and ignore for change detection otherwise will cause ModuleManager to spin constantly unloading/loading a module
► Rewrote the module.d file detection to use file name hash instead of relying on directory last modified value. Also removed potential for continuous reload if file timestamp is in the future.
nkse-control-panel 1.24.1 ► No description available
nkse-xunit 1.9.1 ► Added literal support and fixed delete of received/expected state
► Style HTML to show the expected/received values
► Added expect and received reporting
xml-xspec 1.1.1 ► Promoted from scratch
► Fixed up formatting
► Added NCoDE palette
► Moved to 0.4.0 RC1
► Reverted to 0.3 - but this is no better.
► Working - had to modify the generate-xspec-tests.xsl to have auto start of x:main template
► First check-in - wired but not working yet
► Initial import.
Thu, Jul 19, 2012
layer0 1.88.1 ► fix HDSInversionImpl.getNodes(IHDSValueMatcher) to not loose equal nodes
► implement IHDSNode equals() and hashCode()
module-standard 1.54.1 ► added DELETE support to fileset
nkse-dev-tools 1.47.1 ► enhancement to better display errors in physical endpoints
► fix newsDataFast from returning 2 responses in error
nkse-visualizer 1.20.1 ► added # cost determinants to visualizer output
system-core 0.32.1 ► enhancement to better display errors in physical endpoints
Mon, Jul 16, 2012
kernel 1.27.1 ► Fixed hours/days formatter rollover bug in expiryToString()
► fix so that costs are still accumulated when using exclude-dependencies
► clamp cost to stop overflow of int field. Allow additional dependency costs to be merged to manage costs better
► tuning of cost accumulation threshold value
Thu, Jul 12, 2012
layer1 1.38.1 ► Constrained SimpleImportDiscovery to only accept the maximum discovered version of a space.
Fri, Jul 6, 2012
kernel 1.26.1 ► fix to ensure scope of additional dependencies is properly accounted for
layer1 1.37.1 ► fix to active:java to cache keys based on unique classes resolved in scope of request
Thu, Jun 28, 2012
json-core 1.7.1 ► added removeRootElement config to JSONFromXML
Fri, Jun 22, 2012
kernel 1.25.1 ► Fix to prevent deadlocked endpoint getting potential double response and resulting in NPE
► possible fix to locked endpoint race condition
Fri, Jun 15, 2012
http-server 2.19.1 ► Enhanced verb translation so that mimetype of body is relayed by using sourceForReponse and addPrimaryByRepsonse
kernel 1.24.1 ► Fix potential XML formatting error if request simple format has XML characters in it.
lang-dpml 1.19.1 ► added support for request headers in dpml
layer0 1.87.1 ► added getArgumentValues to INKFRequestReadOnly
► added support for request headers in declarative request
nkse-doc-content 1.42.1 ► refined transparent configured overlay docs for Randy
► added support for request headers in declarative request
Fri, Jun 8, 2012
lang-dpml 1.18.1 ► fix to alias <switch> tag in
► fix to alias <switch> tag in
nkse-visualizer 1.19.1 ► fixed number formatting to ignore locale so that europeans can see timings
► Fix to tighten up catching NPE when saving response
Fri, Jun 1, 2012
cache-ee 1.2.1 ► added collision key enhancement
► enhancements to performance of EE cache when processing homogenous workload
layer0 1.86.1 ► fix to value space to not put no-cache header on when a subsequent transrept is needed
► replace l-variables with non-l-variables
► Added change detection on directory timestamp - to detect when a set of modules goes away or is hidden.
► Fixed boot collision with init - by not starting monitor thread by default. Instead it is now started from a method which init calls when its done.
► Added default path to etc/modules.d/ if a property is not set.
► changed from raw to formatted logging
► Corrected error with nlsize
► replaced big sax error with informative warning message
► getInitModules() is replaced by getKernelURIProperty()
► added directory support
nkee-dev-tools 0.25.1 ► fix to stop null response when cachability comparing non-local traces
nkse-dev-tools 1.46.1 ► Provided for netkernel.init.modulesdir in
► enhancements to show EE cache collisions
nkse-visualizer 1.18.1 ► fix to stop NPE when a request header had a null value
► fix to stop NPE when a request header had a null value
rdf-jena 1.8.1 ► Updated to use latest jena-core-2.7.1-SNAPSHOT
► Updated to Jena 2.7.0 - NOTE: REQUIRES ENDORSED XML APIs.
rdf-rdfa 1.4.1 ► Updated to use latest jena-core-2.7.1-SNAPSHOT
system-core 0.31.1 ► Added default directory here too.
► replace l-variables with non-l-variables
► When init is completed it now starts the ModuleManager monitor.
► Changed from raw to formatted logging
► Corrected problem with nlsize
► Correct error in logRaw attributes.
► problem with lograw fixed
► replaced big sax error with informative warning message
► added directory support
► documentation clarification from rsk
xml-core 2.5.1 ► Added docs for Xunit Assert Library
Fri, May 18, 2012
lang-groovy 1.11.1 ► Updated to Groovy 1.8.6
layer0 1.84.1 ► stop BOO nasty error message
► enhancement to pass-by-value to inhibit caching of response
► added proper equals and hashcode methods to ParsedIdentifierImpl
Fri, May 11, 2012
http-server 2.18.1 ► Fixed link to WebSocket API
Thu, May 10, 2012
http-server 2.17.1 ► No description available
kernel 1.23.1 ► fix to stop rare race that could cause "Scheduler unstable- endpoint blocked state wrong"
► fix to stop IndexOutOfBoundsException when HEADER_EXCLUDE_DEPENDENCIES is used
► fix to stop IndexOutOfBoundsException when HEADER_EXCLUDE_DEPENDENCIES is used
layer0 1.83.1 ► precompute deep hash to improve equality performance
► enhancement to pass-by-value to inhibit caching of response
Fri, May 4, 2012
http-server 2.16.1 ► Added verbTranslate to the RESTOverlay
► Updated to Jetty 7.6.3
nkee-http-server 2.8.1 ► Removed extraneous attribute
► Updated to Jetty 7.6.3
Fri, Apr 27, 2012
lang-xrl 1.12.1 ► fix to make more tolerant of namespaces in DOM
layer0 1.82.1 ► enhanced physical endpoint metadata interface
► added threadSafe field to physical endpoint metadata
layer1 1.36.1 ► added detection and logging of rapidly expiring aggregated resources
► added detection and logging of rapidly expiring aggregated resources
► added detection and logging of rapidly expiring aggregated resources
module-standard 1.53.1 ► enhanced physical endpoint metadata interface
► fix to improve robustness of metadata when it is dynamically changing
► refactor to use TransparentConfiguredOverlay
nkee-dev-tools 0.24.1 ► force log health check to update every 2 minutes
nkse-dev-tools 1.45.1 ► Fixed typo
► added module uri to thread safe endpoints view
► enhanced physical endpoint metadata interface
► added find all non-threadsafe endpoints explorer view
► minor change to support viewing 3rd party traces
nkse-docs 1.18.1 ► fix up element names in prototype examples
nkse-visualizer 1.17.1 ► stop NPE when trying to view the transrept of a null primary
nkse-xunit 1.8.1 ► Fixed self-test for change to missing assert throws exception
system-core 0.30.1 ► added threadSafe field to physical endpoint metadata
Fri, Apr 20, 2012
http-server 2.15.1 ► fix to httpRequest:/method so that it doesn't return null
lang-hrl 1.2.1 ► Moved cardinality tracking to the layer0 HDSBuilder
► Added cardinality tracking and now passes Tom's test.
► Added @forResponse mode
► First cut sort of working
► Initial import.
layer0 1.81.1 ► Renamed getCursorDepth()
► Added cardinality tracking so that, for example, HRL can pop without expensive tree walk.
nkp-loadbalancer 1.1.1 ► added logging of adding and removing from pool
► ensured request scope set to include nkp so logging works better
► Fixed commission of static context
Fri, Apr 13, 2012
http-server 2.14.1 ► some more endpoints really(!) marked as being threadsafe
► removed erroneous @Override annotations
► fix to tolerance of http cookie parser transreptor for marcel
Wed, Apr 11, 2012
nkp 1.12.1 ► fix to enable multiple connections to be established in parallel
Wed, Apr 4, 2012
json-core 1.6.1 ► added addRootElement option to enable well formed XML even when json doesn't have root element.
nkee-apposite 1.41.1 ► No description available
nkee-mclient 1.4.1 ► remove chaff
► store repoUUID in PDS
nkp 1.11.1 ► root of trust cert URL had bad leading slash
► added nkp status resource identifier
► added isInitialised() method and hid exception trace that sometimes happens when forced to shutdown
► added loadbalancer
nkse-control-panel 1.23.1 ► add mimtype="text/html" into xrl2 request to ensure template is serialized as html not xml
nkse-dev-tools 1.44.1 ► moved state field up higher on screen for physical endpoints
xml-core 2.4.1 ► better serialization escaping for HTML
Mon, Apr 2, 2012
database-relational 1.12.1 ► Declared SQLTransaction Overlay thread safe.
layer0 1.79.1 ► fixed a NPE when an optional choice group didn't match
nkee-apposite 1.32.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.23.1 ► fix space integrity check to detect direct problems in modules, not just spaces
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.12.1 ► updates to support metered licensing
► updates to support metered licensing
► updates to support metered licensing
nkee-license-manager 1.10.1 ► updates to support metered licensing
nkee-mclient 1.2.1 ► Added NKP auth and proper HDS config
► Added NKP authentication
► Added TLS
► Read configuration from etc/meterConfig.xml
Sat, Mar 31, 2012
layer0 1.78.1 ► No description available
layer1 1.35.1 ► added size reporting in state of golden thread accessor
► Added EXIST support for a Unit test requirement
module-standard 1.52.1 ► Added alternate destroyConfig() method to determine if it's the final destroy and just a reconfig
nkee-apposite 1.31.1 ► Added tolerance for overwritten repos when a license is also pointing to a repo.
Fri, Mar 9, 2012
http-server 2.13.1 ► fix to make all http accessors declared thread-safe
module-standard 1.51.1 ► No description available
Fri, Feb 17, 2012
http-client 2.10.1 ► Added proxy.Exclude list
lang-xrl 1.11.1 ► Fixed XML closed tag doc bug in async.txt
nkse-dev-tools 1.43.1 ► Fixed password hiding in config - added Proxy exclusion list support
pds-core 1.7.1 ► fix to reference db config to allow reuse of cached connection pool
Thu, Feb 16, 2012
http-client 2.9.1 ► Added authentication order preference to config.
wink-slinki 2.1.1 ► Second generation with HTML5
Thu, Feb 9, 2012
lang-xrl 1.10.1 ► added async behaviour
Fri, Feb 3, 2012
demo-golden-thread 1.2.1 ► Imported xml:core to prevent transreption happening up the superstack and coupling in the scope to the demo.
http-client 2.8.1 ► Fixed NPE if no entity returned in getResponseInner()
► Added Randy's header assert update
lang-trl 1.4.1 ► Fixed regex so that it supports up to 3 of "tea" flags in any combination.
► fix metadata for nCoDE
► added asynch mode and reduced memory usage
nkp 1.10.1 ► fix to commission value space if one is used
► correct docs
► correct docs and document requestRep argument
nkse-doc-content 1.41.1 ► Fixed some doc bugs
nkse-visualizer 1.16.1 ► stopped NPE when used with nkp
Fri, Jan 13, 2012
apposite 1.27.1 ► Added tolerant merge for missing runlevel. Fixed updateProc package validation error handling.
► Updated to attempt to use Standard Sig and fallback to active:pkiVerify
nkee-apposite 1.30.1 ► Added tolerant merge for missing runlevel. Fixed updateProc package validation error handling.
► Updated to attempt to use Standard Sig and fallback to active:pkiVerify
Wed, Jan 11, 2012
security-core 1.5.1 ► No description available
Fri, Jan 6, 2012
lang-ruby 1.2.1 ► Excluded jruby/ path from the NK ROC domain look up since its in the jruby.jar
Fri, Dec 16, 2011
http-server 2.12.1 ► Added maxContentLength feature
lang-antlr 1.2.1 ► Lots of fixes to make work in production - detects jarred layer0 correctly. Works on windows.
► Refactored spaces to put docs out of band
► Renamed "rule" argument to "startrule" to conform with Antlr terminology "The rule where parsing begins is called the start rule (in ANTLR grammars, any and all rules can be the starting rule)"
► added metadata for filter argument
► Added fast HDS filtering to allow exclusion of insignificant nodes such as newlines, whitespace, delimiters etc etc.
► Fixed <epsilon> HDS serialization bug.
► Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when building HDS and token has no name
► Promoted from scratch to first class module.
Fri, Dec 9, 2011
layer0 1.77.1 ► fix to HDSXPath to make // search from current node not root
► added extra methods to NKFException to allow reading of additional fields
Fri, Dec 2, 2011
demo-addressbook 1.1.1 ► Merged branch dev/pjr-nk5-port. Updated to NK5 with RESTOverlay
http-server 2.11.1 ► Merged in branch/rest-overlay-expt-nov-2011 - adds the RESTOverlay first RTM release
► added support for httpRequest:/accept
lang-javascript 1.6.1 ► fix to stop NPE if no response set
restoverlay-test 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
wink 1.20.1 ► Switched to RESTOverlay
Mon, Nov 28, 2011
lang-trl 1.2.1 ► No description available
Fri, Nov 25, 2011
kernel 1.22.1 ► detection of blocked endpoint on same thread
► added ignore-dependencies request header
► added ignore-dependencies request header
lang-ncode 1.7.1 ► check in of tom geudens ncode while and until accessors
layer0 1.76.1 ► detection of blocked endpoint on same thread
► added ignore-dependencies request header
► REVERT last change - i.e. createResponseFrom() method added back in
nkse-dev-tools 1.42.1 ► css changes for safari
nkse-doc-content 1.40.1 ► added ignore-dependencies request header
xml-core 2.3.1 ► check in xpath1 from tom geudens
Fri, Nov 18, 2011
http-server 2.10.1 ► added support for overriding or removing all headers
► added support for overriding or removing all headers
► added advanced http response representation into httpRequest space
layer0 1.75.1 ► update to NKF to remove createResponseFrom(INKFResponseReadOnly)
nkee-http-server 2.7.1 ► Removed bizarre reference to Xalan TestGenerator
► Initial import.
nkse-dev-tools 1.41.1 ► stop pds metadata from leaking
nkse-visualizer 1.15.1 ► Fixed binding of events when pagination of data tables changes.
Mon, Nov 7, 2011
lang-math 1.2.1 ► removed dynamic tag
► Reverted back to the 0.9.0 release build - all experimental AST pipeline is in branch/pjr-ast-pipeline-xxxx
soap-ws 1.7.1 ► Fixed getResolvedElement
wink 1.19.1 ► No description available
Fri, Nov 4, 2011
demo-scope 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
► Initial import.
lang-dpml 1.17.1 ► doc typo fix
lang-ncode 1.6.1 ► put back removed search import
► stop palette breaking if metadata for endpoints not available
nkse-search 1.16.1 ► fixed lucene transreptor to use analyser
Tue, Nov 1, 2011
layer0 1.74.1 ► Fixed expansion of lib/ in sjars too
► Fixed expansion of lib/ jars to use the unique module-version as a prefix in the lib/expanded/ filename.
nkee-apposite 1.29.1 ► made repo update async so it doesn't slow main process
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.11.1 ► Fixed expansion of lib/ in sjars
Tue, Oct 25, 2011
demo-ncode-twitter 1.4.1 ► No description available
lang-ncode 1.5.1 ► No description available
nkee-http-server 2.6.1 ► Added AsyncNCSARequestLog
► Added support for AsyncNCSARequestLog which now correctly supports logging of response codes even with async continuation.
tutorial-ncode-dropbox 1.2.1 ► No description available
Mon, Oct 24, 2011
apposite 1.26.1 ► Fixed URI escaping of zip content filenames
demo-ncode-twitter 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-apposite 1.28.1 ► Fixed URI escaping of zip content filenames
nkse-control-panel 1.22.1 ► Fixed access to services from this collection point.
Fri, Oct 21, 2011
demo-ncode-twitter 1.2.1 ► No description available
http-server 2.9.1 ► Reverted to 7.2.0 to eliminate the production FIN_WAIT2 bug in 7.5.1. Websockets are working but old spec again.
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.10.1 ► updates to hostname support
► Changed hostname to work on Mac.
nkee-license-manager 1.9.1 ► updates to hostname support
nkse-dev-tools 1.40.1 ► No description available
Thu, Oct 20, 2011
bootloader 1.19.1 ► added se.concurrentcache.costthreshold=500
cache-ee 1.1.1 ► No description available
cache-se 1.6.1 ► reverted se cache to non-optimal impl
demo-ncode-twitter 1.1.1 ► No description available
http-server 2.8.1 ► No description available
kernel 1.21.1 ► added weeks and years to expiryToString
lang-ruby 1.1.1 ► Sorted out thread safety etc
► Merged branch/pjr-1.6.4 with the new and vastly improved version
► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Fixes classloader exports for prototypes.
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Renamed helper
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► optimized loading of builtin
► Optimized builtin resources using classloader
► Made path resolution use SOURCE only
► Refactored and now has Prototype
lang-ruby-lib 1.8.1 ► Updated to latest copy with JRuby 1.6.4
► Change JavaDoc -> Javadoc
► Porting to SM2
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
layer0 1.73.1 ► fix so that ncode exists can work - exceptions in value space do not exist
► Added a fix to a possible corner case of XML characters not getting escaped in either arg name or the regex pattern.
► refactor core performance
► tighten up hostname detection, so that it works if off a network
layer1 1.34.1 ► Fixed relay of Mimetype if already set
nkee-apposite 1.27.1 ► Added hooks for system health check UPDATE notifications
nkee-architecture 1.6.1 ► improved resolve debug
► refactor to configured endpoint and fix memory leak when decommissioned
nkee-dev-tools 0.22.1 ► Added datatables filter
► made news feed healthcheck async
► added news alert health check
► added forget-dependencies test
► added cost above threshold test to compare caching tool
► remove analyze tool until sorted
► Added Green Healthy status
► added "information" system healthcheck level
► bef security user management moved to hashed rather than plaintext passwords
nkee-doc-content 1.3.1 ► added "information" system healthcheck level
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.8.1 ► added max-heap constraint
nkee-http-fulcrum-backend 1.2.1 ► Initial import.
nkee-http-server 2.4.1 ► Added docs to get username inside security handler
► Added priorityRequests option
► Updated to Jetty 7.5.1
nkee-installer 1.8.1 ► No description available
nkee-layer0 1.2.1 ► refactor core performance
nkee-license-manager 1.8.1 ► stopped "Enterprise Licensing Error" from appearing when not installed
► removed because it's now a dynamic control panel
► improve display of information on licence management tool
► added "information" system healthcheck level
nkee-style 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkp 1.9.1 ► improved resolve debug
nkse-control-panel 1.21.1 ► styling
► styling
nkse-dev-tools 1.39.1 ► add input field focus on search page
► added state to module display in explorer
► added module errors to "all problems" table
► fix news when error fetching feed
► made news feed healthcheck async
nkse-doc-content 1.39.1 ► factor grammar documentation into separate pages
► added ncode dropbox tutorial
► grammar corrections
nkse-doc-patterns 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.17.1 ► refined error message
nkse-license 1.7.1 ► cleanup up layout
nkse-search 1.15.1 ► Fixed score
► Fixed open file handle leak
► Updated to use Lucene 3.4.0
nkse-visualizer 1.14.1 ► stop npe
tutorial-ncode-dropbox 1.1.1 ► No description available
tutorial-roc-basics 1.4.1 ► Switched most examples to use simple grammar
xml-core 2.2.1 ► remove whitespace from HTML serialization (For joe devon)
Sat, Oct 15, 2011
nkse-doc-patterns 1.3.1 ► Moved docs to prevent clash with doc tools
Sat, Oct 15, 2011
1060-NetKernel-EE 5.1.1
Enterprise Distribution
Sat, Oct 15, 2011
1060-NetKernel-SE 5.1.1
Community Distribution
Sun, Oct 9, 2011
http-client 2.7.1 ► Update to fix obscure authenticating ordering problem with some NTLM proxies
► Updated to client 4.1.2 core 4.1.3
Wed, Oct 5, 2011
kernel 1.20.1 ► tided up code
► Fixed potential locale error with parsing float
lang-python 1.6.1 ► Fixed resource loading stdout chaff
layer0 1.72.1 ► Deprecated the old Java5 hack to load properties as UTF-8. Now uses Java 6 API to use UTF-8 properties.
nkse-dev-tools 1.37.1 ► No description available
Sat, Oct 1, 2011
demo-websockets 1.2.1 ► Updated to use Jetty 7.5.1 with latest near final IETF drafts of WebSockets.
json-core 1.5.1 ► No description available
lang-ncode 1.4.1 ► improved resolve debug
► updated documentation for builtins
► updated documentation for builtins
layer0 1.71.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-patterns 1.2.1 ► Hooked patterns book into main documentation panel.
photonk 0.5.1 ► various cleanup updates
Thu, Sep 29, 2011
bootloader 1.18.1 ► Updated logging levels
http-server 2.7.1 ► Added priorityRequests option
layer0 1.70.1 ► INKFRequest setPriority() now uses sticky headers to ensure priority propogates with sub-requests.
► fix logging of null message breaking log
nkse-control-panel 1.20.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.36.1 ► fixed news to be async plus new styling
nkse-doc-content 1.36.1 ► No description available
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 2.3.1 ► Reverted out priority requests
► Added priority requests for BEF
nkse-license 1.6.1 ► Updated for NK5
nkse-visualizer 1.13.1 ► resize table to width of window
nkse-xunit 1.7.1 ► Expire cache before and after test set.
Wed, Sep 28, 2011
apposite 1.25.1 ► apposite updates system healthcheck
► apposite updates system healthcheck
bootloader 1.17.1 ► replace accidental overwrite
► Added default system file encoding to be UTF-8
cache-se 1.5.1 ► remove corner case of non-caching plus improve performance
database-relational 1.11.1 ► fix to equality check to stop duplicate pools from being created
► backout debug
► debug
http-server 2.6.1 ► Updated to use Jetty 7.5.1 with latest near final IETF drafts of WebSockets.
► Fixes potential groovy compiler leak
► added extra documentation about cachability of httpRequest:
► added dummy servlet context to stop PHP Quercus from failing
► tightened up grammar matching on bridge
► Added docs for paramHTMLEncode
► Added XSSSafeCookie and special serializer mode in HTTPBridge.
► Added paramHTTPEncoded and paramsHTTPEncoded to automatically escape any potentially dangerous inbound HTML characters for applications that might use params directly and would be vulnerable to XSS attacks.
► added remember me cookie representation and docs
► added remember me cookie representation and docs
► add http redirect to CDEPalette
lang-dpml 1.16.1 ► Fixed namespace bug that showed up in transition to Java 6's xmlstream API
► fix doc
► fix bug that not evaluated SOURCE of non-existent argument won't throw exception
lang-trl 1.1.1 ► Added $e{} HTML escaping
► Made one pass recursion. Added tolerant.
► First check in
► Initial import.
nkse-cron 1.11.1 ► fix dodgy suspend/resume of cron jobs
nkse-dev-tools 1.35.1 ► Improved endpoint titles - stopped using classname and now use toString()
► reversed log view and added debug icon
► reversed log view and added debug icon
► fix playpen to stop duplicate newlines on windows
► improve representation cache view with detail on scopes
► added add module button to deployment manager
nkse-doc-content 1.34.1 ► added caching and leak guide
► beefed up scope documentation
► remove references to preview release!
► doc <literal> and <representation> tag in standard space
nkse-docs 1.16.1 ► stop NPE when book not installed
► Fixed Brian's Hover over whiteout bug
nkse-visualizer 1.12.1 ► stop NPE
► added clear cache button
► updates to resolution debug
► fix NPE when transrept failed to resolve
► Wrap zipoutputstream when saving to stop rogue representations from closing and breaking save
security-core 1.4.1 ► added generatePasswordHash checkPasswordHash
system-core 0.29.1 ► updates to resolution debug
► added resolution debug serializer
xml-core 1.14.1 ► Removed Java 5 legacy XMLstream support - now a part of Java 6 core APIs
Fri, Sep 23, 2011
email-core 1.4.1 ► Changes to multipartSubType provided by Chris Cormack
layer1 1.33.1 ► added support for keepEmptyDir for rsk at best buy
xml-saxon 1.9.1 ► No description available
Fri, Sep 9, 2011
kernel 1.19.1 ► optimised resolution failure not to automatically generate debug
► updates to resolution debug
lang-groovy 1.10.1 ► Fixes potential of unbounded classloader cache if a space is badly implemented.
layer0 1.69.1 ► updates to resolution debug
► improved resolve debug
► added support for pass-through of requested representation
► revert
► Improved debug resolution reporting at insignificant cost to non debug resolution
layer1 1.32.1 ► improved resolve debug
► uncommited startup stability fix
module-standard 1.50.1 ► <literal> tag in standard module
► pass through requested representation in mapper
► updates to resolution debug
► updates to resolution debug
► updates to resolution debug
► improved resolve debug
► improved resolve debug
► improved resolve debug
► improved resolve debug
► revert
► Uses new improved debug resolution reporting
xml-core 1.13.1 ► include extra detail in DOM Serializers documentation
xml-saxon 1.8.1 ► No description available
Thu, Aug 25, 2011
demo-xss-vectors 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
Tue, Aug 23, 2011
wink 1.18.1 ► No description available
Fri, Aug 19, 2011
ssh-client 1.3.1 ► Added LocalPortForward accessor
Fri, Jul 29, 2011
cache-se 1.4.1 ► mCullInhibit improvement and cost threshold introduced
► more sophisticated index function to reduce effect of hits over time
image-barcode 1.1.1 ► Moved from scratch
► Added icon
► Added Docs
► Initial import.
kernel 1.18.1 ► optimised response meta computation
► new faster implementation for larger set sizes of MetaIdentitySet
► optimise size of generated array
► fix to remember the length of the cost determinants
► added netkernel.corePerformance configuration property to determine cost accumulation threshold
layer0 1.68.1 ► added isActive() method to reduce cost of endpoint monitor calling it
► added netkernel.corePerformance configuration property
module-standard 1.49.1 ► tidy up commented out code
nkee-apposite 1.26.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.21.1 ► added compare caching tool
► moved visualizer extras into this module
nkse-control-panel 1.19.1 ► Improvement to tool for path finding code
► better formatting of resolution to show match
nkse-dev-tools 1.34.1 ► fixed ordering of spaces on module view
► add support for hide menu event
► updates to support visualizer changes
► updates to support visualizer changes
► added cost threshold and support for defaulting values if they don't appear in
nkse-visualizer 1.11.1 ► new visualizer features
Thu, Jul 14, 2011
kernel 1.17.1 ► tidy of expiry debug messages
layer0 1.67.1 ► add consistent resolution debug
module-standard 1.48.1 ► more consistent resolution trace
nkee-arp 1.5.1 ► Fixed broken redirect
Fri, Jul 8, 2011
demo-resolution 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
layer0 1.66.1 ► capture the expiry at execution time
► corrected header not found message
nkee-apposite 1.25.1 ► Tweaked cron settings again
► Changed cron to run after 5mins and then every 3 hours
► Added synchronization verification speed up
nkse-dev-tools 1.33.1 ► Decoupled probe request from the request trace tool harness. Now appears as a unique injected transport request in the space being probed.
nkse-doc-content 1.33.1 ► Reloaded the videos to make times correct - so new links
► Added resolution tutorial
Fri, Jul 1, 2011
demo-meta-params 1.1.1 ► No need for this
► First checkin
► Initial import.
lang-beanshell 1.4.1 ► Added meta parameter declarations to prototypes
lang-groovy 1.9.1 ► Added meta parameter declarations to prototypes
lang-javascript 1.5.1 ► Added meta parameter declarations to prototypes
lang-python 1.5.1 ► Added meta parameter declarations to prototypes
layer1 1.31.1 ► Added meta parameter declarations to prototypes
meta-todo 1.1.1 ► Added icon / docs
► First checkin
► Initial import.
system-core 0.28.1 ► Fixed aggregation model for spaces to ensure all undelegated endpoints are shown.
Tue, Jun 28, 2011
system-core 0.27.1 ► Added originonly argument to userMetaAggregator
► Added space version filtering to userMetaAggregator
Fri, Jun 24, 2011
kernel 1.16.1 ► improve request debug
lang-dpml 1.15.1 ► updated documentation for builtins
layer0 1.64.1 ► fix to prevent memory leak (rollback)
► fix to prevent memory leak but still keep efficient BOO
► fix to prevent memory leak
► support for user meta-data tag
► support for determining if endpoint identifier is autogenerated
► stop race condition on save of schematron cache
► fix to ensure validationCache is created
layer1 1.30.1 ► fix to dynamic import to stop spurious metadata failures being reported after a space change event
module-standard 1.47.1 ► support for user meta-data tag
► support for user meta-data tag
► initial meta tag support
► import single warning on startup only
nkse-doc-content 1.30.1 ► support for user meta-data tag
nkse-docs 1.15.1 ► display if endpoint identifier is autogenerated with link to documentation
► added details to enpoint boiler plate
nkse-search 1.13.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.25.1 ► fix to prevent memory leak when ext.system is redeployed
► remove dynamic tag
► remove duplicate spaceHDSAggregator !
► late fastSchematron save
► UserMetaAggregator endpoint initial checkin with docs
► serialize dom fields inside meta
Fri, Jun 10, 2011
json-core 1.4.1 ► fix so that an empty hds structure returns an empty json object rather than null
kernel 1.15.1 ► implement EXPIRY_POLLED_DEPENDENT
► optimize rollup of MaxConstantDependent and MinConstantDependent expiries
layer0 1.63.1 ► implement EXPIRY_POLLED_DEPENDENT
► AggregatingPolledExpiry first commit
► warning message for unconstrained transreptors
layer1 1.29.1 ► back out of revert!
► Added polling expiry function to SpaceHDSAggregator
module-standard 1.46.1 ► optimise resolution of META requests within StandardSpace
► use EXPIRY_POLLED_DEPENDENT on ConfiguredEndpointImpl and ConfiguredOverlayImpl
► optimise standard space expiry to remove space binding expiry and fix bind lock
► added backoff to meta evaluation to stop constant re-evaluation and stop seeming boot deadlock
nkse-dev-tools 1.32.1 ► add support for editing new kernel properties
nkse-doc-content 1.29.1 ► updated docs with EXPIRY_POLLED_DEPENDENT
nkse-xunit 1.6.1 ► Changed unit test to now catch throwable to be able to handle stack depth exceptions etc.
system-core 0.24.1 ► use netkernel.poll.internal for polling period on moduleList
Tue, Jun 7, 2011
layer0 1.62.1 ► increased default stability size on boo to 10
► warning message for unconstrained transreptors
► bug fix: encode not performed when evaluating a part match leading to false negatives
module-standard 1.45.1 ► warning message for unconstrained transreptors
Sun, Jun 5, 2011
rdf-rdfa 1.3.1 ► Update to 0.4.1 java-rdfa library
► Fixed default base - now sets a non-empty string if it can't infer from the operand
Fri, Jun 3, 2011
http-client 2.6.1 ► support for non-oob in oauth prepare
► support for non-oob in oauth prepare
► added OAuth endpoints to nCoDE palette
http-server 2.5.1 ► stop redirect from happening when error is handled
► fixed documentation
json-core 1.3.1 ► added JSON<-->HDS transreptor pair
lang-dpml 1.14.1 ► stop dpml from loosing response headers
lang-groovy 1.8.1 ► Merged in 1.8.0 development branch
lang-ncode 1.3.1 ► remove dynamic tag
► add getHeader setHeader accessors
► add getHeader setHeader accessors
► fix so that sequence ignores active-type and scheme args,
► transrept accessor uses correct arg:to not arg:required
layer0 1.61.1 ► allow transrept with a response in
► Made bad expiry messages more verbose
layer1 1.28.1 ► temporary revert out changes back to 12278
► Reverted out cache love - not needed!
► Added rolling cache refresh to ensure any cached config is getting some hits to keep it from being GC'd. Called CACHE_LOVE!
► HDSNodeList transreptor
► don't output warnings
► Made configuration hot reconfigurable.
module-standard 1.44.1 ► Made bad expiry messages more verbose
nkee-dev-tools 0.20.1 ► stop the moaning
Wed, Jun 1, 2011
email-core 1.3.1 ► No description available
layer1 1.27.1 ► No description available
Fri, May 27, 2011
lang-dpml 1.13.1 ► added support for passing primary on subrequest
► fix determination of injected scopes to lazy evaluation
► tidy up
► removed debug
► anonymous assignments gain a prefix and we test against conflict
► removed dynamic
► rename of arg:exception* ->exception:* in exception handling endpoint
► fix to remove no-cache headers propagated into response
► try transrepting pre-executed closure assignments otherwise don't use them
► document arg:verb and arg:arguments
► put back support for arg:arguments
► new message for data uri creation failure
► export dpml representation class
lang-ncode 1.2.1 ► dynamic import always selects latest version of a module
► js updates to support Safari
► isNull nCoDE builtin
layer0 1.60.1 ► added support for checkForBadExpirationOnMutableResource
► refactor code for generating pbv: identifiers
layer1 1.26.1 ► added support for checkForBadExpirationOnMutableResource
► Added file-poll-period request header support - to override system default.
► Added file-poll-period request header support - to override system default.
module-standard 1.43.1 ► added support for checkForBadExpirationOnMutableResource
nkse-doc-content 1.28.1 ► Added docs for mutable, poll fileset tags
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 2.2.1 ► Added Jeff Hultens lock down of the adapter binding to only enable access from localhost by default.
pds-core 1.6.1 ► added support for checkForBadExpirationOnMutableResource
Wed, May 18, 2011
demo-redirect 1.3.1 ► Fixed bug in demo4 if using standard fulcrum - preProc to request Object and not IBinartStreamRep.
Fri, May 13, 2011
nkee-license-manager 1.6.1 ► Added date/time to live reporting
Wed, May 11, 2011
module-standard 1.42.1 ► make more robust to errors in space
nkee-apposite 1.23.1 ► In the process of adding REST service interface for unattended operation
► Fixed to only report highest versioned dependency
nkee-installer 1.7.1 ► Refactored to add unattended install capability
Fri, May 6, 2011
lang-python 1.4.1 ► Updated to Jython 2.5.2
lang-python-lib 2.6.1 ► Updated to Jython 2.5.2
► Removed as redundant
module-standard 1.41.1 ► stopped class cast error if mapper couldn't be initialised correctly
► tighten up reenterant code in OverlayImpl
nkee-dev-tools 0.19.1 ► added update support to SQLPlaypen
nkse-dev-tools 1.31.1 ► added headers to endpoints (so we can see if they are private)
► Fixed unit tests for ncode new module wizard
► removed bad import
► Clarify source directory comment on new module wizard
system-core 0.23.1 ► tightened up handling of metadata in error situations
Tue, May 3, 2011
lang-beanshell 1.3.1 ► Fixes dependency on new:
► org.netkernel.layer0.meta.impl.TransreptorMetaBuilder2
Fri, Apr 8, 2011
apache-ant 1.3.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
database-relational 1.10.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
demo1 1.2.1 ► Fixed ncode palette leak
http-client 2.5.1 ► No description available
http-server 2.4.1 ► No description available
image-util 1.2.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
lang-dpml 1.12.1 ► improve documentation of builtin endpoints
► improve documentation of builtin endpoints
► changes to operation of referenced arguments to stop unbound recursion
► better error checking on dereference, also now absolute to avoid confusion
► various updates to DPML
► various updates to DPML
► Fix to allow zero length literals without NPE
lang-freemarker 1.5.1 ► No description available
lang-groovy 1.7.1 ► No description available
lang-javascript 1.4.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml + icon
lang-ncode 1.1.1 ► Added xml:core import for main rootspace to ensure string to document transreption occurs in scope.
► Fixed NPE if no dynamic import parameter
lang-python 1.3.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml
lang-xrl 1.9.1 ► updated metadata
layer1 1.25.1 ► fix typo in error message
nkee-http-server 2.3.1 ► Fixed ncode palette leak
nkp 1.8.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.18.1 ► updates to support full height page
► Fixed copyright year
nkse-dev-tools 1.30.1 ► modified argument metadata to support better classification of arguments
► Made dynamic import endpoint private
► Added default of dynamic import of palettes
► Added name to ncode endpoint
► Added nCoDE support
► moved external path of /introspect/cr to /tools/cr
nkse-doc-content 1.27.1 ► improve docs for declared arguments
► improve docs for declared arguments
► updated docs with new grammar type
nkse-docs 1.14.1 ► added extra metadata associated with varargs
► modified argument metadata to support better classification of arguments
nkse-search 1.12.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
nkse-visualizer 1.10.1 ► export stuff needed to support visualizer tools
nkse-visualizer-tools 1.1.1 ► No description available
rdf-jena 1.7.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
rdf-rdfa 1.2.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
soap-ws 1.6.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
ssh-client 1.2.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.22.1 ► modified argument metadata to support better classification of arguments
wiki-core 1.8.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
wink 1.16.1 ► Fixed ncode palette leak
xml-core 1.12.1 ► No description available
xml-jing 1.3.1 ► Added CDEPalette.xml for nCoDE
xml-saxon 1.7.1 ► No description available
Wed, Apr 6, 2011
layer0 1.59.1 ► toSTring on HDSIndex
► fix so that descriptions declare in constructor are not overridden by regular grammar without desc attribute
► added extra metadata associated with varargs
layer1 1.24.1 ► added a set of HDS Utility accessors
► HDS XPath 2 Accessor
xml-core 1.11.1 ► No description available
Thu, Mar 31, 2011
lang-math 1.1.1 ► Added documentation
► Refactored
► Moved from scratch after initial development
lang-xrl 1.8.1 ► Removed text processing - this is not supported in the official active:xrl2 but only in active:xrl3
layer0 1.57.1 ► added path-segment regex type for rest paths
Fri, Mar 25, 2011
http-client 2.4.1 ► Fixed error handling of bad proxy values
► clarified docs
nkee-sshd 1.8.1 ► Added ssh:user as injected resource in request scope.
wink 1.15.1 ► Fixes to XHTML on Firefox4 and Chrome
Mon, Mar 21, 2011
layer0 1.56.1 ► Added support for icon on prototype
module-standard 1.40.1 ► Added support for icon on prototype
nkee-sshd 1.7.1 ► Added OSX support for .ssh/authorized_keys in OpenSSHPublicKeyAuthenticator
Wed, Mar 9, 2011
layer0 1.55.1 ► removed unused TransreptorMetaBuilder
► modified argument metadata to support better classification of arguments
layer1 1.23.1 ► Added TransientFileRepresentation and added docs for FileRepresentation
ssh-client 1.1.1 ► Added 5 second timeouts on sockets
► Now using TransientFileRepresentation for get/exec and Temporary buffer files for put
► Refactored into separate endpoints
► Builds but not tested
► Refactoring ready to switch impl library
► Refactoring ready to switch impl library
► Branched from scratch/ - pending delete of scratch
► Refactor of standard module package name
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Rodgers though windows was as clever as himself
► Initial import. Migrated from CVS /netkernel3/modules2/client/...
► Initial import. Migrated from CVS /netkernel3/modules2/client/...
► Initial import. Migrated from CVS /netkernel3/modules2/client/...
Wed, Mar 2, 2011
database-relational 1.9.1 ► added transactional overlay
► added transactional overlay
► added transactional overlay
nkse-dev-tools 1.29.1 ► Speed up news timeout
► Fixed class trace tool to differentiate module versions
► A few more tweaks
► Update to New Module Wizard - Tidy, Less Clutter, New doc rootspace, Option for no script vanilla module.
► Fixed expanding whitespace bug on Windows
► Added version to module space drop down list to allow for multiple instances of the same module
Mon, Feb 28, 2011
http-server 2.3.1 ► Fixed encoding mangling for Jetty 7 now assumes UTF-8 as default.
► moved some logging from system log to http log
layer0 1.54.1 ► allow desc attribute on groups
► partsMatch will use varargs part for unknown named args
module-standard 1.39.1 ► added configurable poll period on fileset
nkee-arp 1.4.1 ► Fixed bug where repo could not be built if package had colons in the name. Windows!
► Refactored wiki macros
wink 1.14.1 ► Fixed javascript & bug in diff menu list
Sat, Feb 19, 2011
layer0 1.53.1 ► Workaround for Java5 missing load from reader.
► Force properties to be read as UTF-8
► fix to constructIdentifier so that extraneous parts are not unreported in some circumstances
nkee-installer 1.6.1 ► Fixed Java5 getBytes() on string
► Fixed to ensure all config files written as UTF-8
nkee-license-manager 1.5.1 ► Fixed Java5 getBytes() on string
► Fixed explicit encoding of kernel properteis to UTF-8
► Fixed POST encoding mangling uncertainty by changing to GET
Fri, Feb 18, 2011
http-client 2.3.1 ► Added userAgent config. Plus added expectContinue boolean to support legacy HTTP 1.0 servers
layer0 1.52.1 ► Fix to whitespace when parsing HDS
Fri, Feb 11, 2011
apposite 1.24.1 ► Fix Java 5 update bug on comment in batch!
nkee-apposite 1.22.1 ► 10x speed optimisation by removing unused SSL connection manager
► Fix to the DB update - avoid String serialisation to work round Java 5 Win bug.
► Fix Java 5 update bug on comment in batch!
Fri, Feb 4, 2011
http-client 2.2.1 ► Refactored to avoid deprecated APIs. Added https scheme support by default
► Fixed docs after removing JCIFS
► Updated to Apache client 4.1 - now using its built-in NTLM. Dropped the JCIFS ntlm library.
nkee-dev-tools 0.18.1 ► fixed to return non-expired response to allow caching
xml-core 1.10.1 ► No description available
Fri, Jan 28, 2011
http-server 2.2.1 ► Do not release this. No-op - added NetKernelSecurityHandler but then moved to EE
nkee-http-server 2.2.1 ► Added NetKernelSecurityHandler
soap-ws 1.5.1 ► Added config, state passthrough
xml-core 1.9.1 ► Fixed toXML indent regression in Java 5/6 - default to 4.
► fix after layer0 refactor
Fri, Dec 17, 2010
lang-javascript 1.3.1 ► fixed to clean up better/faster
layer0 1.51.1 ► warning issued for duplicate mapper endpoint ids
module-standard 1.38.1 ► warning issued for duplicate mapper endpoint ids
nkse-dev-tools 1.28.1 ► removed duplicate endpoint
Fri, Dec 10, 2010
image-util 1.1.1 ► First check in - ported from NK3
► Initial import.
layer0 1.50.1 ► support for mutable fileset
module-standard 1.37.1 ► ConfiguredEndpoint base class
► support for mutable fileset
Fri, Dec 3, 2010
demo-websockets 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
http-server 1.18.1 ► added total sessions, and sessions exceeded
► added session state to overlay and rationalised metadata endpoint
► fixed merge failure
► fixed merge failure
► fixed merge failure
► Added ws rewrite rules to WebSocket
► Adjusted WS log granularity
► Added logging
► Working after update to Jetty 7 and new refactored HTTPBridge space injection
► Merge of jetty7-expt branch into head
► enhanced session to expose injected space and documented session metadata endpoint
► protospace enhancement to http request space
layer0 1.49.1 ► added protospace header
layer1 1.22.1 ► exposed injected space in scratchpad
module-standard 1.36.1 ► migrate branchmerge to standard space base class
► added protospace support
► made tolerant of multiple commissions
► fix to getSpaces
► avoid NPE if config is not initialised when getSpaces is called
nkee-dev-tools 0.17.1 ► updates to fix space name changes
► fix of some scope hackery that broke when control panel space was renamed - broke ability to login
nkee-http-server 0.4.1 ► Updated to Jetty 7
nkse-control-panel 1.17.1 ► made services space private to stop duplicate health check leakage
► fix to remove <br> before first line
nkse-dev-tools 1.27.1 ► added displaying of injected spaces
► added display of injected spaces
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 1.5.1 ► Added ws: default rewrite rule.
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 1.6.1 ► Added ws: default rewrite rule.
► Updated to Jetty 7
nkse-visualizer 1.9.1 ► added protospace support
system-core 0.21.1 ► better error handling in MetaToXML for badly formed spaces
► fix to better handle corrupted state without NPE
Fri, Nov 19, 2010
layer0 1.48.1 ► added reader->writer piping
► request builder serialization to HDS
module-standard 1.35.1 ► added exposing mapping config into runtime state
nkee-dev-tools 0.16.1 ► fixed link for space integrity problems to point to new explorer
nkse-dev-tools 1.26.1 ► added wrapped space linking
► fixed svgs for locales that use comma rather than point as the decimal separator
► changed "search:" to "filter:" in table header
nkse-doc-content 1.26.1 ► (slight) improvement to logging doc
system-core 0.20.1 ► serialize hds state as xml
Wed, Nov 17, 2010
http-client 2.1.1 ► Added NTLM proxy support
layer0 1.47.1 ► improved javadoc for custom logging in INKFLocale
► fix to support for multiple loggers within one module
► fix to NKFContextImpl.logFormatted(String aLog...) because aLog was being ignored
module-standard 1.34.1 ► fixed error reporting for bad preProcess response
Fri, Nov 12, 2010
coremeta 1.8.1 ► renamed to fileset accessor
database-relational 1.8.1 ► fixed threadsafety of getting state - as reported by chris cormack
http-server 1.17.1 ► document HTTP_CACHE_EXPIRES_DELTA_SECONDS
module-standard 1.33.1 ► renamed to fileset accessor
nkse-dev-tools 1.25.1 ► fix to representation references when not looking at origin
► move legacy redirector into mod.explorer
► fix so that second pages get links linked -damn jquery
► tweak search
► added references to representation
► addded book.css into docs
► added configured libraries
► fix layout of ssd wrapper
► fix layout of ssd wrapper
► fix to display module.xml from .jars
► Improve explorer navbar with icons and physical ep if appropriate
► fix to whitespace so that status tab highlights
system-core 0.19.1 ► added representation cross referencing with active:moduleListRepMap
Fri, Nov 5, 2010
coremeta 1.7.1 ► added documentation for private filter
layer0 1.46.1 ► fix toString() to stop NPE!
layer1 1.21.1 ► added argument and response metadata
module-standard 1.32.1 ► rename metaproviderendpoint
► rename
nkee-architecture 1.5.1 ► updated profiler state view to new explorer
nkse-control-panel 1.16.1 ► updated copyright to 2010
► fix anchor styling
nkse-dev-tools 1.24.1 ► removed old explorer and added redirects
► added default value display for endpoint arguments
► made thread safe and speeded up
► Removed @Override to make it build on 5
► first commit
nkse-doc-content 1.25.1 ► improved documentation on use of <private>
► added keywords for private filtering
nkse-docs 1.13.1 ► added support for rendering docs by value
► fix javadoc linking
► integrate javadoc into representation doc
► refactored raw page rendering out from menu/template generation
► added eid (element id) field to search for reference docs that reference system metadata
► added argument and response metadata
► updates to javadoc template
► updates to javadoc template inc. copyright update
nkse-search 1.11.1 ► added support for custom analyzers when searching
system-core 0.18.1 ► fix to problem propagation reporting with nested spaces
► fixed problem propagation problem through nested spaces
► fixed outputing of spaces inside module
► added default value display for endpoint arguments
► Fixed hash string generation
web-core 1.3.1 ► improved keywords to aid searching
Fri, Oct 29, 2010
http-server 1.16.1 ► Added docs
► Generalized interface to allows Cookie<->HDSNode
► Added Cookie Serializer/Parser support. Tweaked session to deal with remote serialized cookies.
layer0 1.45.1 ► Fixed JVM bug that leaves a file handle open after each getLastModified
module-standard 1.31.1 ► update naming of public/private modules
Fri, Oct 15, 2010
http-server 1.15.1 ► Added Chris Cormack's HttpAccessorImpl and the httpRequest:/postParam/xxx support
layer0 1.44.1 ► added splitIntoRows method to Utils
► no longer needed
► Added support for merging of argument metadata
► Refactor
module-standard 1.30.1 ► No description available
Fri, Oct 8, 2010
coremeta 1.6.1 ► No description available
demo-foreach 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
layer0 1.43.1 ► No description available
layer1 1.20.1 ► Adds active:forEach
module-standard 1.29.1 ► No description available
xml-core 1.8.1 ► No description available
Thu, Sep 30, 2010
rdf-opencalais 1.1.1 ► Moved from scratch
► Initial import.
Fri, Sep 24, 2010
module-standard 1.28.1 ► fix possible npe if no config
nkee-apposite 1.19.1 ► Added longer read timeout to prevent sync issues.
system-core 0.17.1 ► eliminate duplicate spaces shown in module list (Caused by enhancing branch merge to show branches)
► implement hashCode()
► preserve order of edges
wink-slinki 1.8.1 ► No description available
Fri, Sep 17, 2010
layer0 1.42.1 ► No description available
layer1 1.19.1 ► fix to exec accessor param/ignoreStderr logic wrong way around
module-standard 1.27.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.23.1 ► removed whitespace so that panel matching works in control panel
system-core 0.16.1 ► Now supports step-wise runlevel boot
wink-slinki 1.7.1 ► No description available
wink-slinki-demo 1.5.1 ► No description available
Tue, Sep 14, 2010
wiki-core 1.7.1 ► Adds active macro support and fixes matcher replace $ bug.
Fri, Sep 10, 2010
http-client 2.0.0 ► Moved to Apache client 4.x. Adds OAuth support.
layer0 1.41.1 ► No description available
module-standard 1.26.1 ► No description available
nkee-apposite 1.18.1 ► Updated to use Http client 2
twitter 1.2.1 ► Moved from svn-com/scratch
► Moved from svn-com/scratch
► Initial import.
Fri, Sep 3, 2010
lang-groovy 1.6.1 ► Updated to use Groovy 1.7.4
layer0 1.40.1 ► No description available
mod-xmldb 1.1.1 ► No description available
wink 1.13.1 ► Fixed leakage of common library into the www spaces with a private decl
Fri, Aug 27, 2010
layer0 1.39.1 ► boot order optimization
layer1 1.18.1 ► Reverted out exclusions of peer spaces in a module. Since we now have proper hysteresis on the HDSSpaceAgg.
► hack fix to see if we can stop space hds aggregate from expiring to quick
► To prevent long-range recursion SimpleImportDiscovery now doesn't try any peer spaces in the same module.
nkse-cron 1.10.1 ► fixed NPE caused when request issued with no space after module removed
nkse-doc-content 1.24.1 ► No description available
wiki-core 1.6.1 ► Removed cluttered extra <span> settings that were not good HTML.
Thu, Aug 19, 2010
demo-pingpong 1.2.1 ► fixed timing code
layer0 1.38.1 ► Null op - just removed some unused imports so as to touch the svn to trigger update.
layer1 1.17.1 ► fix to delay resolution of other requests whilst binding is occuring rather than failing to resolve
module-standard 1.25.1 ► fix to delay resolution of other requests whilst binding is occuring rather than failing to resolve
► Fixed and normalized invalidate expiry on meta.
nkp 1.7.1 ► Gracefully handle legitimate socket close - when module decommissioned.
► Fixed socket timeout bug on very long lived idle server. Added error handling around accept()
system-core 0.15.1 ► No description available
wink 1.12.1 ► No description available
wink-mathjax 1.2.1 ► No description available
wink-slinki 1.6.1 ► No description available
wink-slinki-demo 1.4.1 ► No description available
Tue, Aug 17, 2010
kernel 1.14.1 ► Removed unreferenced import - as a null op to increment build number
► Changed MIN_FUNCTION_DEPENDENT expiry - optimized.
layer0 1.37.1 ► Reimplemented revision 12210
module-standard 1.24.1 ► Reimplemented revision 12211
nkee-sshd-fulcrum 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 1.5.1 ► Added a default root path.
wink 1.10.1 ► Now supports passthrough content in the external res:/wink/res/ path that internally should be in the res:/res/ path.
► separated xmlverb.css from the main css.css
► Indexing now works on dynamic import content
► Added compression overlay. Separated security stuff from main endpoints.
wink-mathjax 1.1.1 ► No description available
wink-slinki 1.5.1 ► No description available
wink-slinki-demo 1.3.1 ► No description available
Fri, Aug 13, 2010
layer0 1.36.1 ► Reverted out 12209 and 12210 changes - they were causing boot failure and spinning thread with reindex.
► fix to detect and handle classloader circularities
► added delay to enabling transports until after hysteresis period
layer1 1.16.1 ► Added "special" init delay mode to SimpleImportDiscovery
module-standard 1.23.1 ► Reverted out 12211 changes - they were causing boot failure and spinning thread with reindex.
► fix to invalidate space metadata when module is recommissioned
nkee-sshd 1.6.1 ► Fixed keybindings so they load in sjar (and can be overriden in user space if needed).
► Added some docs.
► Added support for ILongReadableBinaryStreamRepresentation to scp SOURCE.
► Added licenses for docs. Fixed closed stream when failed to read ack on scp SOURCE.
► Added standard ~/.ssh/authorized_keys openSSH authenticator
► NKCommand now streams the command result back to stdout
► Now with Scp SOURCE/SINK support
► Now implements ssh and PEM RSA/DSA public key auth.
► Working dummy sshd.
► Initial import.
nkee-sshd-fulcrum 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
nkse-cron 1.9.1 ► commit to stop NPE when state is introspected during startup
wink 1.9.1 ► No description available
wink-slinki 1.4.1 ► No description available
Wed, Aug 11, 2010
layer0 1.34.1 ► Added ILongReadableBinaryStreamRepresentation
layer1 1.15.1 ► Changed FileRepresentation to implement ILongReadableBinaryStreamRepresentation
► Added ability to get long content length from FileRepresentation
wink 1.8.1 ► Fixed export of scripts in public channel.
Mon, Aug 9, 2010
wink 1.7.1 ► Moved svgweb scripts into script. Added jquery to all pages by default. Added tab suport in edit textarea
wink-slinki 1.3.1 ► No description available
Fri, Aug 6, 2010
database-relational 1.7.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.33.1 ► classloader getResources fix
module-standard 1.21.1 ► Changed mapper resolution to allow superstack on first sub-request.
nkee-style 1.3.1 ► back to violet
nkse-cron 1.8.1 ► hide error when job fails because target module is being restarted
nkse-dev-tools 1.22.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.23.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.12.1 ► Refactored wiki macros
nkse-search 1.10.1 ► Refactored wiki macros
nkse-unit-tests 0.9.1 ► result set unit test
nkse-xunit 1.5.1 ► Refactored wiki macros
wiki-core 1.5.1 ► Updated to Mylyn 1.4.0. Refactored macro engines to own space.
wink 1.6.1 ► Refactored address space so that imported Macro Engines can mask defaults.
wink-slinki 1.2.1 ► No description available
wink-slinki-demo 1.2.1 ► No description available
Tue, Aug 3, 2010
apposite 1.22.1 ► Added mouseover highlighting
nkee-apposite 1.17.1 ► Added mouseover highlighting
► Fixed missing apposite/remove interface
nkp 1.6.1 ► Set min workers threads to 3 - one seems to permanently go to an Etch watchdog util. So two is min - but lets have 3 to keep one socket ready as min.
Sun, Aug 1, 2010
nkse-control-panel 1.15.1 ► Made control panel xrl2 tolerant of errors - should always display something. Terrible when it completely broke admin layer if an include was bust.
nkse-dev-tools 1.21.1 ► Fixed http response code error handling.
► Fixed error handling and cache lifetime.
► Fixed potential NPE when news offline.
Fri, Jul 30, 2010
demo-nkp-mandelbrot 1.1.1 ► Now async and done in banded stripes
► Initial import.
► Added docs that can go over the wire.
► Now async and done in banded stripes
► Initial import.
ftp-client 1.1.1 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Remove old keyword entries
► take out {authornote}
► take out {authornote}
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
► remove context.setResponse()
► Changed to Module2
► ftp assert library established.
► Updates to file: scheme support, tests and documentation.
► First parts of the FTP module and test fixtures.
► FTP module
► FTP module
► FTP module
http-client 1.9.1 ► Fixed offset on HDS config root.
kernel 1.12.1 ► dereference response on sync requestee
layer0 1.32.1 ► dereference response in context after endpoint completes
nkee-architecture 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.15.1 ► fixed reporting of errors on endpoint profiler and fixed clear button
nkee-doc-content 1.1.1 ► first commit
nkee-layer0 0.2.1 ► fixed reporting of errors on endpoint profiler and fixed clear button
nkp 1.5.1 ► Fixed to filter out transreptors in remote metadata
► fix to allow cleanup of GCed connections
nkse-doc-content 1.22.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.11.1 ► fix to correctly determine import space
nkse-search 1.9.1 ► fix to stop index delete removing any sub-directories
Tue, Jul 27, 2010
nkp 1.4.1 ► made default min thread count = 1 (not 0)
Fri, Jul 23, 2010
http-client 1.8.1 ► Fixed NPE with null state with NTLM proxy
wink 1.5.1 ► No description available
Wed, Jul 21, 2010
wink 1.4.1 ► No description available
Tue, Jul 20, 2010
demo1 1.1.1 ► Modified to do split fib
nkee-apposite 1.16.1 ► No description available
wink 1.3.1 ► Delete old entries before indexing
► Added search
► Refining NK Licious specification
► Remove <dynamic/>
► Added search
► Remove <dynamic/>
Fri, Jul 16, 2010
apposite 1.21.1 ► fixed stats widget to display updates available
► added just in time repo update if not updated in last 3 days
► added detection and display of no distro available
► fixed stats widget to display updates available
► added just in time repo update if not updated in last 3 days
► added detection and display of no distro available
bootloader 1.16.1 ► added shutdown hook to regular boot
database-relational 1.6.1 ► No description available
http-client 1.7.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.31.1 ► No description available
layer1 1.14.1 ► fix to expiry of exists and source verbs on file: scheme
module-standard 1.20.1 ► fixed to use absoluteTime rather than approximateTime (which is wrong if config creation is slow)
nkee-apposite 1.15.1 ► Merged in tab's changes from NKSE branch.
► Merged in tab's changes from NKSE branch.
► Added dynamic import hook for AppositeConnector spaces. Fixed dynamic db config boot strap issue. Removed stdout noise.
nkee-arp 1.3.1 ► Moved ARP under the Apposite control panel tab.
► Added backup / restore
► Fixed repository name validation
nkee-installer 1.5.1 ► Added Proxy settings to installer
► Added licensed user and email to properties at install.
nkse-dev-tools 1.20.1 ► No description available
nkse-search 1.8.1 ► updated documentation for lucene
► fix to ensure mutation operations are serialized to avoid index locked exceptions
nkse-unit-tests 0.8.1 ► Added PSQuery and PSUpdate tests
photonk 0.4.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.14.1 ► No description available
Wed, Jul 14, 2010
database-relational 1.5.1 ► Added PS Boolean Query
► Added Prepared Statement accessors
Thu, Jul 1, 2010
bootloader 1.15.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.30.1 ► No description available
module-standard 1.19.1 ► added more hysteresis on metadata churn based on problems from chris cormack
nkee-architecture 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.6.1 ► fix to hide requests from visualizer
nkee-dev-tools 0.14.1 ► Removed inner expiry function class
► add expiry time to log check to stop constant checking
nkee-http-server 0.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-license-manager 1.4.1 ► added person and email to licencee info
nkp 1.3.1 ► Added remote host to logging for down and up request receipt.
► Fixed lockup with concurrent use of NKPRequest by making connection fetch synchronized. Needs review.
► Added nkp:// protocol support
► Removed inner expiry function class
nkse-dev-tools 1.19.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.21.1 ► No description available
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 1.8.1 ► Changed to use xsltc - much faster with large traces
rdf-jena 1.6.1 ► Export the slf4j package so that Jena can be used in the RDFa library
rdf-rdfa 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
system-core 0.13.1 ► addded prototype cross referencing
xml-core 1.7.1 ► Export the so that the default XMLSerialize Factory can be used in RDFa tools
Fri, Jun 18, 2010
apache-ant 1.2.1 ► added extra libs
http-server 1.14.1 ► fix to equality bug when basic access gets lost when only equality checked
nkse-doc-content 1.20.1 ► add doc about protocol handler
Thu, Jun 17, 2010
apache-ant 1.1.1 ► No description available
http-server 1.13.1 ► fix to encoding of redirect (for bsletten)
layer0 1.29.1 ► fixed so that last character can be escaped
module-standard 1.18.1 ► Allowed publisher and license elements in the meta section.
► fix so that transports can expose logical endpoint
nkse-cron 1.7.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.18.1 ► fixes to new module wizard
► fix to expose SimpleDynamicImportHook
► updated side doc on grammars kitchen
rdf-jena 1.4.1 ► No description available
Thu, Jun 10, 2010
coremeta 1.5.1 ► Added support for <varargs/> in decl req
► Added @tolerant to decl req argument
http-server 1.12.1 ► enable caching when url and params are equals by implementing equals and hashCode methods
► added query string on to url
► Removed inner expiry function class
► tidy up of url decode code
layer0 1.28.1 ► support for encoding="url-query"
► fix to tolerant handling allow any exception not just NKFException
► optimized decode method
layer1 1.13.1 ► Removed inner expiry function class
► Removed inner expiry function class
► Removed inner expiry function class
module-standard 1.17.1 ► Removed inner expiry function class
nkse-doc-content 1.19.1 ► No description available
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 1.7.1 ► display async requests
pds-core 1.5.1 ► Removed inner expiry function class
system-core 0.12.1 ► optimise startup by preloading active:moduleList
► optimise startup by preloading active:moduleList
Mon, Jun 7, 2010
coremeta 1.4.1 ► No description available
http-client 1.5.1 ► No description available
http-server 1.11.1 ► fixed decoding of url to handle plus and percent escaped unicode
jabber-xmpp 1.4.1 ► enabled flag from chris cormack
lang-dpml 1.11.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.27.1 ► consistent tolerant behaviour of missing args across all method=
► better equals method to increase cacheability
► fix to bnf for jrogers
nkse-dev-tools 1.17.1 ► fix to location of Tests.xml in new module wizard
nkse-doc-content 1.18.1 ► tweaked docs on the use of no-cache header
nkse-search 1.7.1 ► No description available
Fri, May 28, 2010
coremeta 1.3.1 ► No description available
database-relational 1.4.1 ► No description available
email-core 1.2.1 ► No description available
http-client 1.4.1 ► No description available
http-server 1.10.1 ► No description available
intray-transport 1.3.1 ► No description available
jabber-xmpp 1.3.1 ► No description available
jms-transport 1.3.1 ► No description available
json-core 1.2.1 ► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
lang-beanshell 1.2.1 ► No description available
lang-dpml 1.10.1 ► No description available
lang-freemarker 1.4.1 ► No description available
lang-groovy 1.5.1 ► Added Groovy String transreptor
lang-javascript 1.2.1 ► No description available
lang-python 1.2.1 ► No description available
lang-xrl 1.7.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.26.1 ► extend matching capability of transreptors to support the IRepAny representation to invert matching condition.
layer1 1.12.1 ► Fixed NPE on empty filter
module-standard 1.16.1 ► No description available
nkee-architecture 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.13.1 ► No description available
nkp 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.14.1 ► new book menu styling, support for constrained width control panel pages
nkse-cron 1.6.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.17.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.10.1 ► Fixed expansion of top level
► support for <noindex> tag in Docs.xml to inhibit indexing of doc
► fixed lookup of doc links so as to not confuse links with /wiki/ in them
► default to missing page
► auto reindex after generating javadoc
nkse-search 1.6.1 ► No description available
pds-core 1.4.1 ► No description available
photonk 0.3.1 ► No description available
rdf-jena 1.3.1 ► No description available
security-core 1.3.1 ► No description available
soap-ws 1.4.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.11.1 ► No description available
web-core 1.2.1 ► No description available
wiki-core 1.4.1 ► No description available
xml-core 1.6.1 ► No description available
xml-feeds 0.2.1 ► No description available
xml-jing 1.2.1 ► No description available
xml-saxon 1.6.1 ► No description available
Mon, May 24, 2010
lang-dpml 1.9.1 ► Hide arguments from outer DPML invocations to nested DPML invocations
layer0 1.25.1 ► fix generation of active grammars when there is no scheme homogeneity
layer1 1.11.1 ► added PrimitiveSerializer transreptor
module-standard 1.15.1 ► fixed so that transreptor impl uses <private> tag
xml-core 1.5.1 ► No description available
Thu, May 13, 2010
bootloader 1.14.1 ► No description available
kernel 1.11.1 ► fix to race condition in pulling pending states when endpoint was busy which resulted in unstable scheduler exception
► update to cause async responses to be handed over to worker threads
layer0 1.24.1 ► stop NPE if handleAsyncException is thrown in transport
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.5.1 ► added interrupt to shutdown to speed end of thread
nkp 1.1.1 ► fixed to have a timeout, this enables shutdown even if it can't connect
► Moved from the NKP2 development branch
► Adding docs / figures
► fixed logging levels
► Added support for PKCS8 certificates
► added basic authentication
► Working server side configurable TLS
► Works loading keystore from context.
► Added context sharing via resources and overridden TLS classes.
► added support for exposeRequestScope in configuration of client
► added cost propagation
► Basic client-to-server remote expiry function working.
► Added javadoc
► Added nearly full NKPRequest transfer.
► Factored out common code. Added mimetype metadata.
► Now has persistent connection and superstack
► Made async
► Now really working - does hello world for test1
► Basic working end-to-end NKP client server.
► Initial import.
nkse-docs 1.9.1 ► Fixed HTML and added background colour
Fri, May 7, 2010
http-server 1.9.1 ► Fixed URL decoding before creating inner request.
nkee-http-server 0.2.1 ► Fixed URL decoding before creating inner request.
nkperf 1.4.1 ► Fixed jquery location
Fri, Apr 30, 2010
xml-saxon 1.5.1 ► No description available
Tue, Apr 27, 2010
demo-redirect 1.2.1 ► Initial import.
Fri, Apr 23, 2010
layer0 1.23.1 ► No description available
module-standard 1.14.1 ► fix to setting endpoint on context during a debug resolve
nkse-doc-content 1.16.1 ► No description available
xml-core 1.4.1 ► fixed so parse errors are not expired
Wed, Apr 21, 2010
tutorial-xrl 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
Mon, Apr 19, 2010
kernel 1.10.1 ► optimized dependent expiry rollup in response metadata
► optimizations to request impls
layer0 1.22.1 ► added getHeaders() method to INKFRequestReadOnly
module-standard 1.13.1 ► No description available
Thu, Apr 15, 2010
nkee-apposite 1.14.1 ► No description available
nkee-architecture 1.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.13.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.15.1 ► No description available
wiki-core 1.3.1 ► Updated wiki parsers to 1.3.0
Mon, Apr 12, 2010
apposite 1.20.1 ► No description available
database-h2 1.2.1 ► Updated to H2 1.2.x
http-server 1.8.1 ► Updated documentation for the HTTP Session Overlay
nkse-control-panel 1.12.1 ► No description available
soap-ws 1.3.1 ► Minor reorganization to SOAP documentation pages
► Remove <separator/> mark from documentation book as it does not seem to work properly now
► Remove "draft" marker from detailed SOAP documentation
► Removed "draft" marker from SOAP documentation pages
Fri, Apr 9, 2010
lang-groovy 1.4.1 ► Minor documentation update
► Corrected the Groovy package name
nkse-cron 1.5.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.14.1 ► Reviewed by pjr
► overlays
nkse-docs 1.8.1 ► Removed statics
► Removed statics
nkse-search 1.5.1 ► No description available
Tue, Apr 6, 2010
jabber-xmpp-extra 1.2.1 ► Initial import.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010
1gch-tablenk 1.2.1 ► No description available
apposite 1.18.1 ► No description available
lang-dpml 1.8.1 ► No description available
lang-xrl 1.6.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.21.1 ► support for from-string
layer1 1.10.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.13.1 ► Fix spelling mistake
nkse-docs 1.7.1 ► add editing of page capability
nkse-search 1.4.1 ► remove query transreptor (too limiting) fixed so that search and index use same analyser and added a porter stemming analyzer
► optimize search using stemming for plurals and give boost to docs
Mon, Mar 29, 2010
nkee-apposite 1.13.1 ► Cleaned up packages/version after removing a repo collection
Fri, Mar 26, 2010
intray-transport 1.2.1 ► No description available
Wed, Mar 24, 2010
http-client 1.3.1 ► Added active:httpPatch
jabber-xmpp 1.2.1 ► Added TLS mode and port config.
nkse-license 1.5.1 ► No description available
Mon, Mar 22, 2010
layer0 1.20.1 ► updated physical endpoint metadata model to support metadata for state fields and for updating of fields
module-standard 1.12.1 ► updated physical endpoint metadata model to support metadata for state fields and for updating of fields
Thu, Mar 18, 2010
module-standard 1.11.1 ► made innerBuildSpace public to allow building of declarative spaces dynamically
nkperf 1.3.1 ► fixed so warmup only done once
system-core 0.10.1 ► added dependency when whole pulled from internal cache
Wed, Mar 17, 2010
1gch-tablenk 1.1.1 ► No description available
apposite 1.17.1 ► optimization of fetching hashes.
► Merged from EE version
► Merged from EE version
module-standard 1.10.1 ► performance improvement in getAbsoluteIdentifier
► optimize overhead of lazy post commission
nkee-apposite 1.11.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.11.1 ► No description available
xml-saxon 1.4.1 ► No description available
Fri, Mar 12, 2010
layer0 1.19.1 ► performance enhancements to bnf using startswith match
nkperf 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.16.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.12.1 ► document caching
system-core 0.9.1 ► No description available
Wed, Mar 10, 2010
cache-se 1.3.1 ► No description available
kernel 1.9.1 ► improvements to response generation performance
layer0 1.18.1 ► improved concurrency of generating unique identifier
► Added clone with identifier method for jdeane
► fix to allow request to be reused for async requests
module-standard 1.9.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.8.1 ► fix to detection of IDLE worker threads
Fri, Mar 5, 2010
kernel 1.7.1 ► fix bug introduced when improving concurrentcy of priority request table - threads shutting down could grab a request and not process it causing a lock up.
layer0 1.16.1 ► allow update of properties
nkperf 1.1.1 ► No description available
Tue, Mar 2, 2010
bootloader 1.13.1 ► Fixes printf bug in older bash shells
► added stdmod.initialisation.hysteresis
database-relational 1.3.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.15.1 ► fix to handling of [[arg:x]]
layer1 1.9.1 ► fix to error message in ToDeterminateString transreptor
module-standard 1.8.1 ► No description available
Fri, Feb 26, 2010
kernel 1.6.1 ► No description available
lang-xrl 1.5.1 ► Removed incorrectly inserted documentation.
► Fixed ticket:
layer0 1.14.1 ► fix to ordered hds traversal
► circular request messages
layer1 1.8.1 ► No description available
module-standard 1.7.1 ► fix expiry when no config is available
► fixed possible resolution failure of config because contexts scope has been mangled
nkee-apposite 1.9.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.12.1 ► No description available
Fri, Feb 26, 2010
1060-NetKernel-EE 4.0.0
Enterprise Distribution
Wed, Feb 24, 2010
http-server 1.7.1 ► Fixed encoding mangling of POST - don't mangle when client really does supply encoding.
nkee-apposite 1.8.1 ► No description available
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.7.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.9.1 ► Moved dynamic imports into a rootspace so that internal tools can request the services.
Mon, Feb 22, 2010
layer1 1.7.1 ► Fixed documentation errors reported by Chris Cormack
nkee-dev-tools 0.11.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.15.1 ► No description available
Fri, Feb 19, 2010
bootloader 1.12.1 ► No description available
http-server 1.6.1 ► No description available
kernel 1.5.1 ► Performance improvements - reduce concurrency issues
layer0 1.13.1 ► removed synchronization
layer1 1.6.1 ► Fixed the active:exec accessor and put the docs right.
module-standard 1.6.1 ► Fix to failure to lookup non-absolute logical endpoint identifiers through overlays
nkee-dev-tools 0.8.1 ► No description available
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.5.1 ► Changed CPU testing to quad core units.
nkee-installer 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkee-style 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.8.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.6.1 ► No description available
nkse-unit-tests 0.6.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.7.1 ► Fix detection of IDLE worker threads after kernel change to impl of PriorityRequestTable
Fri, Feb 12, 2010
bootloader 1.10.1 ► No description available
http-server 1.5.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.12.1 ► No description available
nkee-apposite 1.7.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.7.1 ► No description available
nkee-license-manager 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.7.1 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 1.6.1 ► No description available
Thu, Feb 11, 2010
layer1 1.5.1 ► No description available
nkee-apposite 1.5.1 ► No description available
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.4.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.5.1 ► No description available
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkee-installer 1.2.1 ► Initial import.
nkee-license-manager 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkee-style 1.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.14.1 ► No description available
Wed, Feb 10, 2010
http-client 1.2.1 ► Exports apache client classes
nkee-apposite 1.1.1 ► Fork of NKSE version
► fork of NKSE version
nkee-arp 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.4.1 ► No description available
nkee-license-manager 1.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.6.1 ► aliased jquery
nkse-docs 1.5.1 ► Removed dependency on package:core
Fri, Feb 5, 2010
bootloader 1.9.1 ► No description available
http-server 1.4.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.11.1 ► Fixed to detect changes even with no public space.
► support for nested requests
► addArgumentByRequest
► addArgumentByRequest
nkee-arp 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-encrypted-module-factory 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-probe 0.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.5.1 ► No description available
nkse-cron 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.11.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.11.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-search 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 1.5.1 ► No description available
pds-core 1.3.1 ► No description available
Sat, Jan 30, 2010
http-server 1.3.1 ► Fixed bug in which multipart/form-data parameters where not parsed to unicode correctly using specified content encoding.
nkee-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.2.1 ► Fixed security hole that exposed introspect tools to the front end fulcrum
nkse-visualizer 1.4.1 ► No description available
Thu, Jan 28, 2010
layer0 1.9.1 ► Change reverted - as it was bad - caused NPE on prefix on root node.
Tue, Jan 26, 2010
layer0 1.8.1 ► Fixed namespace parsing in SAX handler
wiki-core 1.2.1 ► Fixed NPE if the content is empty string.
xml-core 1.3.1 ► Also added div, td
► Added noncoalesce for <iframe> - prevents XHTML transitional errors.
Fri, Jan 15, 2010
module-standard 1.5.1 ► Declared Threadsafe
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 1.2.1 ► Added Jeff Rogers trick for setting port from system property
► Reorded config fileset to prevent request going through HTTPBridge during commission
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 1.3.1 ► Added Jeff Rogers trick for setting port from system property
► Reorded config fileset to prevent request going through HTTPBridge during commission
Fri, Jan 8, 2010
apposite 1.15.1 ► Made Ajax drop lists auto-refresh on select.
lang-dpml 1.7.1 ► No description available
Fri, Dec 18, 2009
apposite 1.14.1 ► Added repository filtering. Gave UI some TLC.
► Added emergency backup of modules.xml before replacing it. Moved refresh button to top of status column
► Fixed runlevel not present bug
► Added repository filtering. Gave UI some TLC.
► Added emergency backup of modules.xml before replacing it. Moved refresh button to top of status column
bootloader 1.8.1 ► Rewritten with -debug flag support
coremeta 1.2.1 ► No description available
jms-transport 1.2.1 ► No description available
lang-dpml 1.6.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.7.1 ► Fixed invalid runlevel
layer1 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.9.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.10.1 ► Graphics updated for pluggable overlay to include exceptionProcess support
► Update to fileset documentation
► Add private filter example
soap-ws 1.2.1 ► Updates to the grammar in the docs.
system-core 0.6.1 ► Fixed invalid runlevel
tutorial-jms 1.2.1 ► No description available
xml-core 1.2.1 ► removed system.out
► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
► Change JavaDoc -> Javadoc
Mon, Dec 14, 2009
apposite 1.10.1 ► No description available
Fri, Dec 11, 2009
lang-dpml 1.5.1 ► No description available
lang-freemarker 1.3.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.6.1 ► No description available
layer1 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.8.1 ► No description available
Wed, Dec 9, 2009
apposite 1.9.1 ► Added repository settings upload
► Added repository settings upload
demo-grammar 1.1.1 ► Fine tuning
► Change to correct accessor in the endpoint definition
► Add module, the companion module for the InfoQ grammar article
Mon, Dec 7, 2009
apposite 1.7.1 ► No description available
xml-saxon 1.3.1 ► Addition of a couple of transreptors(HDS <--> XdmNode).
Fri, Dec 4, 2009
apposite 1.6.1 ► Added update all button
demo-golden-thread 1.1.1 ► Initial import.
lang-freemarker 1.2.1 ► No description available
module-standard 1.4.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.8.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.7.1 ► Added video tutorials.
system-core 0.5.1 ► No description available
Fri, Nov 27, 2009
bootloader 1.7.1 ► No description available
cache-se 1.2.1 ► No description available
jms-transport 1.1.1 ► Now building but not correct.
► First check in. Partially completed port. Does not build.
► Initial import.
kernel 1.4.1 ► No description available
lang-dpml 1.4.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.5.1 ► No description available
module-standard 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-cron 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.7.1 ► No description available
rdf-jena 1.2.1 ► Updated to Jena 2.6.2
system-core 0.4.1 ► No description available
tutorial-jms 1.1.1 ► No description available
Fri, Nov 20, 2009
apposite 1.5.1 ► Implemented bootloader update
bootloader 1.6.1 ► decoupled JVM settings so that we can create a management tool
database-relational 1.2.1 ► Correct significant documentation error for sqlBatch
http-server 1.2.1 ► No description available
kernel 1.3.1 ► No description available
lang-xrl 1.4.1 ► Minor documentation updates such as taking out {authornote} sections
layer0 1.4.1 ► No description available
mod-poink 1.1.1 ► No description available
module-standard 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.6.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 1.6.1 ► Fixed incorrect regex expression
nkse-unit-tests 0.4.1 ► No description available
security-core 1.2.1 ► No description available
system-core 0.3.1 ► No description available
tutorial-rest-web-services 1.2.1 ► REST Web Services Tutorial - deep edit pass on title and part1
► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
Fri, Nov 13, 2009
bootloader 1.4.1 ► Update to use external relocatable bootjar.cnf
Tue, Nov 10, 2009
nkse-xunit 1.4.1 ► Updated int assert to support long and BigInteger. Added float assert to support float and double assertions
xml-saxon 1.2.1 ► No description available
Thu, Nov 5, 2009
bootloader 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.2.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.2.1 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
nkse-doc-content 1.5.1 ► Updated Tutorials. Files track NK 4.0 release, support for IntelliJ 9 Community Edition and general edits.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009
lang-clojure 1.1.1 ► No description available
lang-dpml 1.3.1 ► Preservation of argument identifiers when passed to sub-requests.
► <declare-tag> tag has been implemented to support tag macros for extending the DPML syntax.
nkse-dev-tools 1.5.1 ► No description available
Wed, Oct 21, 2009
layer1 1.2.1 ► Added new active:fls - supports listing directories and files in the host operating system filesystem. (similar to ls on Unix).
nkse-doc-content 1.4.1 ► Added metadata so that the documentation can be published on a public server []
nkse-docs 1.3.1 ► Tweaked so that the document engines can also be use to publish documentation on the public server []
Tue, Oct 13, 2009
apposite 1.4.1 ► No description available
kernel 1.2.1 ► No description available
lang-groovy 1.2.1 ► Added SpaceListener to compiler
lang-xrl 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 1.2.1 ► Fixed Icon and message when running in Jar.
nkse-license 1.4.1 ► No description available
pds-core 1.2.1 ► Fixed boot from jar on windows.
photonk 0.2.1 ► No description available
Fri, Oct 9, 2009
lang-xrl 1.2.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.3.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.4.1 ► Made kernel properties editor tolerant of whitespace.
tutorial-embedding 1.7.1 ► Embedded Tutorial - fix to demonstration installation code.
Mon, Oct 5, 2009
tutorial-embedding 1.6.1 ► Embedded Tutorial - fix rootspace name
► Embedding Tutorial - remove unused documentation file
► Embedding Tutorial - minor edits
Fri, Oct 2, 2009
apposite 1.3.1 ► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
nkse-control-panel 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-cron 1.2.1 ► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
nkse-dev-tools 1.3.1 ► Spelling corrections
nkse-doc-content 1.3.1 ► Change JavaDoc -> Javadoc
► Embedded Tutorial - polish and linking to main documentation
nkse-unit-tests 0.2.1 ► Fixed test that cannot be run in distro - due to local filesystem dependenies
nkse-visualizer 1.3.1 ► Spelling corrections
nkse-xunit 1.3.1 ► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
► Spelling corrections
system-core 0.2.1 ► No description available
tutorial-embedding 1.4.1 ► Demo code added
► Embedded Tutorial - at final draft stage
► Embedded Tutorial - title page and bootloader page are at final draft stage
► Embedded Tutorial - various updates after review with Tony
► Added documentation to RMain and other minor edits
► Embedded Tutorial - minor updates
► Embedding Tutorial - simplified structure and minor edits to arithmetic space page
► Embedding Tutorial - minor updates
► Embedded Tutorial - added several sections, added Fibonacci computation space
► Tutorial - Embedding. Initial outline structure with topics, etc.
► Added tutorial on Embedding NetKernel
► Embedded Tutorial - minor updates
► Embedding Tutorial - minor updates
► Embedded Tutorial - added several sections, added Fibonacci computation space
► Embedded Tutorial - refactored demonstration application
tutorial-roc-app-architecture 1.2.1 ► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
► Spelling corrections
► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
► Reference changed for the ROC Introduction Tutorial from the "Install" page to the actual title page
tutorial-roc-basics 1.3.1 ► Change to Tony's http:/ reference style for tool and other BEF references
► Spelling corrections
Thu, Oct 1, 2009
apposite 1.2.1 ► Minor edits to license, newsletter and license text
► Fixed missing guide
► Tidied margin flow when installing.
► Apposite documenation update to "rough draft" stage
bootloader 1.2.1 ► Increased request stack depth.
lang-dpml 1.2.1 ► No description available
layer0 1.2.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 1.2.1 ► Updated Grammar's Kitchen documentation
► Edits and refinements of the "info box text" for each tool in the developer panel
nkse-doc-content 1.2.1 ► Apposite documenation update to "rough draft" stage
► Updated Visualizer documentation
► Updated Grammar's Kitchen documentation
► Remove documentation on the Endpoint Profiler tool
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 1.2.1 ► Fixed security hole that exposed introspect tools to the front end fulcrum
nkse-license 1.2.1 ► Minor edits to license, newsletter and license text
► Reworded the license and support panels.
nkse-search 1.2.1 ► Fixed potential NPE when index target returns null.
nkse-visualizer 1.2.1 ► Edits and refinements of the "info box text" for each tool in the developer panel
nkse-xunit 1.2.1 ► Edits and refinements of the "info box text" for each tool in the developer panel
► Remove wayward semicolon in source code
tutorial-roc-basics 1.2.1 ► ROC Basics Tutorial - light edit and spell check
Mon, Sep 28, 2009
database-h2 0.1.2 ► No description available
kernel 1.1.2 ► No description available
layer0 1.1.1 ► No description available
tutorial-rest-web-services 0.1.6 ► REST Tutorial - remove XUnit test assertions that are failing in the "Test-It-All" scenario
Wed, Sep 23, 2009
apposite 0.2.57 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
► Added click-through license panel to installer.
► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
cache-se 0.1.11 ► No description available
database-relational 0.1.14 ► Removing document references and documents that are not included in any books
email-core 0.1.8 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
http-client 0.1.12 ► Increased default timeout to 10s.
► Removed config search for res:/etc/.... - since it leads to superstack mixing bugs in apps. config must now be specified as arg or it uses defaults.
► Add assertion tests to HTTP client module
intray-transport 0.1.3 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
json-core 0.1.3 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
lang-beanshell 0.1.6 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
lang-dpml 0.1.13 ► Removed {ignore} blocks
► Removing document references and documents that are not included in any books
► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
lang-freemarker 0.1.10 ► Remove wayward ' ' entries that are no longer working in the documentation system
lang-javascript 0.1.4 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
lang-python 0.1.3 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
layer0 0.1.38 ► No description available
layer1 0.1.20 ► Removed ten60: from URI references in documentation to reflect the refactoring that was done a while ago
nkee-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.1.3 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 0.1.44 ► No description available
nkse-cron 0.1.10 ► Removed {ignore} blocks
► Remove wayward ' ' entries that are no longer working in the documentation system
► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.49 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 0.1.10 ► Removed {ignore} blocks
► Added coming soon.
► Updated Readme to remove discussion of preview program and add "Where to get help" ending section
► Removing document references and documents that are not included in any books
► REST Tutorial - Fixed part 9 "next section" navigation, added discussion about XUnit in the title and further explained XUnit in the first part
► Readme - removed mention of the Preview Programme
► General update to remove the term "program"
► Logical Guide - Prototype, changed "program" -> "script"
► Logical Guide - improved the discussion about group names, added a clear example, removed reference to "program"
► Remove the document describing changes from NetKernel 3
► Minor edit update
► Readme - update
► Reference changed for the ROC Introduction Tutorial from the "Install" page to the actual title page
► REST tutorial - major update to parts 1-5 and 9
nkse-docs 0.1.61 ► No description available
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.25 ► No description available
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.1.3 ► No description available
nkse-license 0.1.2 ► No description available
nkse-search 0.1.24 ► Search help box - minor edit
► Added search help on the search results page info box.
nkse-visualizer 0.1.4 ► No description available
nkse-xunit 0.1.7 ► Removed {ignore} blocks
► mod:test - added documentation for new built-in <regex> assertion
pds-core 0.1.18 ► No description available
photonk 0.1.14 ► No description available
rdf-jena 0.1.1 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
security-core 0.1.11 ► Removing document references and documents that are not included in any books
system-core 0.1.28 ► No description available
tutorial-rest-web-services 0.1.5 ► REST Tutorial - final updates
► REST Tutorial - clean up resource leaks
► REST Tutorial - rough draft of reworked postscript
► REST Tutorial - part 7 updated to reflect Peter's feedback
► REST Tutorial - minor edits and cleanup for part 6
► REST Tutorial - clean up part 5 demonstration code and document changes to incorporate Peter's feedback
► REST Tutorial - final edits to part 4
► REST Tutorial - part 4, fixed demo page, cleaned up module definition and edits to documentation
► REST Tutorial - update part 3 to incorporate Peter's comments
► RES Tutorial - updated part 2 to incorpate Peter's feedback. Also cleaned up the companion unit tests
► REST Tutorial - fixed broken links to the discussion about locating the source code
► REST Tutorial - Fixed part 9 "next section" navigation, added discussion about XUnit in the title and further explained XUnit in the first part
► Fixed part 4a/b with layer1 import.
► REST Tutorial - final fixes for part 9
► REST Tutorial - partial update to final part 9
► REST Tutorial - fix demonstration page for part 8
► REST tutorial - part 6 updated
► REST tutorial - major update to parts 1-5 and 9
► REST Tutorial - updates and bug fixes
► REST Tutorial - added test module, added tests for part9-persistence and debugged Database Accessor
► REST Tutorial - final updates
► REST Tutorial - clean up resource leaks
► REST Tutorial - minor edits and cleanup for part 6
► REST Tutorial - clean up part 5 demonstration code and document changes to incorporate Peter's feedback
► RES Tutorial - updated part 2 to incorpate Peter's feedback. Also cleaned up the companion unit tests
► REST Tutorial - final fixes for part 9
► REST Tutorial - partial update to final part 9
► REST tutorial - major update to parts 1-5 and 9
► REST Tutorial - updates and bug fixes
► REST Tutorial - added test module, added tests for part9-persistence and debugged Database Accessor
twitter 0.1.9 ► No description available
wiki-core 0.1.9 ► No description available
wink 0.1.5 ► No description available
xml-feeds 0.1.1 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
xml-jing 0.1.1 ► Removed <dynamic/> from production modules
Mon, Sep 21, 2009
apposite 0.2.56 ► No description available
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.1.1 ► No description available
nkee-dev-tools 0.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 0.1.9 ► Tutorial - Embedding. Initial outline structure with topics, etc.
nkse-xunit 0.1.6 ► Test module - minor formatting change, added indenting to book index display
Fri, Sep 18, 2009
apposite 0.2.55 ► Increased update frequency of status reporting. Shows realtime downloading etc.
► Package viewer now shows modules
► Fixed progress bar.
► Package viewer now shows modules
bootloader 0.1.27 ► No description available
database-h2 0.1.1 ► No description available
database-relational 0.1.13 ► Fixed Node import mismatch! Beware the IDE auto complete!
email-core 0.1.7 ► Deep edit of SMTP module documentation
http-server 0.1.19 ► Update documentation in HTTP transport module to clarify the use of HTAccess control
json-core 0.1.2 ► Fix class export regular expression
lang-beanshell 0.1.5 ► No description available
lang-dpml 0.1.11 ► No description available
lang-freemarker 0.1.9 ► No description available
lang-javascript 0.1.3 ► No description available
lang-xrl 0.1.14 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.37 ► Fixed spurious import
nkse-control-panel 0.1.43 ► No description available
nkse-cron 0.1.9 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.48 ► Added http client import to playpen
nkse-doc-content 0.1.8 ► Tutorial Guide - minor change to embedding document to force it to be at SVN head on check-in
► ROC Guide - change image references back to OO versions.
► scaled.
► ROC Guide - modified title page to use Open-Office SVG diagram
► FAQ - interim answer for question about physical location of module files
► FAQ - refine question about physical location of module file
► Documentation - FAQ entry added discussing relative physical file locations
► QuickStart - refined the module page
► QuickStart - improved formatting of the Three Cs page
► QuickStart - update to platform page
► Added tutorial on Embedding NetKernel
► QuickStart - updated page about modules
► QuickStart - updated spaces page
► Quick Start now at Draft stage
► QuickStart
► * Java page changed to include a live demonstration link
► * Groovy version of the toUpper service
► QuickStart
► * Changed DPML page to discuss requests and responses instead of the "information level"
► Quick Start
► * Improve the page about identifiers by using graphics and condensing the vertical spacing
► Quick Start
► * Change request page to improve formatting
► Merge
► Merge
► Quick Start now at Draft stage
► Quick Start updates
► Clean up book structure.
► Fully removed the old Getting Started Guide and references.
► Changed all Readme and Quick Start references to proper names and file
► Fixed error in HDS documentation
► Return the index reference for the J2EE embedding tutorial
nkse-docs 0.1.60 ► Clean up book structure.
► Fully removed the old Getting Started Guide and references.
► Changed all Readme and Quick Start references to proper names and file
► Refined the documentation description of a transport
nkse-search 0.1.23 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 0.1.3 ► No description available
nkse-xunit 0.1.5 ► No description available
pds-core 0.1.17 ► No description available
security-core 0.1.10 ► No description available
system-core 0.1.27 ► No description available
tutorial-rest-web-services 0.1.4 ► REST Tutorial - minor edits
► REST Tutorial - part 8 debugged and part 9 analysis started
► REST Tutorial - finish restructuring
► REST Tutorial - restructuring to remove part 8
► REST Tutorial - part 7 in final draft stage
► REST Tutorial - rough draft of new chapter 7
► REST Tutorial - partial update
► REST Tutorial - partial update to part 7
► REST Tutorial - minor edits and bug fixes in the content handler example
► Fixed H2 to not use 16MB cache for each embedded DB!
► Refactored to import H2 db
xml-core 0.1.15 ► Fixed spurious import
Tue, Sep 15, 2009
apposite 0.2.54 ► Apposite now works on IE
system-core 0.1.26 ► No description available
Mon, Sep 14, 2009
lang-dpml 0.1.10 ► fixed expiry response when argument doesn't exist
lang-groovy 0.1.16 ► No description available
twitter 0.1.8 ► No description available
Fri, Sep 11, 2009
apposite 0.2.53 ► Links in installer are styled.
► Refactored to import H2 db
database-relational 0.1.12 ► H2 is now in separate module.
lang-dpml 0.1.9 ► Edited and restructured
lang-freemarker 0.1.8 ► Fixed docs and updated to version 2.3.15
lang-groovy 0.1.15 ► No description available
lang-xrl 0.1.13 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.36 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 0.1.42 ► Temporarily set font size to 11px - so that IE looks sane.
nkse-cron 0.1.8 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.46 ► Fine-tune text on home panel page
► Edit pass on Playpen info doc text
nkse-doc-content 0.1.7 ► Documentation change for preview 6.7 release
► Removed the indexing for the J2EE embedding tutorial
► Added a temporary Quick Start summary page.
► Physical Reference Guide
► Updated HDS documentation
► Benefits of HDS added to HDS documentation
► NetKernel 4 changes page ready for PV6.6 release
► Resource Model Guide updates
► Documentation edits and updates
► Careful edit-pass on the initial ReadMe page.
► This led to updates to the WiNK, PongNK and Twitter package descriptions in Bob.
► Tutorial Guide - minor search information updates
► Tutorial Guide
► Spelling check
► Titles are to new L&F standard
► Search indexes reviewed and updated
► Minor template edits (e.g. Requirements -> Prerequisites)
► Glossary and FAQ Guide
► Spelling corrections
► Titles conform to new L&F standard
► Search indexes all reviewed and updated
► Removed used file
► ROC Guide - index descriptions updated and other fixes.
► Return representation lifecycle to the book (still needs to be written)
► All pages now conform to proper title levels, etc.
► ROC Guide - page titles now follow new L&F standard
► Logical Guide formatting
► Each page now has the proper titles and levels
► Index entries updated
► Physical Guide update
► The Physical Guide is now at final draft state except for the HDS documentation.
► Regarding HDS - preliminary XUnit tests structures are added and the beginning of tests are included.
► Extend the Quick Start Guide topics through the Hello World page
► Fine-tune FAQ question
► Documentation updates
► Physical Guide updates
► Refine FAQ page formatting; added FAQ for J2EE Application Server integration
► Add Tutorial skeleton for J2EE application embedding
► Add FAQ book (section of the new FAQ/Glossary book)
► Updates to Physical Guide
► Updates to Physical Reference Guide
► Minor edits
► Changes to books
► Added back the "Readme" book. (This needs a link in the control panel)
► Removed the release changes page and replaced it with a NK3 -> NK 4 version change page
► Removed the readme pages from the QuickStart book
► Physical Guide final edit of first portion of the book
► Added a NK3 -> NK4 changes page for the readme
nkse-docs 0.1.59 ► Add FAQ book (section of the new FAQ/Glossary book)
► Change documentation book linkages for Readme
nkse-license 0.1.1 ► Styling of links
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.20 ► Fine-tuning documentation of HDS assert tests
► Refactored to import H2 db
► Physical Guide update
► The Physical Guide is now at final draft state except for the HDS documentation.
► Regarding HDS - preliminary XUnit tests structures are added and the beginning of tests are included.
nkse-xunit 0.1.4 ► No description available
pds-core 0.1.16 ► Refactored to import H2 db
photonk 0.1.13 ► Refactored to import H2 db
system-core 0.1.25 ► Fixed deadlock possibility if the module list is requested async concurrently.
tutorial-physicalguide 0.1.0 ► Physical Guide update
► The Physical Guide is now at final draft state except for the HDS documentation.
► Regarding HDS - preliminary XUnit tests structures are added and the beginning of tests are included.
► Update tests for the Physical Reference example module
► Merge branch 'documentation'
► test update
► Tutorial for the Physical Development Guide
► Tutorial for the Physical Development Guide
► Minor code cleanup
► remove context.setResponse(...)
► Tutorial for the Physical Development Guide
► Tutorial for the Physical Development Guide
tutorial-roc-basics 0.1.6 ► No description available
wiki-core 0.1.8 ► No description available
xml-core 0.1.14 ► XML Core
► Minor documentation edit
► XML Core module documentation update
Thu, Sep 10, 2009
database-h2 0.1.0 ► Added docs
► Initial import.
Fri, Sep 4, 2009
apposite 0.2.52 ► Fixed table formatting bug in Firefox.
► Fixed javascript with mimetype text/html header
► Refactored to use cpanel wrapper.
bootloader 0.1.26 ► No description available
cache-se 0.1.10 ► No description available
database-relational 0.1.11 ► Remove <dynamic/> tag used during refactoring
► Addition code format tightening for 1060 standards
► Convert code back to 1060 standard format
► Major refactoring of documentation to new standard
► The stylesheets for the meta information presentation have already been updated and this commit contains the necessary changes in mod:db to use these correctly.
► The documentation has now been thoroughly reviewed and should be complete, accurate and final
► Removed ten60: from URI references in documentation to reflect the refactoring that was done a while ago
http-client 0.1.11 ► Removed ten60: from URI references in documentation to reflect the refactoring that was done a while ago
http-server 0.1.18 ► Updated to use Jetty 6.1.19
► Adds NetKernelHandlerHTAccess and provides examples of how to configure a module to use Apache style htaccess.
► Examples of how to set up SSL sockets.
lang-dpml 0.1.8 ► Updates to DPML and XUnit for the closure documentation and documentation examples
► DPML documentation for sequence ready for review
► DPML documentation updates
► Updated DPML documentation for import element to use an example that should work (but does not currently work)
► Update DPML documentation for import element
► Cleanup DPML Guide introduction page
► Reorder DPML Guide sections
► Minor documentation update to DPML sequence
► Updates for sequence DPML element in documentation and tests
► Update documentation and tests for the DPML literal element
► Remove the page "Running" in the DPML guide.
► This is not needed as all of the points are made in the documentation page on the active:dpml service.
► Updates to DPML and XUnit tests covering the invocation of the DPML runtime
► DPML documentation and XUnit test updates
► Fix for Exception accessor in DPML.
► The exception handler endpoint was executing the "arg:try" block when it meant to execute the "arg:finally" block.
► Minor documentation updates
► DPML documentation and test updates
lang-groovy 0.1.14 ► Updated to Groovy 1.6.4
layer0 0.1.34 ► No description available
module-standard 0.1.23 ► No description available
nkee-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.1.2 ► Refactored Throttle to use a config identifier parameter rather than static params.
nkee-http-server 0.1.2 ► Refactored IHandler interface to remove "helper"
nkse-control-panel 0.1.41 ► Fixed NPE when Installer is selected and not running from Jar.
► Fixed para spacing.
► Improved spacing of headers.
► Fix spelling error
nkse-cron 0.1.7 ► Removed ten60: from URI references in documentation to reflect the refactoring that was done a while ago
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.45 ► Fixed doc leaks from SPP.
► Updates to Playpen linkages.
nkse-doc-content 0.1.6 ► Quick Start Guide update
► Quick Start Guide transport page now at draft stage
► Quick Start Guide page on spaces updated/edited
► Quick Start Guide DPML page updates and edits
► Minor edit to tighten text
► Quick Start Guide DPML playpen examples working again.
► However, I am concerned about resource leakage into the http://localhost:1060/ space.
► Quick Start with examples update through resource model page
► Fixed broken doc references in book:gettingstarted:developer
► Quick Start Guide updates
► Fixed documentation system problem introduced by the additional of a rootspace to contain documentation examples
► Minor documentation updates
► Refined space page and added start of transport page to Quick Start guide
► Add page on space and request resolution to Quick Start guide
► Added Quick Start sections up through DPML
► New DPML page
► Updates to Playpen linkages.
► Trick to get DPML Playpen to work with external fixtures
► Minor update
► Start of new Quick Start Guide
► Initial restructuring for the new "Quick Start" Guide
► Preliminary updates to the resource model guide
► Removed ten60: from URI references in documentation to reflect the refactoring that was done a while ago
nkse-docs 0.1.58 ► Refined the title of the identifier syntax presentation
► Formatting refinements for the presentation of accessor meta information in the documentation
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.24 ► Added SSL connector settings options
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.1.2 ► Added SSL connector settings options
nkse-license 0.1.0 ► No description available
nkse-search 0.1.22 ► No description available
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.19 ► Correct boolean query test to reflect proper use
nkse-xunit 0.1.3 ► No description available
pds-core 0.1.15 ► Removed ten60: from URI references in documentation to reflect the refactoring that was done a while ago
photonk 0.1.12 ► No description available
tutorial-rest-web-services 0.1.3 ► Preliminary updates to the resource model guide
► Final updates for REST web service tutorial. Now at draft review state
► Debugged and enhanced the persistence layer for part 10 of the REST web services tutorial
► REST web services tutorial updates
► Updates to part 10 of REST web services tutorial
► Completed the REST web services part 10 persistence section lower level database micro-services
► Update REST web service part 10a (Twitter layer) to draft status
► REST web services part 9 now in draft form
► Cleanup and fine tuning example
► Minor updates
► Update with Ajax front end code and proper "REST UI" for all sections through part 9
► Updates to content negotiation section of REST web services tutorial
► Also, some minor edits to other sections
► Restructure REST web services tutorial module to allow insertion of the Content Negotiation section
► Fix a bad demonstration link for the HTTP headers demo
► Now use JQuery and Ajax to send HTTP requests with a full set of HTTP methods
► Edit pass changes
► Refactored Throttle to use a config identifier parameter rather than static params.
tutorial-roc-basics 0.1.5 ► Fixed broken active:java demo.
twitter 0.1.7 ► No description available
Mon, Aug 31, 2009
cache-se 0.1.9 ► No description available
Fri, Aug 28, 2009
lang-dpml 0.1.7 ► Initial restructuring for the new "Quick Start" Guide
Thu, Aug 20, 2009
apposite 0.2.50 ► No description available
database-relational 0.1.10 ► No description available
kernel 0.1.63 ► No description available
lang-dpml 0.1.6 ► No description available
lang-javascript 0.1.2 ► No description available
lang-python 0.1.2 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.33 ► No description available
layer1 0.1.19 ► Refactored Throttle to use a config identifier parameter rather than static params.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.40 ► Tweaked style and added TM
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.44 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 0.1.5 ► Changed resource-oriented to "resource oriented"
► Cleanup merge
► Physical restructuring of Resource Model Guide
► Also updated XML page to new standard
► Draft of the XML resource model description page. Intended to set the standard for structure and content.
► Reintroduce Resource Model Guide
nkse-docs 0.1.57 ► Tweaked style and added TM
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.23 ► Added stats to Connectors
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.1.1 ► Added stats to Connectors
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.18 ► Refactored Throttle to use a config identifier parameter rather than static params.
pds-core 0.1.14 ► No description available
Wed, Aug 19, 2009
http-server 0.1.17 ► Addded detailed stats when StatsOn set.
► Update to Jetty 6.1.19
► Added explicit handling of jetty's EofException when bad client goes away.
Fri, Aug 14, 2009
cache-se 0.1.8 ► No description available
http-server 0.1.15 ► Fixed typo
json-core 0.1.1 ► Initial import.
lang-groovy 0.1.13 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.32 ► Fixed reference substitution
nkse-control-panel 0.1.39 ► Updated support options
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.43 ► added cpu usage stats
nkse-doc-content 0.1.4 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.56 ► REST web service tutorial updates
► Fixed - was missing the Unpack class from package module.
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.17 ► No description available
pds-core 0.1.13 ► removed semaphore, improved liveness
rdf-jena 0.1.0 ► Added Docs
► Added set operations
► Initial import.
security-core 0.1.9 ► Deprecated GateKeeper overlay
system-core 0.1.23 ► added cpu usage stats
tutorial-rest-web-services 0.1.2 ► REST web services tutorial at review draft 2 stage
► Updates to REST web services tutorial
► General updates to REST web services tutorial.
► Updates to the persistence discussion of REST web services tutorial
► Update to REST web services
► Added part 9b, the Twitter layer
► REST web services tutorial updates
► Restructuring part 9 of REST web services tutorial
► Final edits for REST web services part 8
► Removed mock httpRequest:/headers as it was leaking into the real test
► REST web services tutorial part 8 ready for edit pass
► Final restructuring of the REST web services module to occomodate new topics
► Additional structural changes to the REST web service tutorial
► Partial structural update to REST web services tutorial
► Update to the HTTP headers part of REST web services tutorial to now reflect HTTP header information as a web service.
► Updates for the HTTP headers part. This is only partially working as we need additional support from the HTTP transport
► Final updates to the REST web services verb part
► Minor cleanup
► Partial tutorial update
► Refinements to the REST web services verb part.
► Minor documentation update
► REST web services tutorial new verbs example is starting to work
► Changed directory structure and rootspaces to accomodate new parts
► Minor documentation update
► REST web service tutorial updates
► Minor documentation update
► Part5 example starting to work correctly
► Updates to Part5 of the REST web service tutorial
► Updates to part5/part5b of REST web services tutorial
► Add part5 to REST web services tutorial
► Add details of part5b
► Part5 example starting to work correctly
► Updates to Part5 of the REST web service tutorial
► Updates to part5/part5b of REST web services tutorial
► Add part5 to REST web services tutorial
► Add details of part5b
web-core 0.1.7 ► Added redirectHTML. Sorted out the documentation.
xml-core 0.1.13 ► Added validateDTD
► Added active:serializeDOM
► Added active:xinclude.
Mon, Aug 10, 2009
intray-transport 0.1.0 ► First checkin
► Initial import.
Fri, Aug 7, 2009
apposite 0.2.49 ► Fixed repo sync after HDS changes.
cache-se 0.1.7 ► No description available
lang-dpml 0.1.5 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.31 ► No description available
layer1 0.1.18 ► Wrote exec and limiter docs.
nkse-cron 0.1.6 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.42 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.55 ► No description available
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.15 ► Updates to Part5 of the REST web service tutorial
► added support for tag aliasing
► added support for <representation>
► Add start of "IF" processing in Groovy to DPML test module
► Merge branch 'dpml'
► Add tests for DPML examples used in the documentation
► Correct the license page in the RDBMS module.
► Change active:fpml -> active:dpml
► Merge branch 'dpml'
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
nkse-xunit 0.1.2 ► No description available
photonk 0.1.11 ► No description available
system-core 0.1.22 ► No description available
Thu, Aug 6, 2009
nkee-jms 0.1.0 ► No description available
Tue, Aug 4, 2009
layer1 0.1.17 ► No description available
nkee-deadlock-detector 0.1.0 ► Renamed to use com space.
► Refactor of standard module package name
nkee-dev-tools 0.1.0 ► No description available
nkee-layer0 0.1.0 ► added endpoint profiling functionality
nkse-cron 0.1.5 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.41 ► No description available
nkse-doc-content 0.1.3 ► Correct documentation error.
► The pluggable overlay audit accessor was not returning the correct "inner" request.
► Refine the presentation of syntax for pre- and post- processing request in the pluggable overlay
► Fix minor errors in IntelliJ setup guide
nkse-search 0.1.18 ► Fixed WrappedThrowable in exception handler
system-core 0.1.21 ► No description available
Sun, Aug 2, 2009
apposite 0.2.26 ► Fixed WrappedThrowable in exception handler
http-client 0.1.10 ► Updates to Part5 of the REST web service tutorial
http-server 0.1.14 ► removed dynamic
lang-dpml 0.1.4 ► No description available
lang-python 0.1.1 ► First general release
► Added logging
► Added logging
► Now correctly imports from the Python 2.5.0 library and supports res:/etc/PYTHONPATH
► Now loading packages - still needs PythonPath support
► Initial import.
lang-python-lib 2.5.0 ► Initial import.
layer0 0.1.30 ► No description available
layer1 0.1.16 ► No description available
Fri, Jul 31, 2009
nkse-control-panel 0.1.38 ► fixed to allow config to cache
► rationalised images into nkse:style
nkse-cron 0.1.4 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.40 ► Added news to home panel.
nkse-doc-content 0.1.2 ► Integrate REST web services tutorial into the Tutorial Book and selection process.
nkse-docs 0.1.50 ► No description available
nkse-search 0.1.17 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 0.1.2 ► rationalised images into nkse:style
► rationalised images into nkse:style
pds-core 0.1.12 ► ensured release of semaphore always happens
system-core 0.1.19 ► improvements to cache reporting
tutorial-rest-web-services 0.1.1 ► Fixed missing HDS import
► Final work on Part 4 and the postscript
► Minor clean-up for the Part4 example
► Created and debugged lab portion of part 4
► Part 3 in rough-draft form
► Title, Part 1 and Part 2 to draft stage.
Mon, Jul 27, 2009
apposite 0.2.23 ► Fixed dependency checking when existing versions are installed and satisfy dependencies.
► Added trust update
► Added ReposTrusted service
► Added check for trusted repository and turned off validation if trusted.
► Tightened up error handling with failing connections
► Added trust update
bootloader 0.1.25 ► No description available
cache-se 0.1.6 ► improvements to cache reporting
http-client 0.1.9 ► made a request with no expiry header expired rather than not expired
http-server 0.1.13 ► Added support for an Atomic needsHandling() on the RequestResponse rep - so that the HTTP transport can mark a timed out response and the HTTPBridge does not attempt to write any response state.
lang-dpml 0.1.3 ► added support for tag aliasing
► added support for tag aliasing
► added support for <representation>
► ported to use common code from declarative request literal parsing
lang-freemarker 0.1.7 ► Fixed documentation errors
layer0 0.1.29 ► added support for DPML style literals
layer1 0.1.15 ► added binarystream to readable binary stream transreptor
module-standard 0.1.22 ► improved thread safety of private filter endpoint in extreme situations
nkee-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.1.1 ► Added timeout parameter to the HTTPAsync handler
nkee-http-server 0.1.1 ► Added support for continuation timeout from timout parameter.
► Tightened error handling and request map management.
► Factored out from tpt:http
► Initial import.
nkee-probe 0.1.1 ► No description available
open-jdbc-drivers 0.1.0 ► Initial import.
tutorial-rest-web-services 0.1.0 ► Updates to REST Web Services tutorial
► Update to REST web services tutorial
► Updates to REST tutorial
► Structure for the NetKernel REST tutorial and demonstration module.
Fri, Jul 24, 2009
apposite 0.2.21 ► Added phone home service with anonymous stats
bootloader 0.1.24 ► No description available
cache-se 0.1.5 ► Detection and recovery from low memory improved
http-client 0.1.8 ► No description available
http-server 0.1.12 ► Exceptions now set response Headers.
► Misconfiguration of HTTPTransport and HTTPBridge is now reported.
kernel 0.1.48 ► improved robustness of queue reporting
► improved robustness of queue reporting
► improved robustness of sub-request reporting
lang-dpml 0.1.2 ► added hashCode() to fix caching
layer0 0.1.28 ► added visualizer delete
► removed endpoint profiling functionality
► optimised equals()
layer1 0.1.14 ► No description available
module-standard 0.1.21 ► improved thread safety
► made tolerant of bad inner spaces
nkse-control-panel 0.1.37 ► marked as threadsafe
► marked as threadsafe
► ordering of icons on panels
► ordering of icons on panels
► Changed comments in css from "//" to "/* */" (First is an incorrect comment style)
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.39 ► Tweaked order.
► HTTP Exception handler now sets response code 500
► Minor control panel descriptions edits
► made forms to method="get" to appease pjr whinging
► pre formatting on tostring of representation
nkse-docs 0.1.49 ► minor style changes
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.22 ► made rootspace private - stops nasty hds aggregation problems
nkse-http-fulcrum-frontend 0.1.0 ► removed unnecessary private filter
nkse-visualizer 0.1.1 ► added visualizer delete
► added back enterprise features to visualiser
nkse-xunit 0.1.1 ► No description available
pds-core 0.1.11 ► fixed expiry issues with pds
► fixed expiry issues with pds
► tighten fileset so that whole res:/etc/system space isn't masked by pds
system-core 0.1.18 ► added support for detecting io blocking
► refined detection of liveness conditions
xml-core 0.1.12 ► Optimization of xslt engine to detect binary stream representation and switch to SAX source.
Fri, Jul 17, 2009
apposite 0.2.20 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Fixed IE browser error alerts.
bootloader 0.1.23 ► added support for max cache size
► rationalise system statistics capture
cache-se 0.1.4 ► removed size of xml state output to try to reduce memory footprint of cache report
► improved stability of cache cull
► added support for max cache size
database-relational 0.1.9 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Correct the license page in the RDBMS module.
email-core 0.1.6 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
http-client 0.1.7 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
http-server 0.1.11 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Export org.mortbay classes.
kernel 0.1.46 ► fixed dynamic changed of threadpool size
► provided mechanism to get total requests
lang-beanshell 0.1.4 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
lang-dpml 0.1.1 ► Documentation cleanup in DPML
► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Changed the way I make Tony's DPML document invisible. By removing from Docs.xml it can't be found via search
► Merge branch 'dpml'
► removed cruft
► First level of DPML documentation.
► This should be sufficient for the first public preview release of NetKernel 4
► Correct the license page in the RDBMS module.
► Merge branch 'dpml'
► Merge branch 'dpml'
► Restructuring of lang-dpml module to the standard module format.
► add sequentionality to DPML
► dpml base->identifier
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► refactor to FPML
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Ported to mapper2
► Documentation updates
► refactor NKF
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
lang-freemarker 0.1.6 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
lang-groovy 0.1.12 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
lang-javascript 0.1.1 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
lang-xrl 0.1.12 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
layer0 0.1.27 ► dynamic changing of runlevel
► fixed so that it will preserve manually set properties when file is changed
► fixed so that it will preserve manually set properties when file is changed
► fixed so that it will preserve manually set properties when file is changed
► fixed so that it will preserve manually set properties when file is changed
layer1 0.1.13 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
nkse-cron 0.1.3 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Documentation updates.
► Changed active:list to active:listAll
► Updates to Cron documentation
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.38 ► editing kernel properties panel
► added kernel config editor
► Fixed IE browser error alerts.
nkse-doc-content 0.1.1 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Removed references to videos from the Tutorial Book
nkse-docs 0.1.48 ► Fixed IE browser error alerts.
► fixed links
nkse-search 0.1.15 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.12 ► No description available
nkse-visualizer 0.1.0 ► hid enterprise features
nkse-xunit 0.1.0 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
pds-core 0.1.10 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
photonk 0.1.10 ► No description available
security-core 0.1.8 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
system-core 0.1.17 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► dynamic changing of runlevel
► moved default runlevel to module manager
► rationalise system statistics capture
► rationalise system statistics capture
► rationalise system statistics capture
tutorial-roc-app-architecture 0.1.1 ► No description available
web-core 0.1.6 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
xml-core 0.1.11 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
Wed, Jul 15, 2009
apposite 0.2.19 ► Added distro update hooks for future implementation
► Change to UK English spelling "programme"
► Change the preview program registration message
► and request to include the user's first name.
► Added distro update hooks for future implementation
► Updated styling.
► Package docs now use the core book infrastructure.
► Minor documentation updates to Apposite
► Fixed icon
► Fixed broken icon
► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
database-relational 0.1.8 ► Remove remaining internal {review} tags
► Update module.xml to complete refactoring merge
► Database module updates
demo-pingpong 0.1.4 ► Made icons cacheable
http-server 0.1.10 ► Refactored
► Removed Expires 0 on writeStream when not 304
► Added simple delta seconds header cache-control header support
kernel 0.1.43 ► fixed expiry propagation on context.createResponseFrom( other response )
lang-beanshell 0.1.3 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
lang-groovy 0.1.11 ► Fixed icon
► write changes to log levels to log
► fixed expiry propagation on context.createResponseFrom( other response )
► Fixed binding to prevent potential recursion by expiring with temporary golden thread.
► fixed thread-safety of saving validation cache
layer1 0.1.12 ► removed debug logging
► removed debug logging
► Fixed binding to prevent potential recursion by expiring with temporary golden thread.
► made simple import discovery non-recursive
► made simple import discovery non-recursive
module-standard 0.1.20 ► Fixed binding to prevent potential recursion by expiring with temporary golden thread.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.34 ► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
► Change to UK English spelling "programme"
► Change the preview program registration message
► and request to include the user's first name.
► Removed double instance of simple import discovery.
► Marked as threadsafe to prevent re-entrant deadlock after boot.
► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
nkse-cron 0.1.2 ► Documentation updates.
► Changed active:list to active:listAll
► Cron documentation update
► Updates to Cron documentation
► Merge branch 'documentation'
► Adding Cron documentation to fix a Git problem resulting from a failed cherry-pick merge
► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.37 ► Fixed icon
► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
► fix NPE in visualizer with async requests
► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
► Made image introspect cacheable.
► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
nkse-doc-content 0.1.0 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.47 ► Made core library public so it can be used by the apposite package viewer.
► Fixed styling of search results.
► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
► Fixed icon
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.21 ► No description available
nkse-search 0.1.13 ► Added 1 day cache expiry to static resources.
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.11 ► Database module updates
photonk 0.1.9 ► Refactor of HTTPSession parameters to a single "config".
► fixed queries
security-core 0.1.7 ► Add documents for all of the security services and features
system-core 0.1.16 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
► fixed for windows
tutorial-roc-app-architecture 0.1.0 ► First check in of structure.
► Initial import.
tutorial-roc-basics 0.1.4 ► Change internal logical addresses for physical and logica reference guides to match new titles
web-core 0.1.5 ► Merge branch 'documentation'
wink 0.1.4 ► Made icons cacheable, refactored security mapper entries.
► Refactor of HTTPSession parameters to a single "config".
► Dynamic Import causes recursion at boot. Comment it out to get usable system.
► Got rid of commented out pdf button include
► Added some clearer comments
wink-macros 0.1.0 ► Initial import.
xml-core 0.1.10 ► Minor updates to XML module documentation structure
Fri, Jul 10, 2009
apposite 0.2.18 ► Updated installer with preview subscription options
► Updated installer with preview subscription options
database-relational 0.1.7 ► Small change to test Git/SVN integration
► Committing files with ignore blocks to prepare for the refactoring
► Updates in preparation for refactoring
email-core 0.1.5 ► Fixed sendmail to ignore scheme header.
http-server 0.1.9 ► HTTPBridge is now tolerant of no config and passes URLs through with no rewriting - required for virtual host patterns.
lang-xrl 0.1.11 ► Links in docs fixed.
layer0 0.1.25 ► fixed logging to output classname if originator is passed in as java.lang.Class
layer1 0.1.11 ► Added logging when no dynamic imports found.
► Changed SimpleImportDiscovery to have a uri parameter that defaults to res:/etc/system/SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
nkse-control-panel 0.1.30 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.44 ► Updates updates updates.
► Updates updates updates.
pds-core 0.1.9 ► Fixed bug in RDBMS config temporary directory location when running from Jar on Windows.
system-core 0.1.15 ► Fixed bug in netkernel:/environment when running on Windows.
Fri, Jul 3, 2009
apposite 0.2.16 ► Added new postinstall sync hook.
► Adds cron job to automatically synchronize.
► Index generation updated
► Adds cron job to automatically synchronize.
► Index generation updated
bootloader 0.1.22 ► BootClassLoader updated
database-relational 0.1.6 ► Remove old keyword entries
► Change internal logical addresses for physical and logica reference guides to match new titles
email-core 0.1.4 ► Fixed a bug in active:sendmail now ignores the active grammar "scheme" argument.
http-client 0.1.6 ► Remove old keyword entries
http-server 0.1.8 ► Ready for review
► Changed status to "review"
► Request Space documentation ready for review. Other, minor updates
► Documentation update
► Documented file upload
► Interim update to documentation
► Deep edit pass
► Initial structural cleanup
► Remove old keyword entries
jabber-xmpp 0.1.2 ► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
kernel 0.1.35 ► fixed versions
► log out of memory errors
lang-freemarker 0.1.5 ► Remove old keyword entries
lang-groovy 0.1.10 ► Experimented with mapper for privacy and then reverted
► General update preparing for expert review
► Moving the Groovy module towards the standard forms
► Remove old keyword entries
lang-xrl 0.1.10 ► Remove old keyword entries
layer0 0.1.24 ► fixed possible NPE caused by mBrokenURIs
► Updated versions
layer1 0.1.10 ► Marked active:wormhole threadsafe to prevent reentrant deadlock.
► Robustify dynamic import
module-standard 0.1.19 ► Fixed handling of name,description,icon,doc parameters
nkse-cron 0.1.1 ► Added temporary pause to cron job detection to avoid package installer collisions - temporary fix.
► First release
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.30 ► Remove old keyword entries
► Change internal logical addresses for physical and logica reference guides to match new titles
► fixed layout of prototype parameters
► removed endpoint profiler from control panel
► beginnings of system healthcheck
► beginnings of system healthcheck
nkse-docs 0.1.40 ► Update to new internal identifiers for the Logical Reference Guide
► Change link references to the Logical Reference Guide to the new internal identifiers
► Added inlinesearch macro
► Update links to documents to match new internal identifiers
► Declarative Request Syntax ready for review
► Experiments with inline search
► Added example inline search
► Adding the "parts are here" page in the Logical Reference
► Remove old keyword entries
► Remove request section from Logical Reference
► Revise logical reference guide introduction page
► Removing NetBeans setupt
► Change internal logical addresses for physical and logica reference guides to match new titles
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.10 ► Improve database teardown logic; add tear-down to pool test
pds-core 0.1.7 ► Remove old keyword entries
► Fixed H2 JDBC URL connection when install path has space in it.
photonk 0.1.8 ► No description available
security-core 0.1.6 ► Remove old keyword entries
soap-ws 0.1.7 ► Remove old keyword entries
system-core 0.1.14 ► fixed ps based memory reporting for mac
► now using Implementation-Title from manifest
► improved peak to follow actual more closely when idle
► beginnings of system healthcheck
wink 0.1.3 ► File persistence now handles directory and entries with the same name.
► File persistence now handles directory and entries with the same name.
xml-core 0.1.9 ► Remove old keyword entries
xml-jing 0.1.0 ► First release
xml-saxon 0.1.5 ► No description available
Fri, Jun 26, 2009
apposite 0.2.12 ► Implements dependency reconciliation.
► Implements dependency reconciliation.
► Implements dependency reconciliation.
bootloader 0.1.21 ► Change to preview 5.7 in banner
cache-se 0.1.3 ► tuning
database-relational 0.1.5 ► removed {ignore}
► removed {ignore}
► take out {authornote}
demo-pingpong 0.1.3 ► Uses new control panel
email-core 0.1.3 ► Doc updates.
http-client 0.1.5 ► take out {authornote}
http-server 0.1.7 ► Made bridge private
► Fixed redundant request for config
kernel 0.1.31 ► Synchronous request now resets context classloader after exception.
lang-freemarker 0.1.4 ► take out {authornote}
lang-groovy 0.1.9 ► take out {authornote}
layer0 0.1.23 ► Using new netkernel instance properties
► Added time period formatting utility
► Fixed HDSBuilder deleteNode() to correctly remove children.
► Improved error reporting
layer1 0.1.9 ► DynamicImport exposes state showing what is imported
► HDSSpaceAggregator correctly expires on space changes
► DynamicImport exposes state showing what is imported
module-standard 0.1.18 ► Improved error reporting
► Fixed handling of whitespace
► Improved late binding of prototypes
► Improved error handling on lifecycle events
► Bugfix: stopped returning of local cached expired transrepted parameters
► Fixed validation of rootspace
► Relay requested reprsentation to postProcess
► Fix to ensure endpoints resolved in order of their declaration
► Tightened validation
► Fixed NPE in pluggable-overlay with bad space elements
► Improved default naming of endpoints in mapper
nkse-control-panel 0.1.29 ► New generalized control panel infrastructure
► New generalized control panel infrastructure
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.29 ► Presentation tweaks to visualizer
► Added headerExists assertion to XUnit
► Introspect tools refactored to new control panel.
► Tools moved to the standard /tools/ path.
► Presentation tweaks to visualizer
► Added headerExists assertion to XUnit
► Introspect tools refactored to new control panel.
► Tools moved to the standard /tools/ path.
► Presentation tweaks to visualizer
► Added headerExists assertion to XUnit
► Introspect tools refactored to new control panel.
► Tools moved to the standard /tools/ path.
nkse-docs 0.1.37 ► Many refinements to doc content.
► Doc app now uses new control panel.
► Many refinements to doc content.
► Doc app now uses new control panel.
► Many refinements to doc content.
► Doc app now uses new control panel.
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.20 ► HTTP transport is now private
► HTTP transport is now private
nkse-search 0.1.12 ► Uses new control panel.
► Added hits count to search results
► Uses new control panel.
► Added hits count to search results
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.9 ► No description available
photonk 0.1.7 ► Uses new control panel.
soap-ws 0.1.6 ► SoapOverlay now correctly resolves and also publishes metadata for logical zone endpoints.
system-core 0.1.13 ► Added time format utility
► Module list improved
► System instance name now derived from hostname if not set.
twitter 0.1.5 ► Uses new control panel
wink 0.1.2 ► Uses new control panel
Fri, Jun 19, 2009
apposite 0.2.10 ► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
bootloader 0.1.20 ► No description available
chartnk 0.1.0 ► First check in
► Initial import.
coremeta 0.1.1 ► No description available
demo-pingpong 0.1.2 ► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
http-server 0.1.6 ► refactor response "metadata" to "header" in NKF
kernel 0.1.29 ► support for exceptions serialised to HDS
► fixed structure of xml return on INetKernelThrowable.toString()
lang-javascript 0.1.0 ► Added contextloader to support script libraries.
► Shouldn't have been committed - was used for debugging.
► Added super stack classloader
► Initial import.
lang-xrl 0.1.9 ► Made exception traces when tolerant go to log rather than console
► Fixed doc bug xrl:xpath is not an attribute
layer0 0.1.22 ► Fix space in filename bug - added workaround to the underlying JVM bug in File(URI) constructor.
► Refactor response "metadata" to "header" in NKF
► Added toXMLString() to IdentifierGrammar
► Improved autogeneration of default name for endpoints with no name
layer1 0.1.7 ► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml in search by the SimpleDynamicImport endpoint
module-standard 0.1.17 ► pluggable-overlay support for arg:request on postProcess
► improved default name for endpoints with no name
nkse-control-panel 0.1.27 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.28 ► Space Explorer will now display Javadoc for a representation if it has been generated.
► Space Explorer linkage to other tools enhanced.
► Javadoc generation now reports date of generation.
► Javadoc indexing now includes package and makes class and methods searchable.
► category field added for all search index engines.
► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
nkse-docs 0.1.36 ► Progress, progress, progress.
► Progress, progress, progress.
► Progress, progress, progress.
► Progress, progress, progress.
► Progress, progress, progress.
nkse-search 0.1.11 ► Internal services refactored to enable non-web tools to make and redirect to search results. Used by Space Explorer.
► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
► Internal services refactored to enable non-web tools to make and redirect to search results. Used by Space Explorer.
► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.8 ► Refactored DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
pds-core 0.1.6 ► refactor response "metadata" to "header" in NKF
photonk 0.1.6 ► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
soap-ws 0.1.5 ► Refactored DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
system-core 0.1.12 ► Added support for exceptions in HDS form
tutorial-gettingstarted 0.1.26 ► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
tutorial-roc-basics 0.1.3 ► Refactored DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
twitter 0.1.4 ► Renamed DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
web-core 0.1.4 ► Added active:tagSoup accessor - provides HTML to XHTML conversion.
wink 0.1.1 ► No description available
xml-core 0.1.8 ► Exports the org.apache.xml.serializer.* classes.
Wed, Jun 17, 2009
wink 0.1.0 ► Refactored DynamicImport.xml to SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml
► Added settings and user management to control panel.
► Removed security GateKeeper and used pluggable-overlay
► Half ported - now can view and edit. Not much styling and no edit services.
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Half ported - now can view and edit. Not much styling and no edit services.
► Half ported - now can view and edit. Not much styling and no edit services.
Fri, Jun 12, 2009
apposite 0.2.9 ► Added ability to specify expanded packages in packager inernals.
► Added ability to specify expanded packages in packager inernals.
database-relational 0.1.4 ► Keywords removed in docs
email-core 0.1.2 ► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
http-client 0.1.4 ► refactor setMetaData() to setHeader()
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
http-server 0.1.5 ► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
► Add an {authornote} with some information that needs to be integrated
► Refactor INKFRequestReadOnly.getIssuableClone()
► Change documentation as per Forum discussion with Kevin. Peter indicated a new URI for the response code.
kernel 0.1.28 ► hid writeAdditionalFieldsAsXML from interface
► hid writeAdditionalFieldsAsXML from interface
lang-freemarker 0.1.3 ► Removed keywords from docs
lang-groovy 0.1.8 ► documentation cleanup
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
lang-xrl 0.1.8 ► Documentation cleanup
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
layer0 0.1.21 ► hid writeAdditionalFieldsAsXML() from interface
► refactor setMetaData() to setHeader()
► remove INKFRequestContext.setResponse()
► javadoc
► sourceAsDOMAvoidingTransrept() refactored into Utils
► Ensure parameters are passed through to context in getParts()
► fixed semantics of preProcess to allow mutable requests
► Refactor INKFRequestReadOnly.getIssuableClone()
► fixed bug in initial sizing of PairList
layer1 0.1.6 ► Refactor overlays to use INKFRequestReadOnly.getIssuableClone()
module-standard 0.1.16 ► allowed prototype parameters to have description
► fix to error reporting
► Tweaks to allow dynamic resolution to work
► sourceAsDOMAvoidingTransrept() refactored into Utils
► fixed semantics of preProcess to allow mutable requests
► Refactor INKFRequestReadOnly.getIssuableClone()
nkse-control-panel 0.1.24 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.27 ► ==Trace==
► added META support to request trace
► ==Visualizer==
► fixed NPE if response header had a null value
► MetaToXML can now transrept to IReadableBinaryStream
► remove INKFRequestContext.setResponse()
► ==XUnit==
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
► Fixed logging of failed assert.
► ==Trace==
► added META support to request trace
► ==Visualizer==
► fixed NPE if response header had a null value
► MetaToXML can now transrept to IReadableBinaryStream
► remove INKFRequestContext.setResponse()
► ==XUnit==
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
► Fixed logging of failed assert.
► ==Trace==
► added META support to request trace
► ==Visualizer==
► fixed NPE if response header had a null value
► MetaToXML can now transrept to IReadableBinaryStream
► remove INKFRequestContext.setResponse()
► ==XUnit==
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
► Fixed logging of failed assert.
nkse-docs 0.1.35 ► Ongoing progress of Physical docs.
► Refactored Tutorial book and added tutorial discovery.
► Ongoing progress of Physical docs.
► Refactored Tutorial book and added tutorial discovery.
► Ongoing progress of Physical docs.
► Refactored Tutorial book and added tutorial discovery.
► Ongoing progress of Physical docs.
► Refactored Tutorial book and added tutorial discovery.
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.19 ► Updated to use the general dynamic import and to use SimpleImportDiscovery to replicate the old dynamic import model.
► Updated to use the general dynamic import and to use SimpleImportDiscovery to replicate the old dynamic import model.
nkse-search 0.1.10 ► Change the default search to use field grouping - makes boolean searches work correctly.
► Change the default search to use field grouping - makes boolean searches work correctly.
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.7 ► remove setResponse()
► remove context.setResponse(...)
► remove context.setResponse(...)
► remove context.setResponse(...)
► remove context.setResponse(...)
pds-core 0.1.5 ► refactor setMetaData to setHeader
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
photonk 0.1.5 ► remove INKFRequestContext.setResponse()
security-core 0.1.5 ► Removed doc keywords
soap-ws 0.1.4 ► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
► remove setResponse()
► remove context.setResponse()
system-core 0.1.11 ► refactor setMetaData to setHeader
► hid writeAdditionalFieldsAsXML from interface
► output max and min valency
► MetaToXML can now transrept to IReadableBinaryStream
► returns text/xml mimetype
tutorial-gettingstarted 0.1.25 ► remove context.setResponse()
► remove context.setResponse(...)
► "fit and finish" updates to the tutorial module
► Fixed bug in the endpoint declaration of one example and updated text to reflect new terminology
tutorial-roc-basics 0.1.2 ► Incorporated proof reading from Tom and added part 6 pluggable-overlay
► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>. Also cleaned up documentation XML
► Part 1 completed.
► Initial import.
web-core 0.1.3 ► Removed doc keywords
xml-core 0.1.7 ► Removed keyword entries and made them <keywords-old>.
► remove INKFRequestContext.setResponse()
Fri, Jun 5, 2009
apposite 0.2.8 ► Fixed "no such property: context" bug in reboot thread.
► Repository sync log message level now INFO.
► Removed debug chaff from web client.
► Fixed "no such property: context" bug in reboot thread.
► Repository sync log message level now INFO.
► Removed debug chaff from web client.
► Repos sync log message level now INFO.
bootloader 0.1.16 ► Debug scripts now support reboot
kernel 0.1.27 ► Removed KEY_CUSTOM_SCOPE response header support since it is now no longer required.
► Removed KEY_CUSTOM_SCOPE response header support since it is now no longer required.
lang-xrl 0.1.7 ► Updated documentation
layer0 0.1.20 ► Fixed Logger so that old handlers are closed (means log files can be reused)
► Fix to FastSchematron to support INKFLocale
layer1 0.1.5 ► Fixed resolve debug, exposed state in metadata and removed reference to IHDSNode.getParent()
► Fixed problem with dynamic import issuing request to decommissioned space after a hot redeploy of module
nkse-control-panel 0.1.23 ► Fixed bug where panel could not display
► Fixed bug where panel could not display
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.26 ► Fixed a bug in unit tester so that it ANDs multiple assert statuses together to determine assertionFailure.
► Moved exception formatting to nkse:style
► Removed a reference to the Preview 2 distribution in the Space Explorer
► Rationalized css style on explorer
► Moved exception formatting to nkse:style
► Removed a reference to the Preview 2 distribution in the Space Explorer
► Rationalized css style on explorer
► Moved exception formatting to nkse:style
► Removed a reference to the Preview 2 distribution in the Space Explorer
► Rationalized css style on explorer
► Moved exception formatting to nkse:style
► Removed a reference to the Preview 2 distribution in the Space Explorer
► Rationalized css style on explorer
nkse-docs 0.1.34 ► Physical Reference Guide is substantially improved and up to date.
► General refactor of document menus and structure to make more user friendly.
► Section title pages say useful things about the content.
► Restructure of main documentation menu.
► Physical Reference Guide is substantially improved and up to date.
► General refactor of document menus and structure to make more user friendly.
► Section title pages say useful things about the content.
► Restructure of main documentation menu.
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.18 ► Fixed exception styling in Front-End Fulcrum
system-core 0.1.10 ► Removed superfluous exception from top of stack
tutorial-gettingstarted 0.1.24 ► Fixed XML hello world.
► Tidied up mapper config to make clear.
xml-feeds 0.1.0 ► Builds and is commissionable - not tested.
► Partially ported pinky module. Not building yet.
► Initial import.
Mon, Jun 1, 2009
jabber-xmpp 0.1.1 ► First release.
► Added logging and connection listener
Sat, May 30, 2009
apposite 0.2.2 ► No description available
bootloader 0.1.15 ► Updated to support logging
demo-pingpong 0.1.1 ► Fixed shutdown if close button clicked.
jabber-xmpp 0.1.0 ► First release
lang-groovy 0.1.7 ► Books metadata changed
lang-xrl 0.1.6 ► Tightened up /etc/system/ fileset.
layer0 0.1.19 ► Updated to support logging
► Added boot state persistence mechanism - for low-level state management. eg log levels etc.
► Added static parse() method to XMLUtils. Needed by mapper in standard module.
► ModuleManager added preventMonitoring to allow modules.xml to be written without trigger sync - needed when system reboot is going to happen.
► Tweaked endpoint monitor to show timing of groovy scripts.
► Fixed transreptor resolution logic when To representation is anything.
► Fixed BNF regex for type="relative-path"
module-standard 0.1.15 ► Changed mapper config to try to use a Document or input stream internally before falling back to ROC domain transreption. Means that import of xml:core is not needed for referenced configs.
► ContextClassLoader is now set during postCommission and preDecommission.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.21 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.24 ► Log tools added.
nkse-docs 0.1.33 ► Ongoing work to Physical development book.
nkse-search 0.1.8 ► Added logging
photonk 0.1.4 ► No description available
system-core 0.1.9 ► Added logging services.
xml-core 0.1.6 ► Added a to IXDAReadOnly transreptor
Wed, May 27, 2009
apposite 0.2.1 ► Removed println debug chaff. Added system logging messages.
► Delay longer before restart.
► removes corner cases where AJAX could fail to display status.
► Reverted to 5190
► Removed call to continutuity endpoint at step2. Added safe reboot to avoid potential race condition.
► Removed xml:core import from panel - as test scenario for the mapper config changes.
bootloader 0.1.14 ► moved installDir to front of classpath
layer0 0.1.18 ► Added preventMonitoring to allow modules.xml to be written without trigger sync - needed when system reboot is going happen.
► Added static parse() method. Needed by mapper in standard module.
layer1 0.1.4 ► file: accessor explicitly closes file output stream on SINK.
► Scratch overlay uses synchronized map.
module-standard 0.1.14 ► Modified only use transreption to source config when local attempts do not work. Eliminates need to do import of xml:core to use mapper with referenced config.
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.22 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.31 ► Added "clear:right" to the bookcallout styling
► documentation update
► documentation updates
► documentation update
► documentation update
► documentation update
► documentation update
Fri, May 22, 2009
apposite 0.1.34 ► Made automatic reindex of the system after repository synchronization use and async process to improve responsiveness.
► Fixed some styling issues.
► Made automatic reindex of the system after repository synchronization use and async process to improve responsiveness.
► Fixed some styling issues.
bootloader 0.1.12 ► Updated with new logging infrastructure
coremeta 0.1.0 ► No description available
kernel 0.1.21 ► Touched to force version update to test build process
lang-beanshell 0.1.2 ► Built to latest core platform
layer0 0.1.16 ► Touched to force version update to test build process
► Fixed issue wrong expiration of bad metadata.
► Logging infrastructure added
► HDSInversion updated with HDSIndex
layer1 0.1.3 ► HDSIndexAccessor added
module-standard 0.1.13 ► Touched to force version update to test build process
► Fixed TransparentOverlay NPE possibility.
► Overlay base classes now resolve configuration parameter with correct scope of the internal space.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.15 ► Fixed auto-refresh update rate in state panel.
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.18 ► Visualizer refresh
► Space explorer refresh
► Visualizer refresh
► Space explorer refresh
nkse-docs 0.1.30 ► documentation update
► Progress on physical development book.
► Progress on physical development book.
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.6 ► Tests updated with wider coverage to support recent changes.
► Tests updated with wider coverage to support recent changes.
► Tests updated with wider coverage to support recent changes.
► Tests updated with wider coverage to support recent changes.
photonk 0.1.3 ► Updated to build on latest core.
soap-ws 0.1.3 ► Fixed exception caching in overlays.
xml-core 0.1.5 ► active:xslt now sets character encoding on binary stream representation.
► Documentation added
xml-saxon 0.1.4 ► Added module URI resolver to XQuery
► Added a test for XQuery modules
► Added a test for XQuery collections
Mon, May 18, 2009
apposite 0.1.29 ► No description available
bootloader 0.1.11 ► Messages updated
database-relational 0.1.3 ► H2 database updated to 1.1.112
► HSQLDB has been removed.
► Connection Pooling Review
► *Adds support for connection pool liveness criteria. Can now specify a query and optional periodic polling for liveness. Replicates similar design in C3PO.
► *Avoids duplicate pools.
► *Fixed ResultSetToHDS to get correct column label with 'AS' queries.
► *Stateful transreptor now shows metadata with state of connection pools in the space explorer.
► *Documentation on how to configure connection pools added.
http-server 0.1.4 ► Internal refactor of interfaces in the metadata of endpoints.
lang-groovy 0.1.6 ► Supports tolerant parameters
► Prototype reviewed in order to allow it to be used a as full foundation for Groovy coded endpoints. Now supports SOURCE, SINK, DELETE, EXISTS, NEW, TRANSREPT.
lang-xrl 0.1.5 ► Experimental xrl3 - see Randy for details!
layer0 0.1.14 ► NKF now defaults unhandled exceptions to be expired. User overridable via declareUnhandledExceptionsExpired(boolean)
layer1 0.1.2 ► Wormhole accessor now supports declarative requests.
module-standard 0.1.11 ► Overlays changed to implement cacheable exception handling.
► Endpoints may be now declared protected as well as public and private.
► Protected access level added to mapper logical endpoints.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.14 ► Visualizer now in control panel.
► Visualizer now in control panel.
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.16 ► Class Trace tool added
► Request Trace tool added
► Visualizer enhanced with links to space explorer and request header inspection. Layout rationalized. Serializes metadata to XML for viewing.
► Detection of blocked non-threadsafe endpoints in kernel status report.
► Class Trace tool added
► Request Trace tool added
► Visualizer enhanced with links to space explorer and request header inspection. Layout rationalized. Serializes metadata to XML for viewing.
► Detection of blocked non-threadsafe endpoints in kernel status report.
nkse-docs 0.1.26 ► Logical development guide reviewed and bugs fixed.
► Physical dev guide starting to appear.
► Fixed Javadoc generation on Windows.
► Logical development guide reviewed and bugs fixed.
► Physical dev guide starting to appear.
► Logical development guide reviewed and bugs fixed.
► Physical dev guide starting to appear.
► Logical development guide reviewed and bugs fixed.
► Physical dev guide starting to appear.
pds-core 0.1.4 ► Semaphore thread safety reviewed.
security-core 0.1.4 ► Fixed exception caching in overlay
system-core 0.1.8 ► Updates to Metadata transreptor.
► netkernel:/spaces now provides a list of public spaces.
► Fixed active:moduleList to provide correct lookup of representations (used by Trace tool and Visualizer).
xml-core 0.1.4 ► Added representation declaration so that XSL sylesheets have viewable metadata.
xml-saxon 0.1.3 ► upgraded Saxon to
► added support for unparsed-text() in XSLT2
► added a test for unparsed-text() for XSLT2
► Contributions thanks to Menzo Windhouwer
Fri, May 8, 2009
apposite 0.1.28 ► Added version description about box on the package view.
► Fixed potential SQL injection attack from a malicious repository.
► Fixed reboot after stem update to prevent double loading of modules.
► Added version description about box on the package view.
► Fixed potential SQL injection attack from a malicious repository.
► Added version description about box on the package view.
► Fixed potential SQL injection attack from a malicious repository.
http-server 0.1.3 ► No description available
kernel 0.1.18 ► Added sticky request headers.
► Changed request priority to use sticky header
► META Requests are not blocked by endpoint marked as not thread safe. META is generally handled in the base classes so avoids potential for resolution deadlock.
layer0 0.1.13 ► Removed setPriority() from INKFRequest - priority now set with a request header.
► Changed default expiry of unhandled exceptions - now exceptions are expired by default.
module-standard 0.1.10 ► Sticky request headers and priority request changes
nkse-control-panel 0.1.13 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.15 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.24 ► Fixed references to unrefactored standard module syntax eg now talks about <rootspace> etc.
► Fixed declarative request docs.
► Added new {search} tag to the doc engine.
► Fixed references to unrefactored standard module syntax eg now talks about <rootspace> etc.
► Fixed declarative request docs.
► Fixed references to unrefactored standard module syntax eg now talks about <rootspace> etc.
► Fixed declarative request docs.
system-core 0.1.7 ► No description available
Thu, May 7, 2009
apposite 0.1.26 ► No description available
demo-pingpong 0.1.0 ► First public release
kernel 0.1.17 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.12 ► No description available
module-standard 0.1.9 ► No description available
twitter 0.1.3 ► No description available
Tue, May 5, 2009
apposite 0.1.25 ► No description available
bootloader 0.1.10 ► No description available
cache-se 0.1.2 ► No description available
demo-pvnp 0.1.1 ► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Addded faster exit optimization to Java powerset. Set defaults to a larger range.
► Optimized parsing of set.
► Initial import.
http-server 0.1.2 ► No description available
kernel 0.1.14 ► No description available
lang-groovy 0.1.5 ► Fixes classloader exports for prototypes.
lang-xrl 0.1.4 ► reset documentation to "current" XRL version
► documentation update
► Testing new XRL3 ideas
► partial documentation update to XRL
layer0 0.1.11 ► Fixed recursion to avoid problems of dodgy moduleList roots
module-standard 0.1.8 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 0.1.6 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.9 ► Added Forget dependencies to reduce memory footprint.
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.6 ► No description available
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.5 ► No description available
photonk 0.1.2 ► No description available
soap-ws 0.1.2 ► Fixes classloader exports for prototypes.
system-core 0.1.6 ► No description available
Wed, Apr 29, 2009
apposite 0.1.22 ► No description available
kernel 0.1.7 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.8 ► No description available
module-standard 0.1.5 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.8 ► fixed showing of resources
nkse-docs 0.1.16 ► Documentation update
system-core 0.1.4 ► No description available
Tue, Apr 28, 2009
apposite 0.1.18 ► Added incrementing runlevel if modules greater than current runlevel
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactored xrl to standard decl syntax
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Converted all xsltc use to xslt to ensure thread safety.
► Ported to mapper2
► Ported to mapper2 and removed depracated deployer
bootloader 0.1.6 ► Removed classic module factory
► Refactor of standard module package name
cache-se 0.1.1 ► No description available
database-relational 0.1.2 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Large scale change for book name changes
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► General updates
► Documentation update
► Update mod db documentation
► Add limiters
► Documentation and accessor updates
► Update documentation for active:sqlBatch
► Update accessor and documentation for active:sqlBatch
► Update RDBMS accessor and documentation for active:sqlUpdate
► Add documentation for active:sqlBooleanQuery
► Documentation on active:sqlQuery
► Update documentation to mod-db
► Start of documentation for mod:db
► Finalize now cleans up connections - necessary for some JDBC drivers. cf H2
► Transreptor made thread safe -still needs work.
► Added param to grammar
► Marked as threadsafe to avoid indirect callback deadlock.
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► moved HDS to layer0
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Removed old XDA package references
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Added sqlEscapeXXX accessor.
► fixed IHDSBuilder dependency
email-core 0.1.1 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Update documentation to new draft markup
► Documentation update
http-client 0.1.3 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Updated grammar to enable https:// scheme support too.
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► Updated to use proper proxy / port system property. Still incomplete.
► Minor updates for Preview 4
► Minor code cleanup
► Documentation updates
► Code cleanup
► Update tests and documentation for active:httpGet service
► Added documentation
► Optimized import statements
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► Refactored to new layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Renamed helper
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Added State management and access credentials.
► configuration now attempts a source for a standard path. It assumes that a limiter will be used to prevent mix-in of transport context.
► Fixed subtle dependency caused by EXISTS request in the configuration search. The superstack was getting mixed into the dependency model if no standard config was present.
► Added default http client mapping.
► Client is functional for GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD, PUT. Still no cache or state.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
http-server 0.1.1 ► Switched to ConfiguredOverlayImpl
► Converted to new base class - should eventually be a ConfiguredOverlay
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Documentation updates
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► Updated httpResponse:redirect to be tolerant of bad scheme
► Refactored all httpRequest and httpResponse to slash paths
► Refactored httpRequest and httResponse spaces to use / (slash) delimiters.
► Started adding the docs.
► Fixed bug in param handling when multipart has character encoding - as spotted by Dave Feaney
► improved toString of space to include session id
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Removed replicated GUID method
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► Updated to Jetty 6.1.12 - fixed 304 handling
► moved HDS to layer0
► Refactored org.netkernel.ext.system
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Refactored getTransportContext
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Added special case for mimetype application/xhtml+xml when the browser is IE
► Updated to be symmetrical with http client. Now supports httpRequest:body . Also added support for HEAD in bridge.
► Added support for deletion of complete session. DELETE session:
► Added IHttpRedirect representation
► Added IHttpRedirect metadata support. Refactored writestream.
► Test http redirect metadata.
► Optimized bridge - added support for gzip encoding.
► Fixed mimetype - omit encoding when content is not text. This is an interim solution.
► We need a full type database with endoding rules.
kernel 0.1.1 ► No description available
lang-beanshell 0.1.1 ► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► fixed IHDSBuilder dependency
► Fixed import of layer1 to get class to String transreptor.
lang-freemarker 0.1.2 ► updates
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► Additions to Freemarker documentation
► Updates to Freemarker runtime support
► Documentation update for Freemarker
► Documentation update for Freemarker
► Minor code cleanup for Freemarker module
► Add Freemarker documentation
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► refactor layer0
► Renamed helper
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
lang-groovy 0.1.4 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Added doc on importing scripts
► Documentation update
► Added construct method to enable loading of script libraries.
► Update Groovy to version 1.6.0
► Documentation updates for Preview 4
► Documentation updates
► Update Groovy documentation index terms
► Documentation update for Groovy
► Groovy language documentation
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Gave parts names
► Added superstack classloader during compile
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
lang-xrl 0.1.2 ► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Added multiple subs to inlineResolve
► Added [[ ]] subbing to inline xrl:resolve
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Large scale change for book name changes
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► Minor updates for Preview 4
► Update XRL documentation
► Fixed error report of exception in tolerant mode.
► Documentation structure update
► Added xrl:base support for xrl:include with regular single-phase request.
► Add syntactic support for include-children (implementation still includes all, not just children)
► Fix documentation error
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► added documentation for xrl2 runtime
► refactored spacePart to spaceElement
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Refactored getTransportContext
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Fixed relativisation of xrl:resolve links obtained from XRL mapping set. Compromise so that XRLOverlay is strictly correct for metadata etc and xrl language works for XHTML link replacement.
► Added equals so that scope determination in the cache can treat contexts as equivalent if they have the same external request and mapping set.
► Merged from dev/pjr. Major refactor to a transient XRLContext per external request. Also first implementation of inverted transport pattern for XRLDecouple.
► Added getParts() impl for links with ext interface
► Fixed forwarding of primary
► Updated the xrl accessor grammar to support varargs
layer0 0.1.7 ► Changes to JavaDoc in core NetKernel classes and interfaces
layer1 0.1.1 ► updates
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Update documentation to new draft markup
► Documentation update
► Minor updates for Preview 4
► Cleaned up stream when throwing exception for non-zero response.
► made threadsafe
► Documentation updates
► Documentation update
► Move layer1 documentation to standard location in resource space
► Documentation update
► Update documentation.
► fixed META request handling
► Fixed broken assertion on URI
► Organized imports
► Documentation update
► Documentation on throttle overlay
► Remove print statement from code
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Transreptor documentation now has meta information injection
► Documentation update to incorporate the meta information
► Update data: scheme documentation to work with the new embeded information
► Documentation update
► Added overlays section, scratch scheme and scratch pad overlay skeletal documents
► Minor updates to the Golden Thread documentation
► Golden Thread documentation update
► Updated data: scheme documentation
► Updates to file: scheme accessor and documentation
► Documentation updates
► Documentation update
► Documentation added for jar: scheme
► Documentation about HDSInversion.
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Refined transreptor documentation
► Beginning documentation framework for layer1 module
► Changed resource to res:/etc/system/DynamicImport.xml
► Modified to create a map of pre-built endpoints for the imported spaces. Effectively the dynamic import fans out to n regular imports.
► Added ExceptionHandler Overlay
► Extracted FileRepresentation
► Added string to HDS conversion via XML.
► Refactored - moved the XML->HDS transreptors into layer1
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Changed string serializer to use explicit UTF-8 encoding.
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Refactored helpers
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Now uses the terminate resolution response.
► Added Limiter prototype
► First commit
► Added special hds document element for hds flattened lists with corresponding removal in domParse() method
► New HDSXpath tool added.
► Updated error handling when SOURCE file does not exist.
► Improved expiry
► Improved sink directory creation.
► Removed - this is now a standard module
► Converted to Standard Module. Merge from /dev/pjr
► Added file: scheme accessor
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
module-standard 0.1.4 ► Refactor of standard module package name
► Old SM1 goes away.
► Refactored to SM2
nkse-control-panel 0.1.5 ► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored xrl to standard decl syntax
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.7 ► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Refactored all httpRequest and httpResponse to slash paths
► Increase the font size so trace can be read on a large screen
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Fixed visualizer to return serialized xml so that back-end doesn't need to have a dependence on XML core.
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► Refactored org.netkernel.ext.system
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactored xrl to standard decl syntax
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Added thread detail links.
► Added filtering of explorer list - also presented by module uri - since this is developer tool.
► Added new fast explorer
► Converted all xsltc use to xslt to ensure thread safety.
► Ported to mapper2
► switched to xsltc for speed. Still need to change to xrl templating using nasty XDA.
► Converted from beanshell to groovy
► Minor code cleanup
► Refactored all httpRequest and httpResponse to slash paths
► Change Preview 1 -> Preview 2
► Updates to control panel
► changed meta transreption to use a DOM
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Add "Copyright" as text
► Minor documentation edits to description of the tool
► Fixed refernces to r: to res:
► cache boost
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► refactored spacePart to spaceElement
► port to standard module
► port to standard module
► port to standard module
► lnf for grammars kitchen
► Refactored org.netkernel.ext.system
► Refactored wink to wiki
► Refactored name
► Readded wink model import
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► added examples
► added grammars kitchen
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Fixed NVP to use HDS
► Fixed NVP to use HDS
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Fixed self test to discover its own module version number.
► Large scale change for book name changes
► Documentation update
► Update documentation to new draft markup
► Update documentation to new draft markup
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► Expunging BeanShell
► Minor edit revisions to XUnit documentation
► Major edit pass through XUnit documentation
► Fixed assertion failure when no asserts.
► Update XUnit tests
► Update XUnit documentation
► Minor documentation updates
► Added "commented out" bug failure test.
► Update XUnit documentation
► Update XUnit documentation
► Changing the location of the XML assert library
► Interim update to XUnit documentation
► Major update to XUnit documentation. Checking it in for now; needs input from Peter.
► Added literal support for arg:test:tagValue in user defined asserts - added self tests.
► Fixed built-in assertion tests for <true/> and <false/>
► Fixed classloader switch bug on exception to prevent exception assertion low level xpath failures.
► Refactored all httpRequest and httpResponse to slash paths
► Added a view mode to the tests for Jeremy
► ported testExec to java to enable tracking of NPE exception, turned out to be bug in because null was being returned from test. However groovy just couldn't report error properly
► ported testExec to java to enable tracking of NPE exception, turned out to be bug in because null was being returned from test. However groovy just couldn't report error properly
► ported testExec to java to enable tracking of NPE exception, turned out to be bug in because null was being returned from test. However groovy just couldn't report error properly
► Changed group to import
► Added built in asserts null / notNull
► Fixed NPE when test returns null.
► Added arg:test:response to the assertion model.
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Added binary stream serialization coersion to test exec code and fallback toString()
► Fixed scope for SINK or TRANSREPT requests.
► Add "Copyright" as text
► Add "Copyright" as text
► Add "Copyright" as text
► Fixed up TRANSREPT and SINK
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► Added ability to exec an individual test
► Self tests updated to new syntax.
► Updated test syntax to use DPML request structure. Generalized assertions to be user defined requests. Added test framework and application.
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
nkse-docs 0.1.11 ► update documentation
► update documentation
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Converted all xsltc use to xslt to ensure thread safety.
► Update codeblock formatting
► Restyled book list layout with sorted priority and module icon/links.
► Fixed source detection
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Porting to SM2
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Fixed error formatting.
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Update to use the new path to getting started example code
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation cleanup
► Documentation updates
► Add images
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Add Resource Model Guide book
► Documentation update
► Draft -> Review state
► Documentation and diagram updates
► Documentation and diagram updates
► Documentation and diagram updates
► Documentation and diagram updates
► Documentation and diagram updates
► Documentation and diagram updates
► Move images
► Remove drop shadows
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Change document names
► Large scale change for book name changes
► Changing document names
► Documentation update
► Update documentation to new draft markup
► Added priority sort attribute to books.xml
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.5 ► Switch back to dynamic import for the tutorial module
► directly imports the getting started tutorial code module
► Change name of bridget space to be more descriptive
► Removed legacy
► Removed legacy
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Added back the GK/Session layers over the workbench. It highlights scoping issues in applications.
► Fixed http import
► Rodgers defies classification
► Add resolution limiter
► Moved HTTP Transport import to <private> to prevent documentation from showing up under this module
► Add "Copyright" as text
► Added lite control panel
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Fixed http import
nkse-search 0.1.7 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Converted all xsltc use to xslt to ensure thread safety.
► Ported to mapper2
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.4 ► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Documentation update
► Added active:sha512 (etc) identifiers to the set active:sha512sum and refactored implementation class name to be more generic.
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Added library import tests
► Refactor of standard module package name
► add limiter
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► re-instated tests
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► updates
pds-core 0.1.3 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► set cache size to 1MB from default of 16MB!
► no longer dynamic
► Updated H2 PDS to use inline SQL to reduce dependencies and inc. performance
► Added fpds: scheme
► Added support for Sets eg pds:/set/
► Added doc.
► Optimized by eliminating redundant PBVs
► Tweaked SQL for performance
► Fixed caching of connection pool when specifying config with a PBVs
► Added Semaphore for SINK/DELETE
► Improved thread safety - need to look at sink and change to a sync key on the 3 ids
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
photonk 0.1.1 ► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactored xrl to standard decl syntax
► fixed fonts for small displays
security-core 0.1.3 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Update documentation to new draft markup
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Added active:sha512 (etc) identifiers to the set active:sha512sum and refactored implementation class name to be more generic.
► Start of documentation for security module.
► Added canonical ordering to avoid platform variation in module signature gen/verification
► Fixed hex dump formatting to be standard and added md5sum etc.
► Removed dependency on xml core.
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Added verification
► Added module sign/verify
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
soap-ws 0.1.1 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Update documentation to new draft markup
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
system-core 0.1.3 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Fixed for correct log scale. However still have problem with kernel giving empty rootstates list. So get drop outs to zero.
tutorial-gettingstarted 0.1.0 ► Internal refactoring and switch back to dynamic import
► internal refactoring
► internal refactoring
► internal refactoring
► Updates
► Remove "ten60" from getting started code module
► Update
► no longer use dynamic import for getting started example code module
► Moving getting started tutorial code to new high level package name and location
► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored XRL namespace to
► port to SM2
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Restructing
► Restructing
► Exploring <mapper2>
► groovy -> gy
► Change groovy program suffix so that they don't trigger special handling in IntelliJ
► Refactored all httpRequest and httpResponse to slash paths
► Change tutorial to use Dynamic Import
► Tutorial now using dynamic import into Frontend Fulcrum
► Remove class files
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor updates
► Minor updates
► Minor updates to match Getting Started Guide
► Candidate documentation for the tutorial module.
► Includes endpoint descriptions, documentation page, etc.
► Proposes names for files, locations, etc.
► Candidate documentation for the tutorial module.
► Includes endpoint descriptions, documentation page, etc.
► Proposes names for files, locations, etc.
► Candidate documentation for the tutorial module.
► Includes endpoint descriptions, documentation page, etc.
► Proposes names for files, locations, etc.
► Candidate documentation for the tutorial module.
► Includes endpoint descriptions, documentation page, etc.
► Proposes names for files, locations, etc.
► Extensive reogranization of the tutorial module.
► Includes clean interface with the start of endpoint documentation
► and pages of documentation.
► Extensive reogranization of the tutorial module.
► Includes clean interface with the start of endpoint documentation
► and pages of documentation.
► Extensive reogranization of the tutorial module.
► Includes clean interface with the start of endpoint documentation
► and pages of documentation.
► Extensive reogranization of the tutorial module.
► Includes clean interface with the start of endpoint documentation
► and pages of documentation.
► Delete IntelliJ build file
► Adding tutorial module to standard NetKernel
► Add "Copyright" as text
► Add "Copyright" as text
twitter 0.1.2 ► No description available
web-core 0.1.2 ► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Documentation updates
xml-core 0.1.3 ► Refactored xmlns:nk to ""
► Refactored active grammar to remove type
► Refactor of standard module package name
► Porting to SM2
► Documentation update
► Documentation updates
► General updates
► Changing the location of the XML assert library
► Changing the location of the assert library
► ability to handle null operands
► Refactored - moved the XML->HDS transreptors into layer1
► Added assertion library
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Refactored xml.core
► Refactored name
► Refactored helpers
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Minor conformance updates
► Fixed doctype when serializing.
► Added Entity Name to ensure this can be used to resolve relative entity references.
► Typo in active:xsltc
► Reviewed Entity Resolution and tightened up so that NKFURIResolver is the single impl of URIResolver and also made return SAXSource with SystemId. Now successfully runs docbook stylesheets.
► Fixed case when resource is already a SAXHead.
► Fixed dependency on layer1
Mon, Mar 30, 2009
apposite 0.1.13 ► No description available
lang-groovy 0.1.3 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 0.1.4 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.9 ► Move JavaDoc engine
► Move documentation engines from wiki core to doc application
► Added method indexing as a search extractor
► Move JavaDoc engine
► Move documentation engines from wiki core to doc application
► Documentation update
Sat, Mar 28, 2009
apposite 0.1.12 ► Documentation update
bootloader 0.1.5 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.5 ► No description available
module-standard 0.1.2 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.6 ► No description available
Thu, Mar 26, 2009
apposite 0.1.8 ► No description available
bootloader 0.1.4 ► No description available
database-relational 0.1.1 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.3 ► Irrelevant comment changed to test build versioning on core stem modules.
► Generalized so that [[arg:xxx]] substitutions are done in the identifer too.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.3 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.3 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.6 ► Documentation updates
► Minor updates to the documentation wiki engine
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Fixed copyright character
► General updates
► General updates
nkse-search 0.1.3 ► No description available
system-core 0.1.2 ► No description available
xml-core 0.1.2 ► No description available
Fri, Mar 20, 2009
apposite 0.1.5 ► Added continuation pattern
► Added contuations for apposite.
► Added httpProxy setup.
► Hard won merge query for repository.xml to DB without upsetting primary keys.
► set cache size to 2MB from default of 16MB!
► Intermediate scaffolding for new apposite client.
► Change to Preview 5
► Added AJAX status
► Intermediate scaffolding for new apposite client.
bootloader 0.1.3 ► Change to Preview 5
http-client 0.1.2 ► No description available
lang-groovy 0.1.2 ► No description available
lang-xrl 0.1.1 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.1 ► No description available
module-standard 0.1.1 ► Fixed depth of import uniqueness in mapper2.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.2 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.2 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.3 ► Fixed NPE if base null.
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates and additions about transports
► Documentation updates and additions about transreptors
► Updating documentation on <mapper2>
► Updating documentation on <mapper2>
► Exploring <mapper2>
► Expunging BeanShell
► Change to Preview 5
► Change to Preview 5
► Change to Preview 5
► Update NetKernel setup to new JAR file name structure and the debug scripts.
pds-core 0.1.1 ► No description available
security-core 0.1.2 ► No description available
system-core 0.1.1 ► fixed NPE in memory monitor in Jar boot.
► Made init faster by doing a single kernel restart.
xml-core 0.1.1 ► No description available
Tue, Mar 10, 2009
apposite 0.1.2 ► No description available
bootloader 0.1.2 ► No description available
email-core 0.1.0 ► Minor updates for Preview 4
► Documentation updates
► Minor code cleanup
► Cleaned up java imports.
► Added docs
► Debugged the sendmail tested with TLS and plain connection
► Added a first pass at the sendmail accessor. Does roundtrip to the smtp server. Authenticated/SSL/TLS connection needs debugging.
► First commit
► Initial import.
http-client 0.1.1 ► No description available
lang-freemarker 0.1.1 ► No description available
lang-groovy 0.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-control-panel 0.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.2 ► Removed Batik SVG renderer into a separate library
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.1 ► No description available
nkse-search 0.1.2 ► No description available
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.3 ► Removed Beanshell dependency.
► Updated with new flushed MD5 verification
► Updated with new flushed MD5 verification
photonk 0.1.0 ► No description available
security-core 0.1.1 ► No description available
soap-ws 0.1.0 ► Update XUnit tests
► Documentation updates for Preview 4
► Fix domain model assertion
► Updates to SOAP client module. Added depth to examples in documentation. Added additional test assertions
► Using 1060 code style and reverted back to Peter's optimization on exit
► Reverted back to Peter's optimization on exit
► Code restructured for clarity and reverted back to Peter's optimization on exit
► Documentation updates
► Updates to SOAP assertion library
► Documentation and assertion updates for SOAP
► Added framework for SOAP message assertion library and first assert wsSOAPMessageValid as a template
► Minor code cleanup
► Refactored wsProcessSOAPMessagePart into set of classes, e.g. wsSOAPAddBody. Retained old original class at this commit point.
► Update SOAP code, documentation and tests to make them consistent.
► Update SOAP code, documentation and tests to make them consistent.
► Update wsNewSOAPMessage code, documentation and tests to make them consistent.
► Initial import.
twitter 0.1.0 ► No description available
web-core 0.1.1 ► No description available
Tue, Mar 10, 2009
1060-NetKernel-SE 4.0.0
Community Distribution

More information available here:

Mon, Mar 9, 2009
bootloader 0.1.0 ► Adding debug startup scripts that increase JRE memory and open a debug port on TCP/IP port 8888
► Updates for Preview 4
► Update XRL documentation
► Added message for run level transition starting
► Change Preview 1 -> Preview 2
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► butterfield got it wrong again.
► refactor layer0
► refactor layer0
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
cache-se 0.1.0 ► fix infinite loop in threshold anealing
► cache boost
► added depth table to optimize primary tables hashcodes
► First checkin
► refactor kernel
► refactor layer0
database-relational 0.1.0 ► No description available
http-client 0.1.0 ► No description available
http-server 0.1.0 ► No description available
kernel 0.1.0 ► fixed timing code
► update
► forced additional dependencies not to effect scope
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► scheduler2 package
► scheduler2 package
► scheduler2 package
► scheduler2 package
► new scheduler package
► new scheduler package
► new scheduler package
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► fix dependency accumulation when exceptions thrown inside primary
► Reconstructing Build
► Added extra out of memory stability
► removed from kernel
► PendingRequestMap no longer needed
► fixed comment blocks
► Changed interface to getSpaces to give ISpaceWithIdentity
► update
► added request headers
► cache boost
► Changed interface to getSpaces to give ISpaceWithIdentity
► refactor kernel
► refactor kernel
► refactor kernel
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Fixed NPE when no TDCapture
► Fixed escaping of XML in toString().
► using varargs on ILogger and IMessages
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
lang-beanshell 0.1.0 ► No description available
lang-freemarker 0.1.0 ► No description available
lang-groovy 0.1.0 ► No description available
lang-xrl 0.1.0 ► No description available
layer0 0.1.0 ► Fixed validation to support literals
► fix $ escaping issue
► removed synchronized blocks and std dev stats
► Try a new Builder for HDS
► Remove unecessary "abstract" on interface method declarations
► Alternate HDS Builder to test alternate semantics. This requires explicit pushNode() and popNode() to change levels which keeps things more clear in source code.
► Added toString() for HDSNodeListImpl
► Added log message when run level is about to change
► Adding optimizing HDS builder
► Change XPath search from reverse to forward document search
► Documentation update to IHDSNode
► Added changed detection to init modules.xml
► bug in namespace resolution when converting from hds to dom
► Added better request header support
► Process state introspection
► Removed ProxyNull - it was unnecessary.
► Fixed double reload of changed module.
► Fixed double reload of changed module.
► Fixed InOrderTraversal algorithm - unit test is in layer1 hds tests
► Fixed attribute @name bug in DOM parser
► Added module lookup from space.
► Added getIdentifier() to IModuleMeta
► removed allParts functionality as it didn't work fully
► removed allParts functionality as it didn't work fully
► Added XML serializer so that we can decouple ext system from xml core.
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► added request headers
► Renamed spacePart to spaceElement
► removed unused force argument from parse method
► fixes to complex cases in BNF (nested choices/interleaves)
► added transreptForResponse method
► added +/- to integer regex
► Removed some old 'helper' and changed to 'context'
► Reconstructing Build
► cache boost
► refactored spacePart to spaceElement
► moved HDS to layer0
► refactor kernel
layer1 0.1.0 ► No description available
module-standard 0.1.0 ► propagate request headers
► now preserves resolution order of endpoints
► made branch merge tolerant on non-existent targets
► Added getIdentifier() to IModuleMeta
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► NKF name refactor
► Removed some old 'helper' and changed to 'context'
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► Refactored all ffcpl:/ to res:/
► refactor kernel
nk3-classic 0.1.0 ► Documentation restructuring
► Added getIdentifier() to IModuleMeta
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► refactor kernel
► refactor layer0
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
► Using varargs on ILogger and IMessages
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
nkse-control-panel 0.1.0 ► Added styles for tabbed cpanel.
► Initial import.
nkse-dev-tools 0.1.0 ► No description available
nkse-docs 0.1.0 ► Minor updates for Preview 4
► Updates for Preview 4
► Updates for Preview 4
► Updates for Preview 4
► Updates for Preview 4
► Updates for Preview 4
► Updates for Preview 4
► Updates for Preview 4
► Documentation update
► Updated HDSBuilder page
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► HDS documentation update
► Documentation update
► Developer Guide Standard Module documentation update
► Change directory name
► Renamed to correct file name
► Create widget subdirectory
► Updates to the Standard Module section of the Developer's Guide
► Various updates
► Tutorial widget portion is ready for review
► Partial update of tutorials
► Tutorial updates
► IntelliJ Setup Tutorial
► Progress on Tutorial Guide - adding setup and basics
► Tutorial Guide structure for Preview 3
► Start of Active Widget Tutorial
► Dynamic Widget Tutorial
► First widget tutorial
► Interim Doc changes
► Added structure to the Tutorial Guide
► Tutorial building a simple web site
► Remove incorrectly named document subdirectory (Readme)
► updates
► Finished creating a separate Readme book
► restructure
► restructure
► restructure
► Restructure
► Documentation restructuring
► Documentation restructuring
► Documentation updates
► Documentation updates
► Developer Guide updates
► Developer Guide updates
► Developer Guide updates
► Glossary updates
► Glossary updates
► Glossary updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Final changes to Getting Started for Preview 2 release
► Refinements to terminology, especially "Identifier"
► Spell-checked Getting Started Guide
► Address -> Identifier in Getting Started
► Address -> Identifier in Getting Started
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Minor documentation updates
► Change Preview 1 -> Preview 2
► Adding Concept-First tour to Getting Started Guide
► Adding Concept-First tour to Getting Started Guide
► Adding Concept-First tour to Getting Started Guide
► Adding Concept-First tour to Getting Started Guide
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor updates to match documentation
► Minor Documentation updates
► Minor Documentation updates
► Documentation update - update Getting Started Guide
► Documentation update - changing to physical endpoints
► Documentation update
► Updates to Getting Started Guide.
► Updates preparing for NetKernel 4 preview 2 release
► Updates preparing for NetKernel 4 preview 2 release
► Minor updates to documentation
► Minor updates to documentation
► Color changes to standard palette
► Minor updates to documentation
► Minor refactoring to use external SVG files.
► Reorganization
► Documentation restructuring
► Documentation Update
► Minor documentation edits
► Minor documentation edits
► Minor documentation edits
► Remove old style diagrams
► Remove old style diagrams
► Remove old style diagrams
► Architect's Guide update
► Scope documentation update (partial)
► Request processing documentation updated and made consistent.
► "request" documentation restructuring
► Documentation update for PV 1
► Architects' Guide updates for PV 1
► Getting Started Guide update (near final for PV1)
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Cropped image
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Documentation update
► Remove document in process in preparation for the Preview 1 release
► Updating documentation
► Updating documentation
► Updating documentation
► Updating documentation
► Updating documentation
► Updating standard module documentation
► Updating standard module documentation
► Documentation update
► Beginning structure for the NetKernel documentation books
► Beginning structure for the NetKernel documentation books
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Minor code cleanup
► Changed in-line code style to have a font size of 100% instead of 90%
► Moved search app our to nkse:search
► Documentation updates
► Updates to control panel
► Added relative documentation context so that doc engine can find resources in the doc source context.
► Optimized by eliminating redundant PBVs
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Add "Copyright" as text
► Add "Copyright" as text
► refactored to make the module look more comprehensible (and efficient)
► Tidied and optimized.
► Added navbar
► Added hash linking to parts in context browser.
► Added books
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Updates to the {javadoc} and {javadocclass} documentation macros
► Remove yellow from {javadoc} macro output
► Changing the doc engine system to wrap returned XHTML text in a <span> instead of a <div> block
► Also adding a prototype javadoc markup engine
► Added IgnoreEngine to support the {ignore} ... {/ignore} macro processing tag.
► Change SVG engine to strip off PI from external SVG document.
► Add AuthorNote engine.
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► renamed subRequest to Request in NKF
► optimized to use xsltc
► Source now gives String.class
► Refactored wink to wiki
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Added books
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
nkse-http-fulcrum-backend 0.1.0 ► No description available
nkse-search 0.1.0 ► Initial import.
► Moved search app here from doc app.
► Moved here from doc app.
► Initial import.
nkse-unit-tests 0.1.2 ► Update XUnit tests
► Changed to res:/test/ space and all tests and operational
► Changed to res:/test/ space
► Changed to res:/test/ space
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► Update XUnit tests
► changed a failing test to "notest"
► <notest> for Groovy bugs
► Move tests to res:/test/
► Update Groovy tests
► Minor test updates for Groovy
► Change Groovy tests to new "standard" language test structure.
► Additions to Groovy language testing
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Added set tests.
► Added stress tester
► Initial import.
► Fixed hex dump formatting to be standard and added md5sum etc.
► Initial import.
► Initial import.
► Updated tests to new <identifier> syntax
► Update XUnit tests
► Changed to res:/test/ space and all tests and operational
► Moving tests to res:/test
► Add limiters
► Update mod-db tests
► Update database tests
► Add tests for active:sqlBooleanQuery
► Update mod:db tests
► Restructure mod:db tests
► Fixed bug in based database testing approach
► Updates to database tests
► First working mod-db test
► Adding mod-db tests
► mod-db module tests
► mod-db module tests
► mod-db module tests
► mod-db module tests
► Update XUnit tests
► Changing the location of the XML assert library
► Changed to res:/test/ space and all tests and operational
► Move tests to res:/test/
► Remove print statements from tests
► Try a new Builder for HDS
► Adding new tests for HDS that focus on use case scenarios
► Removed System.out.println from test code
► Add limiters
► Update HDS assertions
► Update structure for tests
► Change assert library location in space so it can be imported by other testing modules
► Change remainder of HDS tests to use HDSOptimizingBuilder
► Added tests that include HDSOptimizingBuilder
► Remove uneeded popNode() in HDSBuilder examples
► Remove older HDS tests
► Update HDS tests and assertions
► Update to HDS tests
► Reorganized HDS test structure
► Add new HDS tests for XPath
► Updated HDS Path / Value test assert
► Additional HDS tests
► First HDS test and custom assertions
► Setup test structure for layer0 testing
► mod-db module tests
► mod-db module tests
► mod-db module tests
► Update XUnit tests
► Minor formatting changes
► Changed to res:/test/ space and all tests and operational
► update tests
► Test updates
► Updates to Freemarker testing
► Freemarker test update
► Adding Freemarker tests
► Adding Freemarker test module
► Adding Freemarker test module
► Adding Freemarker test module
► Update XUnit tests
► Changing the location of the XML assert library
► Restore mistakenly deleted files
► Remove old files
► Add limiters
► Removed runlevel tests as new kernel properly kills test process.
► Initial import.
► Update XUnit tests
► Changing the location of the XML assert library
► Change test space to res:/test/
► update tests
► Layer1 tests moved to standard directory structure.
► Fixed bug in file: scheme tests that left directories after testing
► Add test for the jar: scheme
► Update transreption tests
► test update
► Tests for scratch: scheme.
► Update tests
► Beginnings of scratch tests
► Goldern Accessor tests
► Added tests for the data: scheme
► Update to file: scheme tests
► Update to file: scheme tests
► Additional file: scheme tests
► New file: scheme test
► More file: scheme testing
► Made file: scheme test fully ROC stateless and independent
► Additional file: scheme test
► Fixed a bug in file: scheme tests
► file: scheme tests
► Add file: scheme tests
► Added Dynamic Import tests.
► Initial import.
pds-core 0.1.0 ► No description available
security-core 0.1.0 ► No description available
system-core 0.1.0 ► Minor code cleanup
► Added class and cache size state
► Remove wayward import that blocks compilations
► Factored out common code to BootUtils
► Moved spaceHDSAggregator to layer1
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► Process state introspection
► added moduleDependencies
► netkernel:/config/ no longer expired - needs a configuraiton chance listener dependency function.
► Tightened error handling when no init.modules set.
► Removed xml core import
► Removed IXDAReadOnly dependency and so decoupled the module from xml core.
► Added kernel:/
► Added source metadata
► refactor NKF
► NKF name refactor
► moved IRepDeployedModules over to HDS
► ensure that part id is only indexed if it isn't delegated, i.e. we only index the origin
► refactored spacePart to spaceElement
► Changed to go direct to kernel for public spaces.
► Added module wormhole accessor
► Refactored org.netkernel.ext.system
► Refactored to org.netkernel
► Changed name
► Added ModuleHDSAggregator
► refactor layer0
► refactored kernel to org.netkernel
► Added grammarRuntime
► Refactored xml.core
► Major refactor of context to space and helper to context.
web-core 0.1.0 ► Remove publication of documentation for Preview 4
► Initial import.
xml-core 0.1.0 ► No description available